During the 2016 Election, the Democrats continually accused Donald Trump of being a threat to our national security. They said that his “tough guy” attitude and his unpredictable rhetoric would bring about World War III within a matter of months if he were elected. Well, he won the election that year, obviously, and the critics were proven wrong. World War III didn’t happen. In fact, he got us out of wars, was the first president in my lifetime to not start any new wars and actually brought peace to the Middle East.
Contrast the four years of peace that we had under Trump with the first two months of Alleged President Joe Biden’s “presidency.” He’s already bombed Syria. His administration has publicly stated that they are prepared to go to war with North Korea. Biden just came out and said that Putin has no soul, to which Vladimir responded that he wishes Joe “good health.” And then the current administration is entering into discussion with China from a position of weakness. Overall, it’s clear that the foreign policy of the Biden administration is nothing short of horrific for the national security of America.
The constant phrase coming out of the Biden team is that “America is back!” Unfortunately, I would agree. America has gone back to being led by the typical Washington DC warmongers that have gotten us into war after war for the past several decades. You have to remember that war is big business…. Billions of dollars worth of big business. When America goes to war, the swamp gets richer. It’s no wonder that the King of the Swamp, Joe Biden, is doing everything he can to get us back into multiple wars.
Again, compare this mentality with that of Trump’s presidency. President Trump took a position of strength, combined with finding common ground for the purpose of avoiding unnecessary wars. Alleged President Biden takes the completely opposite approach. He takes a position of weakness, while at the same time stoking the fires and inflaming the situation, which will do nothing but lead us back to war.
At what point will the America people realize that we must stop voting in the swamp? The swamp wants us to go to war. The swamp wants centralized power. The swamp doesn’t want what’s best for America. The swamp is our enemy.
We are facing an unprecedented next few years with the Democrats in control of the Federal Government. It’s entirely possible that, if they accomplish their goals, we are approaching the end of America as we know it. No more freedom, liberty or opportunity. It is key that we do not let up, that we continue to fight, clean up our election system and get true American Conservative Patriots in office during the 2022 mid-term elections. If we do not, I fear that we are facing World War III and the end of the United States of America.