This afternoon, The Two Mikes spoke to one another about a number of issues. Colonial Mike reminded us that America recently celebrated the first anniversary of the martyrdom of St. George Floyd of Thugs and Addicts.
(Note: This podcast was recorded on the anniversary of George Floyd’s death.)
We also noted that this occasion is so vital to the republic’s future that the Secretary of State ordered that the flag of sexual depravity be flown next to Old Glory at all U.S. embassies and consulates around the world.
We also discussed the insanity of equating 9/11 and 1/6. The only commonality in the dates is that both were disasters inflicted on the American people by their national government.
We also noted that the Capitol building is and ought to be revered by Americans, but at the end of the day it is only a building and so is expendable, it always can be rebuilt.
Indeed, since 1945 its has been a house of shame from which the people’s so-called representatives have inflicted myriad, always lost foreign wars on our youngsters, depressions, recessions, extortionate taxes, unwanted and unneeded immigrants, authoritarian laws, unending war on the Constitution and Bill of Rights, 61 million dead infants, trillions of dollars in foreign aid that intentionally deprived Americans of needed income, and interminable lies on every conceivable subject.
As noted, the Capitol stands for the moment, but the day is coming when the vermin will be evicted.
When that occurs it maybe the beginning of wisdom to destroy it and start again.
After all, it is likely that not even Hercules could clean the premises of the filth we would find left behind by the vermin.