Today, The Two Mikes discussed the dire, near-term danger by which the republic is now confronted. Lieutenant General Thomas McInerney (ret’d) explained that the United States is now under massive cyber and biological attack by Communist Chinese regime and their allies in the Democratic Party, the media, Big Banking and Business, and a substantial part of the U.S. military.
China supplied the biological weapon in the form of the Wuhan-Fauci flu, and the cyber assets that allowed Biden and his team of gangsters to steal the 2020 presidential election.
Fauci and the national government’s medical establishment used the Chinese flu to scare Americans into taking Big Pharma’s poisonous vaccines and they have died in numbers now heading toward a total of one million.
General McInerney also reported that the Covid vaccines and boosters contain nanotechnology that can be used for mind control.
He also noted that at least one major U.S.-based insurance company is saying that it is encountering unprecedented numbers of death in policy holders in the 16-64-year-old cohort.
In the midst of these Chinese-powered attacks, few Americans seem to know that they are now engaged in World War 3.
Beijing’s paid agent Joe Biden and his party’s leaders have augmented China’s aggressive war on the U.S. by ending the the republic’s energy independence; by purposely making inflation worse than it has been in nearly forty years; by defunding police and abetting arsonists and terrorists, and by the arrest-and-release of felons, murderers, rapists, and illegal aliens; and by using the Marxist Critical Race Theory in public schools, universities, the U.S. military academies, and other institutions of learning in the military.
Perhaps the clearest evidence that Biden and his gang fiercely hate all non-elite Americans lies in their deliberately failed withdrawal from Afghanistan and the leaving behind of weapons worth 86 billion U.S.-taxpayer dollars for the Taliban to use against Americans and others.
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