The Bill McIntosh Show sat down with Andre DiMino of the Italian American One Voice Coalition to discuss the attack on Columbus Day that owes much of its impetus to the late, Howard Zinn who wrote the book A People’s History of the United States. Zinn’s scholarship, if it can be termed as such, has been useful in undermining our esteem for Columbus whose impact on the United States and our self identity should not be underestimated. Basic knowledge of our American history and civic culture points to this fact.
We have upwards to 54 communities and places that have Columbus or some variant of the explorer’s surname as its name. The most important of these is Washington, DC or the District of Columbia. Recall also that the name of the Apollo 11 Command module for the first manned mission to the surface of the moon was named “Columbia”. Thus the explorer’s name is woven into the memory and self identity of our nation.
The fight against Columbus leads us to remember the insightful words of the late Yuri Bezmenov who was a Soviet defector and one time communist propagandist who once revealed the 4 stages of Communist revolution in an interview available on YouTube. The first stage, that can take 15- 20 years is demoralization. It relies upon educating an entire generation with the ideology of the enemy.
What better way to demoralize an enemy nation than to get its people to doubt the greatness and exemplary qualities of its most important heroes? This is being done by attacking Columbus and brainwashing American students to believe that slavery was a creation of the Europeans with Columbus leading the way. In fact slavery is a universal evil predating Columbus and was being practiced by natives in the Western Hemisphere who also engaged in ritual human sacrifice on a wide scale and cannibalism.
President Benjamin Harrison’s 1892 proclamation to encourage celebration of October 12th as the day of discovery of America had much to do as an atonement for the barbaric mass lynching of 11 Italians in New Orleans in 1891. Oddly the replacement of Columbus Day with the celebration of Indigenous People’s Day on the day reserved to revere the memory of the great navigator and the discovery of America constitutes a government sanctioned act of collective discrimination against one ethnic group who get “kicked off” the calendar to benefit another. This is outrageous and utterly unsound and patently unjust historically speaking. Dimino cited the 1500 Italians who fought in the American Revolution.
There were also two signatories to the Declaration of Independence of Italian descent-William Paca and Caesar Rodney. In the Second World War, Americans of Italian descent were the largest ethnicity to serve in that conflict. Moreover, Columbus is emblematic of European White Culture. Isnt it funny how the mere statement that “all lives matter” enrages the Marxist founded Black Lives Matter group hell bent on obtaining reparations from Whites?
Many Catholic Christians and Christians in general also have great respect for the memory of Columbus as his arrival in the new world marked the beginning of the Christianization of the indigenous people. After seeing so many public displays of recognition of Satanism and litigation on behalf of atheists to quash public prayer, is it any wonder that we see a widespread attack on Columbus and his statuary in America? Might the attacks on Columbus be a veiled attack upon and an expression of hatred against Christianity?
Any person with a modicum of common sense can see that the war against Columbus is a Marxist inspired struggle to divide and demoralize the United States by getting our citizens to doubt the very explorer who began the development of the New World. This must surely be part of the culture war being waged against Christians and Whites in general and “White males” in particular.
The recent uproar that occurred when parents and citizens in Randolph, New Jersey strenuously objected to Columbus being kicked off the public school calendar shows us the way-activism. When they talk Indigenous Peoples Day (Native Americans being a tiny minority) think of this as leftists telling us “you are 2nd class citizens”. It’s high time to raise a ruckus! About this vigorous response to these insidious Marxist schemes against Columbus, Andre DiMIno remarked:
“We want everyone to join with us. When you see them attacking Columbus they’re really attacking the foundations of our culture, not just Italian Americans but America. So stand up, join with us and let’s push back. We’re doing it at the school boards we gotta do it at mayor’s and council meetings, we’re doing it in state’s legislatures, fight for Columbus, fight for America!”
The Italian American One Voice Coalition is open to all Americans regardless of ethnic descent. Its website is