We live in the United States of America. The foundation of our nation was built on freedom and throughout our history those freedoms have been expanding until very recently. We started off well and made things better by protecting the rights of minorities, women, and oppressed classes. Things were heading in the right direction for our constitutional republic until recent decades when the nanny state began its evil rise.
We’re witnessing the culmination of this rise today as vaccine tyranny has taken hold and is spreading across the nation. Before anyone starts to object based on their own decision to get vaccinated, this is NOT an “anti-vaxx” article. This is about freedom. If you have been or intend to get vaccinated against Covid-19, I support your choice wholeheartedly. I simply demand that you respect our choice to not get vaccinated.
Let’s start off with what should be blatantly obvious to everyone by now, but for some reason the indoctrination has overruled the facts. These vaccines offer, at best, negligible protection against contracting Covid-19. Some data seems to support the argument that vaccinated individuals are more susceptible to the Delta Variant and other new variants than the unvaccinated, but let’s dismiss that for now.
There is enough data to definitively support the claim that the vaccines do not prevent Covid-19 from spreading. According to MyNorthwest, the vaccines do not stop the Delta Variant at all. That’s not to say there are no benefits to getting vaccinated even if the data sources are tainted. Most vaccine-skeptical doctors acknowledge that the vaccines seem to mitigate symptoms from the disease. Unfortunately, this component of the vaccine-push has been overblown tremendously with tortured data and agenda-driven selective dissemination.
For example, the claim that 99.5% of Covid-19 deaths are of unvaccinated people is flawed in nearly every possible way. First, the data point starts the day the first person was officially vaccinated in America. On that day and likely for at least a few weeks after that, 100% of the deaths attributed to Covid-19 were unvaccinated people because the vaccines had not been rolled out to the masses at that point. Keep in mind, this was in the winter at the peak of Covid-19 deaths, so right off the bat the data is drawing from an unfair data set. It got a “head start,” so to speak, to favor getting vaccinated because tens of thousands of deaths attributed to Covid-19 were of people who did not have access to the vaccines at the time.
Then, of course, we have the admission by CDC Director Rochelle Walensky herself that the 99.5% claim was junk. Despite the admission, mainstream media and Anthony Fauci continue to push this debunked factoid because they know that it’s effective. Search for the term “99.5%” on your favorite social media site and you’ll find thousands of people are still using the claim in their arguments to push vaccines.
There are the risks from the vaccines that mainstream media absolutely refuses to cover and at times actively and aggressively suppresses the news. Last week, we reported on a bombshell out of Israeli media that received the suppression treatment in the United States:
Dr. Kobi Haviv is not just any doctor. He’s world-renowned for his work on Covid-19 treatments, particularly aiding patients who have acute respiratory ailments as a result. One would think an interview with him explaining the growing problems Israel is facing with Covid-19 hospitalizations would be newsworthy in the United States, but there has been a media blackout.
Why? Because he had the gall to utter the phrase, “Yes, unfortunately the vaccine… as they say, its effectiveness is waning.”
But during the interview, he laid out other bombshells concerning the hospitalization rates in Israel as they relate to vaccinated versus unvaccinated patients. As The Gateway Pundit reported:
According to Dr. Haviv, the vaccinated account for 85-90% of all new hospitalizations and 95% of “severe” cases at the Herzog Medical Center in Jerusalem.
He explains how one infected patient will spread the virus to “a large number of people” and that it doesn’t just happen “here or there,” it’s happening frequently.
According to their health officials, the majority of Israelis have been fully vaccinated, including 85% of those who are eligible. Out of the estimated 9.3 million citizens, 5.8 million have received at least one shot and 5.4 million are fully vaccinated.
Despite most of them taking the jab, the country has seen a quick spike in cases that has resulted in more daily positive test results than they had on the same day last year. On Thursday they had 3,843 new cases.
The Israeli Health Ministry used the data to justify tightening restrictions for their authoritarian vaccine passports. After their emergency vote on Thursday, citizens are now required to provide proof of vaccination, a positive test, or proof that they recovered recently from the virus to participate in most indoor and outdoor activities.
This includes gyms, restaurants, and parks. Synagogues and houses of worship were originally included in the expanded restrictions but they were taken out at the last minute.
Here’s the interview with English subtitles:
Doctors we’ve talked to in the United States, including Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, Dr. Karladine Graves, and others have been warning this would happen for months. The majority that we’ve interviewed do not believe these are actually even “vaccines” but rather experimental injections that have taken on the “vaccine” label for the sake of political expediency.
Meanwhile, people continue to die from the injections, including children.
It’s career suicide for American journalists to report on such things. The Big Tech banhammer comes down hard on those who share it. But real science needs its day in the sun, so we’ll continue to report it.
As I said in the beginning, this is not a sales pitch to get people to turn “anti-vaxx.” This is about freedom, and right now our freedoms are being limited wholesale in a way that makes absolutely no sense. The science does not support mandating vaccines. It never has. In fact, in the months leading up to the release of the vaccines through Emergency Use Authorization, mainstream media was busy quoting scientists and doctors who claimed various ranges of vaccination rates necessary to achieve herd immunity. The range was wide, but the bulk of them fell into the 35%-50% set. Well, mission accomplished. George W. Bush should get on the deck of an aircraft carrier and make the declaration any day now.
Today, San Francisco declared that the unvaccinated will not be allowed to enter most businesses. As I reported earlier:
It started with New York City which mandated proof of at least one jab. Marxists in San Francisco are taking it a step further by mandating proof of full “vaccination” status for entry into most indoor businesses. According to SF Gate:
San Francisco is set to become the second major city in the United States to require many indoor businesses to screen customers for proof of COVID-19 vaccination.
The San Francisco Chronicle and KGO (ABC7) both reported that Mayor London Breed plans to make the formal announcement of the policy at an 11:00 a.m. Thursday briefing. (SFGATE and the San Francisco Chronicle are both owned by Hearst but operate independently of one another.) Supervisor Matt Haney later tweeted confirmation of the announcement.
The new policy is expected to apply to high-risk indoor businesses such as restaurants, bars and gyms.
New York was the first large city to announce such a rule last week. The Chronicle reported that San Francisco’s mandate will go further, as full proof of vaccination is required to enter indoor spaces, whereas in New York, customers only needed to show proof of one dose.
Many San Francisco restaurants and bars are already requiring proof of vaccination for entry, but the new order would make such screening mandatory.
New York plans to enforce its order through fines beginning in September. It is currently unclear how San Francisco’s order would be enforced and when it is expected to take effect.
The race is on to see which state will be the first to implement similar draconian mandates. But both New York and California are in flux politically as former Governor Andrew Cuomo is transitioning out and Governor Gavin Newsom is in the middle of a recall election. If they don’t get their situations figured out soon, one of the other communist governors in the country might beat them to the punch.
As we’ve long-warned our readers, the time to fight vaccine mandates is NOT when they are implemented, and it’s definitely NOT at the 2022 ballot box. Pandemic Panic Theater is moving as fast as the Neo-Marxists can push it. Patriots, whether vaccinated or not, must stand up and demand our government stop this push for segregation and oppression. What’s happening in cities like San Francisco and New York is anti-American and it threatens to spread across the nation.
Vaccines are a matter of choice. Those who choose to not get vaccinated, perhaps because they already have natural immunity or because they have health issues that prohibit them from taking such risks, should not be forced to decide whether they must move out of a city because it will no longer provide them services.
California was on the path to becoming like a third-world country before the pandemic. Now, they have the predicate to make it all official. And as usual, San Francisco is leading the way.
This is going to spread rapidly as authoritarians jealously watch the policies taking effect in their favorite radical progressive cities. They will follow suit. The only reason we’re not hearing about this as a potential statewide mandate in California yet is because Governor Gavin Newsom still has a recall election to face in a little over a month. If he wins, they will begin moving towards a statewide vaccine mandate.
As a California resident, I will fight this. But I do not anticipate victory. We are already looking for the escape hatch to redder pastures, just in case Newsom wins and California turns into hell for the unvaccinated.
It isn’t just governments that we’re fighting. Businesses and entire industries are eliminating access to jobs, services, education, and travel based solely on our vaccine choices. The “free market” operates properly 99% of the time, but this is a scenario in which the free market is getting it wrong. Would there be outrage if businesses prohibited HIV-positive people from working (porn industry notwithstanding) or shopping there? Of course. It would be discrimination just as vaccine mandates are discrimination.
Those who endorse universal vaccinations need to consider whether they want to use the tyrannical method. Right now, we are all fighting in a war of ideas. Thanks to the massive reach of mainstream media and censorship by Big Tech, the vaccine-pushers are winning. Around half of the adult population in America has already received full-vaccination status and nearly three-fourths have received at least a single injection.
But they’re facing a stubborn bunch of holdouts, namely us. As long as this is a war of ideas, everyone should be happy. Forcing people to choose between getting injected or living life with major challenges to our livelihood and access is not acceptable, not in America. Pro-Vaxxers should recognize this. They should also recognize the slippery slope they’re endorsing when they support discriminatory mandates of any kind. Today, it’s proof of vaccines. Tomorrow, it’s proof of boosters. After that, it’s proof of daily tests since we’ve already seen the vaccines do not stop the spread of Covid-19.
Lest we forget, this is a disease that has a 99.96% recovery rate for anyone under the age of 45. The vast majority of deaths have been among the elderly, and studies continue to pop up every week showing that early attribution to Covid-19 for a good chunk of those deaths was inaccurate. Many died from other causes but the presence of Covid-19 in their system at the time of death had them listed as Covid deaths. Remember the infamous gunshot victim who died of Covid?
I am calling on all Americans who value freedom and who will not succumb to the massive gaslighting campaigns currently underway to stand with us against this discrimination and tyranny. If you have not been vaccinated, you must stand up for your rights. If you have been vaccinated, you must stand against this oppression of your fellow Americans. You don’t have to agree with our stance on vaccines in order to help us defend the Constitution.
The founding fathers covered just about everything they needed to cover in the Bill of Rights, but they left out medical tyranny. The reason is obvious: They could not envision any country, let alone a free one, that would subvert the healthcare rights of its own citizens. It’s ludicrous prima facie, yet far too many Americans have embraced the dystopian future the powers-that-be are creating for us.
Those who embrace vaccine mandates embrace the coming police state. Period.
This is not about healthcare. It’s about subjugation. It’s about controlling the masses through something they’re told they need and forcing the rest of us to comply or live life as the oppressed.