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Sidney Powell has jumped to the forefront of leading the charge exposing the voter fraud that led to the Democrats and the Mainstream Media crowning Joe Biden the President Elect. If Sidney can expose the corruption and theft of the election by Dominion, then this election can be overturned in unprecedented fashion. However, this could go even further in completely taking down the Deep State.
Think about it: If there indeed was voter fraud with the intention of cheating President Donald Trump out of winning this election and declaring Joe Biden the winner, this would be the biggest scandal in the history of our country. In fact, this would probably expose just how deep the Deep State goes. On top of that, if you pull this first thread, the whole thing might unravel. COVID-19. Black Lives Matter. RussiaGate. Mueller Probe. Chinese Communist Party. The whole thing could be one giant conspiracy that, if Sidney Powell can pull off this investigation, could finally lead to the arrests conservatives and MAGA supporters have been calling for. Lock them up! Drain the Swamp! Release the Kraken!
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