Opinions – Freedom First Network https://freedomfirstnetwork.com There's a thin line between ringing alarm bells and fearmongering. Thu, 03 Oct 2024 14:08:21 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.6.2 https://freedomfirstnetwork.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/10/cropped-Square-32x32.jpg Opinions – Freedom First Network https://freedomfirstnetwork.com 32 32 178281470 Google CEO Eyes Atomic Power for AI Data Centers as Big Tech Seeks Nuclear Revival to Achieve Net Zero https://freedomfirstnetwork.com/google-ceo-eyes-atomic-power-for-ai-data-centers-as-big-tech-seeks-nuclear-revival-to-achieve-net-zero/ https://freedomfirstnetwork.com/google-ceo-eyes-atomic-power-for-ai-data-centers-as-big-tech-seeks-nuclear-revival-to-achieve-net-zero/#respond Thu, 03 Oct 2024 14:08:21 +0000 https://freedomfirstnetwork.com/google-ceo-eyes-atomic-power-for-ai-data-centers-as-big-tech-seeks-nuclear-revival-to-achieve-net-zero/ (Zero Hedge)—Following the news of the Three Mile Island restart plans to power Microsoft’s AI data centers and the revival of Holtec’s Palisades nuclear plant in Michigan, Google CEO Sundar Pichai revealed in an interview with Nikkei Asia in Tokyo on Thursday that the tech giant is exploring the use of nuclear energy as a potential ‘green’ source to power its data centers.

“For the first time in our history, we have this one piece of underlying technology which cuts across everything we do today,” Pichai said of generative AI. He said, “I think the opportunity to do well here is something we are leaning into.”

Three years ago, Google released plans to achieve net-zero emissions by 2030. However, the proliferation of AI data centers has led to a surge in the big tech’s power consumption, which, in return, its greenhouse gas emissions in 2023 jumped 48% more than in 2019 on a carbon-dioxide equivalent basis.

Behind the scenes, Google is likely scrambling to secure green energy and curb emissions as 2030 quickly approaches.

“It was a very ambitious target,” Pichai said of the net-zero emissions targets, “and we will still be working very ambitiously towards it. Obviously, the trajectory of AI investments has added to the scale of the task needed.”

He continued, “We are now looking at additional investments, such as solar, and evaluating technologies like small modular nuclear reactors, etc.”

Nikkei noted that Pichai wasn’t clear on where Google might start sourcing nuclear power. A bulk of that power could come from reviving older nuclear power plants. This is exactly what Microsoft did when it signed a power agreement contract with dormant Three Mile Island on the Susquehanna River near Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.

Recall that just last week, we wrote that Sam Altman-backed Nuclear SMR company Oklo announced it had finalized an agreement with the Department of Energy to advance the next phase of the SMR at the Idaho National Lab. And days ago, the Biden administration closed a $1.52 billion loan with Holtec’s Palisades nuclear plant in Michigan to revive it.

Sachem Cove Partners Chief Investment Officer Michael Alkin told Bloomberg shortly after the Microsoft-Three Mile Island deal, “It’s a wake-up call to those that have not been paying attention,” adding that demand already outstrips the supply of uranium and the restart of Three Mile Island “takes that to a bit of a different level.”

Also, the funding markets are becoming more receptive to nuclear deals as governments and big tech understand the only way to hit ambitious net zero goals is not with solar and wind but with nuclear power. In late December 2020, we outlined to readers that this would happen in a note titled “Buy Uranium: Is This The Beginning Of The Next ESG Craze?”

Furthermore, here’s Goldman’s latest note on uranium prices, which are only expected to “stairstep” higher over time.

https://freedomfirstnetwork.com/google-ceo-eyes-atomic-power-for-ai-data-centers-as-big-tech-seeks-nuclear-revival-to-achieve-net-zero/feed/ 0 226770
The Globalist Elite Cabal’s Plan for Feudalism 2.0—and How You Can Resist https://freedomfirstnetwork.com/the-globalist-elite-cabals-plan-for-feudalism-2-0-and-how-you-can-resist/ https://freedomfirstnetwork.com/the-globalist-elite-cabals-plan-for-feudalism-2-0-and-how-you-can-resist/#respond Thu, 03 Oct 2024 13:45:32 +0000 https://freedomfirstnetwork.com/the-globalist-elite-cabals-plan-for-feudalism-2-0-and-how-you-can-resist/ International Man: There’s little doubt the self-anointed elite are hostile to the middle class, which is on its way to extinction thanks to soaring inflation and taxation.

It seems they would like to implement a kinder and gentler version of feudalism. What is really going on here, and what is the end game?

Doug Casey: The middle class, the bourgeoisie, emerged with the death of feudalism, the inception of the Renaissance, the Enlightenment, and finally, the Industrial Revolution.

“Middle class” has been given a bad connotation in recent times. Leftists want everybody to believe that the bourgeoisie is full of consumerist faults. They’re mocked for being concerned with material well-being and improving their status. The elites feel threatened by them. Unlike the lower class plebs, grunt workers who don’t expect more from life.

Bourgeoisie simply means city dweller. Starting in the late Middle Ages, city dwellers were independent, with their own trades and businesses. Living in towns got them out from under the control of the feudal warrior elites.

Cities became intellectual centers, where the growing wealth of the bourgeoisie—the middle class—gave them the leisure needed to develop science, technology, engineering, literature, and medicine. Universities expanded the idea of education beyond the realm of theology. Commerce and personal freedom attracted the best of the peasants, who rose to the middle class. Cities ended feudalism, a system whereby everyone was born into a class and occupation, and was expected to stay there for life, obligated to pay taxes—protection money—to his “betters”. The rise of the bourgeoisie didn’t suit the ruling classes, who liked dominating society.

Capitalism developed as the bourgeoisie became wealthy. The rest is well-known history, but the point must be made that the creation of the middle class, capitalism, and bourgeois values elevated peasants from poverty and created today’s world.

But, then and now, a certain percentage of the population wants to control everyone else. The types who go to Bilderberg, the World Economic Forum, CFR, and the like see themselves as elite new aristocrats who should dominate the others. Even though most of them came from the middle class, now that they’ve “made it,” they like to pull the ladder up. And if not eliminate, at least neuter or defang the remaining bourgeoisie.

So what’s the end game?

I think it might look something like the movie Rollerball. Keep the plebs entertained while the elite, in the form of a corporate aristocracy, controls society.

International Man: Yuval Harari is a prominent World Economic Forum (WEF) member.

He suggested that the elite should use a universal basic income, drugs, and video games to keep the “useless class” docile and occupied. What is your take on these comments in the context of Feudalism 2.0?

Doug Casey: A nasty little fellow, Harari is what might be termed a court intellectual for the World Economic Forum. He’s there to provide an intellectual patina for the power members, who are basically the businessmen, politicos, and media personalities. They’re not thinkers or interested in ideas but philistines concerned with money and power. Harari gives them an intellectual framework to justify their actions and plans.

As far as his books are concerned, they amount to a lot of generic truisms, obvious observations, justifications of current trends, and a projection of how the world will evolve. As an author and thinker, he’s knowledgeable and intelligent but grossly overrated. He owes his success to promotion from the new wannabe aristocracy and their hangers on. He illustrates the advantages of being hooked up with power people.

Harari has gone from being just another college professor, living with his husband in Israel, to being an internationally famous multi-millionaire pundit.

He expects the “useless eaters” will be maintained on a subsistence basis until they die out. I’m not sure how much the Covid hysteria, followed by the vaccine, has to do with that. It’s becoming quite clear that Covid itself was an artificially constructed flu variant, mainly affecting the very old, very sick, and very overweight. The vaccine is useless in preventing Covid but has caused significant increases in morbidity and mortality among healthy recipients. Was it a trial run to cleanse the world of useless eaters?

I don’t know. But, based on what people like Stalin, Hitler, Mao, and Pol Pot—among many others—have done in recent years, I don’t think it’s out of the question. No doubt, the new aristocracy wants to cement themselves in place. They certainly don’t like rubbing shoulders with the hoi polloi when they visit Venice, Machu Pichu, and the like.

International Man: How does the WEF’s vision of “you will own nothing and be happy” compare to the previous feudal system of medieval Europe?

Doug Casey: Serfs, unlike slaves, had some rights; they owned tools and huts. But their position in society was fixed, they couldn’t easily move—rather like a medieval version of today’s 15-minute city. They had to recognize their betters, and not say anything challenging—like today’s increasingly draconian limits on free speech.

I expect that the gigantic amount of debt in society today will be the means of turning middle-class Americans into serfs. The lower classes are already welfare recipients who produce very little; they’ll soon be replaced by robots.

The better educated ones are buried under their college debts. But everybody is buried under growing credit card debt, auto debt, mortgage debt, and sometimes even tax debt.

If someone makes a lucky capital gain in the stock market or by selling his house, he might spend that money only to find that the government wants 20%, 30%, or 40% of the gain. So the gain, instead of a blessing, becomes a disaster in disguise.

Many people today are burdened by debt, living paycheck to paycheck. They’re barely getting by, under immense pressure to cover food and rent. They’d probably be quite willing to take a deal offering essentially “three hots and a cot,” a tiny apartment, internet, and some extra money to hang around Starbucks.

International Man: How do you see Feudalism 2.0 developing over the coming months and years? What can be done to resist this agenda?

Doug Casey: Trends in motion tend to stay in motion until they reach some type of a crisis—when anything can happen. Let’s look at some economic systems, as spelled out by Karl Marx.

In Communism, the Marxist ideal, the State owns both the means of production (factories, farms, and such) as well as consumer goods (houses, cars, and theoretically, even your clothes). Mao’s China is as close as anyone’s come.

Socialism is a way station to Communism. The State owns the means of production, but individuals can still own consumer goods. There are lots of countries with socialist ideals, but no real socialist countries. Cuba probably comes closest.

Fascism is an economic system where both the means of production and consumer goods are privately owned, but they’re both 100% State-controlled. Most of the world’s countries are fascist. The word was coined by Mussolini; he meant it to describe the melding of the State, corporations, and unions.

Few people know that Marx coined the word “capitalism”. It’s a system where everything is both privately owned and privately controlled. There are no purely capitalist countries.

In feudalism, a lord owns everything but grants fiefs to subordinates. An aristocracy is supported by the plebs through taxation. Feudalism is based on the plebs providing service and taxes to the lord in exchange for “protection” from other lords.

Now for some pure speculation on my part.

Most of the world’s governments, including that of the US, are terminally bankrupt. They’ll prove unable to meet their obligations. Meanwhile, the prospect of wars, secessions, and crime is growing. I suspect wealthy corporations and individuals will wind up supplanting most traditional governments.

The result could be called neo-feudalism.

The average person is looking for someone or something to save him, to kiss everything and make it better, when times get tough. With governments bankrupt and dysfunctional, solvent and powerful individuals and corporations could take their place.

Harari and his pals want to see the plebs given a guaranteed annual income, a place to live, and entertainment until the useless eaters fade away. But it won’t be as neat as Harari’s wet dreams imagine. The world will be chaotic. We may be on our way to an idiocracy as well, where the populace is dumbed down so they don’t get dangerous ideas.

No matter how things sort out, I think we’re looking at a chaotic and dangerous situation in the near term.

I don’t see voting as a solution. Notwithstanding the differences between Harris and Trump, it just amounts to choosing the lesser of two evils, which in this case would certainly be Trump. But even if you elected Mises, Hayek, Ron Paul, or Harry Browne, I’m afraid the tide of history would wash them away.

In any event, your vote doesn’t really count. Or perhaps I should say it counts about as much as a grain of sand on a beach with hundreds of millions of grains of sand. And even then, as Stalin said, it’s not who votes that counts. It’s who counts the votes.

What can you do to resist the shape of things to come?

It’s an uphill fight because if you’re liberty-oriented, you’re part of a tiny minority at odds with the views of most of your fellow citizens, who’ve been indoctrinated by years of schooling, media, and entertainment. Collectivist memes are cemented in their minds. And when they talk to their contemporaries, they tend to mutually reinforce their beliefs.

When you’re in a group, it can be dangerous to have different beliefs, in much the same way that it’s dangerous for a chicken in a flock to have a feather out of place. The other chickens will peck it to death. Reigning ideas tend to be brutally enforced.

What can you do about this?

Other than trying to maintain your personal integrity, there’s not much you can do to roll back the tsunami. There wasn’t much that a freedom-loving Russian could do in 1917, a freedom-loving German could do in 1933, or a freedom-loving Cuban could do in 1959. Or a freedom-loving Venezuelan today.

The best you can do is to try to save yourself, your family, and your like-minded friends. Changing society for the better is a long shot. Although I hope Milei in Argentina proves me wrong.

International Man: What do you suggest individuals do to ensure they don’t become modern serfs if Feudalism 2.0 emerges?

Doug Casey: There are two types of freedom: physical and financial.

From a physical point of view, it’s important not to be tied down the way a serf might be. You don’t want all your possessions to be in one place where they’re easily controlled by the powers that be. Don’t act like a plant. Staying rooted in one place is not an optimum survival strategy for a human in tough times.

The powers that be are interested in controlling other people. It’s best to be a moving target, which makes you much harder to hit.

This is a problem for those of us who think that the US is still the land of the free. It’s not. It’s been devolving for decades. My guess is that over the next few years, perhaps starting with this election, the US will evermore closely resemble the other 200 nation-states that cover the face of the globe like a skin disease.

The single most important thing you can do is internationalize and make sure that all your assets aren’t in one bailiwick, under the control of one government.

From a financial point of view, it gives you the freedom to travel and move, especially with the coming FX controls and CBDCs. Use gold and Bitcoin. You should already have a good stash of both. If you don’t, it’s not too late to start accumulating and transferring assets into them.

Editor’s Note: The months and years ahead will be politically, economically, and socially volatile. What you do to prepare could mean the difference between suffering crippling losses and coming out ahead.

That’s precisely why, legendary investor and NY Times best-selling author Doug Casey just released this urgent report on how to survive and thrive. Click here to download the PDF now.

https://freedomfirstnetwork.com/the-globalist-elite-cabals-plan-for-feudalism-2-0-and-how-you-can-resist/feed/ 0 226768
Former Big Food/Big Pharma Consultant Urges Senate to Rethink Nutritional Guidance and Distrust EVERY Institution https://freedomfirstnetwork.com/former-big-food-big-pharma-consultant-urges-senate-to-rethink-nutritional-guidance-and-distrust-every-institution/ https://freedomfirstnetwork.com/former-big-food-big-pharma-consultant-urges-senate-to-rethink-nutritional-guidance-and-distrust-every-institution/#respond Thu, 03 Oct 2024 12:57:03 +0000 https://freedomfirstnetwork.com/former-big-food-big-pharma-consultant-urges-senate-to-rethink-nutritional-guidance-and-distrust-every-institution/ (Natural News)—In a powerful roundtable discussion hosted by Senator Ron Johnson, health experts issued stark warnings about the prevailing narratives surrounding nutrition and chronic diseases in the United States. The event, titled “American Health and Nutrition: A Second Opinion,” aimed to explore critical questions that have long been dismissed or overlooked.

One of the main organizers of the event – Calley Means – urged the Senate to rethink nutritional guidance and distrust almost every institution.

America’s institutions have lied to the public for decades, misleading people on nutrition, healing from chronic illness

Means, a former consultant for Big Food and Big Pharma, emphasized the need for skepticism regarding the advice offered by major institutions on nutrition and chronic diseases. “Life expectancy has not increased in the past century, and we spend 90 to 95% of all medical spending on chronic issues, yet outcomes remain stagnant,” Means stated.

Means highlighted alarming trends, noting, “Heart disease has risen with increased statin prescriptions. Type 2 diabetes has surged alongside metformin use, and ADHD diagnoses have also climbed as more Adderall is prescribed.” He further pointed out that rising rates of depression and suicide correlate with increased prescriptions of antidepressants, while opioid prescriptions have led to greater pain management challenges.

Means criticized the American food system, describing it as “weaponized” due to the influence of the processed food industry. He traced its origins back to the tobacco industry, stating that major cigarette companies strategically acquired food brands and applied their expertise in creating addictive products. “They moved addiction specialists into their food divisions, creating ultra-processed foods designed to be both palatable and addictive,” he explained. Food chemicals such as MSG are used to addict consumers to toxic food-like products that are void of nutrition. Consumers get accustomed to eating ultra-processed foods that do not provide their cells what’s necessary to carry out vital functions.

Means asserted that the standard American diet has not only contributed to public health crises but has also been financially beneficial for the healthcare industry, which profits from treating the chronic conditions stemming from poor nutrition. “The medical industry has been complicit in this issue, benefiting from the rise in chronic diseases,” Means added. It’s true: most of the new drugs manufactured today do not address the root cause of chronic disease. Many of the new drugs actually cause new health problems.

Ultra-processed, food-like items have replaced raw living foods and herbs that people need to thrive

Max Lugavere, a best-selling author and long-time advocate for nutritional awareness, echoed these sentiments. He warned that many items in grocery stores should not be considered food but rather “food-like items” that contribute to an obesity epidemic. “This isn’t just about willpower; it’s about our food system,” Lugavere asserted. He concluded with a poignant observation: “We are not simply living longer; we are dying longer, plagued by preventable illnesses.”

The discussions at the Senate roundtable were deeply distrustful of government guidelines like the USDA’s food pyramid, which ignores essential food groups such as herbs, seeds, roots, barks, berries, seaweeds and healthy fats, to name a few. As health education is dumbed down in school systems and in medical schools, there is growing concern about the effectiveness of current nutritional guidance and chronic disease management strategies. As chronic diseases surface, individuals are finding their own way out of these health struggles by researching and implementing holistic strategies that are dismissed by traditional allopathic doctors — most of which are not trained on nutrition and herbal medicine.

As the panelists called for a re-evaluation of institutional advice, they highlighted the urgent need for systemic change in America’s approach to health and nutrition. Food pantries are void of the raw, living foods, nutrient-dense superfoods, adaptogenic substances and medicinal herbs that can set people free from their chronic diseases.

Sources include:

https://freedomfirstnetwork.com/former-big-food-big-pharma-consultant-urges-senate-to-rethink-nutritional-guidance-and-distrust-every-institution/feed/ 0 226762
“No Longer Trusts Anyone”: Iranian Officials Reportedly Gripped by Paranoia After Hezbollah Leader’s Assassination https://freedomfirstnetwork.com/no-longer-trusts-anyone-iranian-officials-reportedly-gripped-by-paranoia-after-hezbollah-leaders-assassination/ https://freedomfirstnetwork.com/no-longer-trusts-anyone-iranian-officials-reportedly-gripped-by-paranoia-after-hezbollah-leaders-assassination/#respond Wed, 02 Oct 2024 18:54:14 +0000 https://freedomfirstnetwork.com/no-longer-trusts-anyone-iranian-officials-reportedly-gripped-by-paranoia-after-hezbollah-leaders-assassination/ DCNF(DCNF)—Israel’s assassination of Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah last week has reportedly stirred paranoia among top Iranian officials and the country’s supreme leader, Ali Khamenei, according to Reuters.

Israel targeted Nasrallah in a significant airstrike against his bunker on Friday, marking the latest blow to an increasingly weakening Hezbollah, which has been attacking Israel since last year. Khamenei had reportedly warned Nasrallah that Israel was going to try to kill him and urged him to flee Lebanon in the days prior to his assassination, a senior Iranian official told Reuters, speaking on condition of anonymity.

Iran had already been concerned for years that Mossad, an Israeli intelligence agency, had infiltrated Tehran’s ranks, the outlet reported. Following Nasrallah’s death, that concern has grown larger — and Iranian officials have become worried about Khamenei’s safety, officials and sources close to the matter told Reuters.

“The trust that held everything together has disappeared,” an Iranian official told Reuters.

“[Khamenei] no longer trusts anyone,” another source close to the Iranian regime told Reuters.

Authorities have opened investigations to see whether some Iranian officials or members of Iran’s military are compromised, another Iranian official told Reuters. The investigations are particularly centered around officials who travel or have family outside the country.

Authorities are reportedly suspicious of Iranian military members who have recently been in Lebanon, one of the officials told Reuters. One of the military members had recently been asking about Nasrallah’s location, raising eyebrows among other officials. That individual was arrested, along with several others, the official told Reuters.

Khamenei’s warning to Nasrallah — which was made through an Iranian military messenger who was with Nasrallah at the time of his death — followed a sweeping, targeted attack by Israel against Hezbollah, the official told Reuters. Thousands of Hezbollah operatives’ pagers and walkie-talkies randomly exploded in late September, which was likely an orchestrated remote detonation by Israel, although the country hasn’t claimed responsibility.

But Nasrallah — who often operated in bunkers underground in Lebanon — felt at the time that he was safe and trusted his security officials to protect him, even as Iranian officials relayed their concerns about his wellbeing, the official told Reuters. Khamenei made a second offer via his military messenger for Nasrallah to relocate to Iran, but Nasrallah expressed that he wanted to stay in Lebanon.

Following Nasrallah’s assassination and the devastating blows Hezbollah has recently suffered, the security situation with the terrorist group is now so fraught that they can’t even hold a public funeral for Nasrallah, according to four sources familiar with the matter who spoke to Reuters.

“No one can authorize a funeral in these circumstances,” one Hezbollah source bemoaned to Reuters.

Israel is expected to retaliate against Iran following a sweeping missile attack launched by Tehran on Tuesday, which largely failed due to interceptions from Israeli and U.S. forces. Though the timing and nature of a retaliatory strike isn’t clear, Israel has promised that there will be “consequences” for Iran.

“Iran made a big mistake – and it will pay for it,” Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said during a security cabinet meeting on Tuesday.

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https://freedomfirstnetwork.com/no-longer-trusts-anyone-iranian-officials-reportedly-gripped-by-paranoia-after-hezbollah-leaders-assassination/feed/ 0 226754
Six Key Takeaways From the Debate: A Stalwart Running Mate Versus a Knucklehead https://freedomfirstnetwork.com/six-key-takeaways-from-the-debate-a-stalwart-running-mate-versus-a-knucklehead/ https://freedomfirstnetwork.com/six-key-takeaways-from-the-debate-a-stalwart-running-mate-versus-a-knucklehead/#respond Wed, 02 Oct 2024 18:36:27 +0000 https://freedomfirstnetwork.com/six-key-takeaways-from-the-debate-a-stalwart-running-mate-versus-a-knucklehead/ Vice Presidential debates serve three purposes. The biggest is to introduce the running mate, who is generally less well-known than the top of the ticket, to low-information American voters who know very little about them.

Second, party and candidate platforms are usually debated in more detail than during a presidential debate. They’re supposed to be more substantive with fewer fireworks and more specifics. This allows the VP candidates to attempt to serve their third purpose which is to attack the opponents’ presidential candidate while propping up their own presidential candidate.

Last night’s CBS News debate exemplified all three purposes. The lone deviation was the moderators who once again inserted themselves into the debate by carrying water for Democrat Tim Walz while trying to discredit Republican J.D. Vance. At times, moderators Norah O’Donnell and Margaret Brennan were insufferable.

Here are six key takeaways for those who didn’t watch as well as for those who did watch and might have missed a few details.

Vance’s Debate Skills in 43-Seconds

The “Whac-a-Mole” moment during the debate checked all the boxed. In 43-seconds, Vance attacked his opponent, attacked Kamala Harris, promoted Donald Trump, and added a personal anecdote on top.

This will be a moment that future debaters analyze while preparing their own candidates.

Vance Dominated the Optics Battle

To fulfill the first goal of the debate, Vance presented himself to the American people as intelligent, confident, and well prepared. He handled the “gotcha” attacks from both Walz and the moderators with the precision of a highly skilled debater with only a few missteps on messaging.

In contrast, Walz came across as a buffoon. His first answer started off very rocky as he was conspicuously nervous, tripping over words and bouncing around different talking points. At one point he even noted that he can be a “knucklehead” sometimes.

Words aside, Vance looked great and Walz did not. As Jack Posobiec noted on X:

Scarlett Johnson reiterated the point:

Throughout the debate, Vance presented himself as presidential and a man Americans could follow while Walz came across as the bumbling uncle families don’t look forward to hearing from on Thanksgiving.

Walz Bombed the One Tough Question He Was Asked

The only thing the debate moderators did fairly the entire night was to ask Walz about his bald-faced lie on being there during the Tiananmen Square massacre. It didn’t go well.

As bad as Walz’ response was, it’s hard to imagine any way this guy could have answered the question without looking awful. He took a bad circumstance and sprinkled moronic all over it.

Trust the Experts?

There was a moment in the debate that may not get as much attention from pundits as other exchanges but the viewers noticed. Many were likely nodding their heads unconsciously as Vance gave a brief history lesson about “the experts.”

Of all the moments in the debate, this is the one that will stick in the back of people’s minds long after the election.

Tim Said What?

It was brief, but voters who noticed what Walz said about school shooters may have questions.

Yes, Walz said he had become friends with school shooters. He likely meant he had become friends with school shooting victims and their families, but unfortunately for him anyone who heard his actual words won’t forget them.

Even CNN Thinks Walz Stunk It Up

Unprepared? Overprepared? Outmatched? Whatever narrative corporate media tries to spin for Walz, the fact that they aren’t out there praising Walz the way they fawned over Kamala Harris after her debate is telling.

They might as well have just said he was a buffoon and moved on. They’re not going to dwell on this debate very long. They’ll move on as quickly as possible, sweeping it under the rug while drastically reducing coverage of Walz going forward.

The Verdict Is Obvious

This may have been the most lopsided VP debate in modern history. And to be clear, Walz did far better than many expected. But Vance was dominant even though he missed a handful of opportunities.

It’s conspicuous that he didn’t bring up the lawfare against his running mate, even when Walz gave him the perfect opening by highlighting how Trump talks about locking up both Hillary Clinton and Harris.

It was a no-good, awful night for Walz and very few expected otherwise.

https://freedomfirstnetwork.com/six-key-takeaways-from-the-debate-a-stalwart-running-mate-versus-a-knucklehead/feed/ 0 226733
The New Data on Illegal Alien Crime Is Shocking https://freedomfirstnetwork.com/the-new-data-on-illegal-alien-crime-is-shocking/ https://freedomfirstnetwork.com/the-new-data-on-illegal-alien-crime-is-shocking/#respond Wed, 02 Oct 2024 17:03:07 +0000 https://freedomfirstnetwork.com/the-new-data-on-illegal-alien-crime-is-shocking/ (RealClearWire)—The new data on all the criminal noncitizens coming into the U.S. is shocking.

The U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) checks the background of illegal aliens they have in custody. But, the administration’s letter to Rep. Tony Gonzales (R-TX) shows that as of July 21, 2024, ICE let 435,719 convicted criminals and 226,847 people with pending criminal charges in their home countries into the U.S.

Of those cleared by ICE, 13,099 have convictions for homicide, and another 1,845 were facing criminal charges. Some 9,461 have convictions for sex offenses (not including assault or commercialized sex), and 2,659 face pending charges. The convictions include other crimes such as assault (62,231), robbery (10,031), sexual assault (15,811), weapons offenses (13,423), and dangerous drugs (56,533).

About 7.4 million noncitizens are in the “national docket data,” so 662,776 is 9% of the total, and if one extrapolates the numbers to the homicide rate in this country, it strongly indicates that the government is letting migrants into this country who commit murder at a rate 50% higher than the rest of the U.S. population.

And these numbers clearly underestimate the crime rate of these noncitizens. The noncitizens in the “national docket data” turned themselves in to border agents for processing or were caught. Those who don’t turn themselves in are obviously far more likely to have something to hide from those doing the processing, so-called “gotaways,” who are observed illegally entering the U.S. but not caught or turned back.

These figures coincide with other data from the Arizona prison system and show illegal aliens commit crime at much higher rates than Americans or legal immigrants.

Under the Remain-in-Mexico policy, the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) did background checks on immigrants’ cases, including contacting the country that the immigrant is from before they are approved to come to the U.S.

ICE agents cannot access the same databases to check on the immigrants, and they didn’t contact the immigrant’s home country. Plus, the massive inflow of immigrants has overwhelmed the system. The Deputy Director for ICE blames the “enormous workload”  agents face, so they haven’t been able to do even the limited background checks they are doing. There are so many coming in that the government can’t house these immigrants until their backgrounds are properly checked.

ICE processed these criminals as they entered the country, but it didn’t identify them as criminals, so it released them into the country. Now, they are just walking around freely in the United States, and no one knows where they are.

It took over six months for the Biden administration to finally respond to a congressional request for these numbers. The deputy director for ICE “apologized” for the delay.

As bad as these numbers are, the reality may be even worse. The Biden-Harris administration is cooking the books to make the border crisis not look as bad as it is. For example, in mid-September, retired San Diego Border Patrol Chief Patrol Agent Aaron Heitke testified how the Biden-Harris administration ordered him not to publicize the arrests of illegal border crossers identified as having ties to terrorism.

Democrats quickly pointed out that some of these criminals came in before the Biden administration. But the administration’s letter to Rep. Tony Gonzales, a Texas Republican, didn’t provide a breakdown of how many came through under Biden-Harris. The administration policy, with its limited background checks and overwhelmed agents, has a much higher error rate compared to Trump’s Remain-in-Mexico approach. Background checks are ineffective if officials don’t even contact the immigrant’s home country.

Even if illegal immigrants weren’t committing crimes at higher rates than the general population, the American people have a right to expect those entering this country to be screened in order to prevent more murderers, rapists, drug dealers, and thieves from entering the country. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have the authority to call for expedited extradition for criminal illegal aliens in the U.S., but they have only moved to make extradition more difficult.

This article was originally published by RealClearPolitics and made available via RealClearWire.
https://freedomfirstnetwork.com/the-new-data-on-illegal-alien-crime-is-shocking/feed/ 0 226749
The New Data on Illegal Alien Crime Is Shocking https://freedomfirstnetwork.com/the-new-data-on-illegal-alien-crime-is-shocking-2/ https://freedomfirstnetwork.com/the-new-data-on-illegal-alien-crime-is-shocking-2/#respond Wed, 02 Oct 2024 17:03:07 +0000 https://freedomfirstnetwork.com/the-new-data-on-illegal-alien-crime-is-shocking-2/ (RealClearWire)—The new data on all the criminal noncitizens coming into the U.S. is shocking.

The U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) checks the background of illegal aliens they have in custody. But, the administration’s letter to Rep. Tony Gonzales (R-TX) shows that as of July 21, 2024, ICE let 435,719 convicted criminals and 226,847 people with pending criminal charges in their home countries into the U.S.

Of those cleared by ICE, 13,099 have convictions for homicide, and another 1,845 were facing criminal charges. Some 9,461 have convictions for sex offenses (not including assault or commercialized sex), and 2,659 face pending charges. The convictions include other crimes such as assault (62,231), robbery (10,031), sexual assault (15,811), weapons offenses (13,423), and dangerous drugs (56,533).

About 7.4 million noncitizens are in the “national docket data,” so 662,776 is 9% of the total, and if one extrapolates the numbers to the homicide rate in this country, it strongly indicates that the government is letting migrants into this country who commit murder at a rate 50% higher than the rest of the U.S. population.

And these numbers clearly underestimate the crime rate of these noncitizens. The noncitizens in the “national docket data” turned themselves in to border agents for processing or were caught. Those who don’t turn themselves in are obviously far more likely to have something to hide from those doing the processing, so-called “gotaways,” who are observed illegally entering the U.S. but not caught or turned back.

These figures coincide with other data from the Arizona prison system and show illegal aliens commit crime at much higher rates than Americans or legal immigrants.

Under the Remain-in-Mexico policy, the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) did background checks on immigrants’ cases, including contacting the country that the immigrant is from before they are approved to come to the U.S.

ICE agents cannot access the same databases to check on the immigrants, and they didn’t contact the immigrant’s home country. Plus, the massive inflow of immigrants has overwhelmed the system. The Deputy Director for ICE blames the “enormous workload”  agents face, so they haven’t been able to do even the limited background checks they are doing. There are so many coming in that the government can’t house these immigrants until their backgrounds are properly checked.

ICE processed these criminals as they entered the country, but it didn’t identify them as criminals, so it released them into the country. Now, they are just walking around freely in the United States, and no one knows where they are.

It took over six months for the Biden administration to finally respond to a congressional request for these numbers. The deputy director for ICE “apologized” for the delay.

As bad as these numbers are, the reality may be even worse. The Biden-Harris administration is cooking the books to make the border crisis not look as bad as it is. For example, in mid-September, retired San Diego Border Patrol Chief Patrol Agent Aaron Heitke testified how the Biden-Harris administration ordered him not to publicize the arrests of illegal border crossers identified as having ties to terrorism.

Democrats quickly pointed out that some of these criminals came in before the Biden administration. But the administration’s letter to Rep. Tony Gonzales, a Texas Republican, didn’t provide a breakdown of how many came through under Biden-Harris. The administration policy, with its limited background checks and overwhelmed agents, has a much higher error rate compared to Trump’s Remain-in-Mexico approach. Background checks are ineffective if officials don’t even contact the immigrant’s home country.

Even if illegal immigrants weren’t committing crimes at higher rates than the general population, the American people have a right to expect those entering this country to be screened in order to prevent more murderers, rapists, drug dealers, and thieves from entering the country. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have the authority to call for expedited extradition for criminal illegal aliens in the U.S., but they have only moved to make extradition more difficult.

This article was originally published by RealClearPolitics and made available via RealClearWire.
https://freedomfirstnetwork.com/the-new-data-on-illegal-alien-crime-is-shocking-2/feed/ 0 226751
Is It Just a Coincidence That the “Comet of the Century” Is Flying Through the Sky as “the Biggest Middle East War” Suddenly Explodes? https://freedomfirstnetwork.com/is-it-just-a-coincidence-that-the-comet-of-the-century-is-flying-through-the-sky-as-the-biggest-middle-east-war-suddenly-explodes/ https://freedomfirstnetwork.com/is-it-just-a-coincidence-that-the-comet-of-the-century-is-flying-through-the-sky-as-the-biggest-middle-east-war-suddenly-explodes/#respond Wed, 02 Oct 2024 16:25:07 +0000 https://freedomfirstnetwork.com/is-it-just-a-coincidence-that-the-comet-of-the-century-is-flying-through-the-sky-as-the-biggest-middle-east-war-suddenly-explodes/ Editor’s Note: The short answer to the question in my humble opinion is, “Yes, it’s just a coincidence.” I generally don’t believe in coincidences but unless someone can tie the comet to Biblical evidence that it’s a sign of the events we’re seeing today, I’m not ready to make the leap.

I COULD make the leap because I do believe in signs in the heavens as the Bible describes. I’m just not ready to accept the comet as one of them. It just doesn’t seem big enough, but I’m open to being proven wrong. I do find the correlation to the Jewish holidays intriguing… just not intriguing enough. Not yet. Nevertheless, it’s an interesting topic so we’re posting. It. Here’s Michael…

(End of the American Dream)—All of a sudden, everything has changed.  Israeli troops have entered southern Lebanon, Iran has fired hundreds of missiles into the land of Israel, and it appears that all-out war has arrived.  This war doesn’t seem to have a commonly accepted name yet, and so I am just going to start calling it “the Biggest Middle East War” until somebody out there comes up with something better.  Is it just a coincidence that this war has suddenly exploded as the “Comet of the Century” is flying past our planet?

I went through the details of Iran’s attack on Israel in an article that I posted earlier, and so I will not repeat all of that information here.  Since I posted that article, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has publicly stated that Iran has “made a big mistake” and that the Iranians “will pay” for what they have done…

“Iran made a big mistake tonight – and it will pay for it. The regime in Iran does not understand our determination to defend ourselves and our determination to retaliate against our enemies,” he said.

That sounds rather ominous. So what should we expect?

Well, one Israeli news source is reporting that the IDF intends to conduct “powerful airstrikes throughout the Middle East”…

Following Iran’s missile barrage, which saw more than 180 rockets launched across Israel, the IDF vowed Tuesday night to carry out “powerful airstrikes throughout the Middle East.”

The military confirmed that the Air Force remains fully operational. Additionally, Israeli and U.S. defense systems effectively intercepted many of the incoming missiles, with the IDF reporting close cooperation in detection and interception efforts.

Senior Israeli officials vowed Tuesday evening that Jerusalem will not remain silent following Iran’s large-scale missile attack. A defense official promised a “severe response,” while another Israeli official warned, “What Iran has suffered so far is only a fraction of what it will face now.”

Of course the IDF has already been bombing pro-Iranian targets all over the Middle East.

Ultimately, I expect something even more dramatic.

Could Israel strike Iran itself? That is certainly possible.

Naftali Bennett is even suggesting that this is a perfect time to “destroy Iran’s nuclear program”

With emphasis added, former prime minister Naftali Bennett calls for Israel to act “now” against Iran’s nuclear program, saying the Islamic Republic “made a terrible mistake” with its major missile attack this evening.

“Israel has now its greatest opportunity in 50 years, to change the face of the Middle East,” Bennett writes in an English-language post on X. “We must act *now* to destroy Iran’s nuclear program, its central energy facilities, and to fatally cripple this terrorist regime.”

Such an attack would definitely trigger an unstoppable chain of events.

Iran has warned that there will be a “crushing attack” if Israel responds, and the Iranians also seem to be threatening the United States

Iran’s armed forces warn against any direct military intervention in support of Israel in response to Iran’s missile attack.

“In the event of direct intervention by countries supporting the regime [Israel]… their centers and interests in the region will also face a powerful attack by the armed forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran,” the armed forces says in a statement quoted by Fars news agency.

The Biden administration promised Iran that there would be “severe consequences” if the Iranians launched missiles at Israel. It is put up or shut up time for the Biden administration.

As all of this has been going on, the “Comet of the Century” has been putting on a spectacular show in the heavens

Comet Tsuchinshan-ATLAS is putting on a delightful early-morning display for those fortunate enough to catch a glimpse of the spectacle before it’s lost in the glare of the rising sun. But it’s not just the early birds with good seats to the show: astronauts on the International Space Station (ISS) are also enjoying the spectacle.

We are being told that there will be two windows for those of us in the northern hemisphere to view this comet…

Weather permitting, everyone in the Northern Hemisphere should be able to see Comet A3 in October.

There are two windows to catch it, one from now through October 2 and another from October 12 to 30, according to a press release from Massey.

Interestingly, the first window ends as the festival of Rosh Hashanah is beginning, and the second window starts on Yom Kippur.

And it is now being projected that Yom Kippur will be the time when this comet is the closest to our planet and when it will also be the brightest…

If the comet survives perihelion, it will make its way back to Earth. According to StarWalk.space, the comet will be brightest on October 12 when it makes its closest approach to our plant. During this time, Comet Tsuchinshan-ATLAS will be located relatively high above the horizon in the evening sky.

That is some “coincidence”, eh? On top of everything else, a “ring of fire” solar eclipse will occur on Wednesday

For the first time since April’s solar eclipse—during which eleven contiguous states in the U.S. were in the path of totality—some will be able to see another eclipse this coming week.

This noteworthy event, called an annular eclipse, or a “ring of fire” eclipse, will be visible over parts of South America on Wednesday, Oct. 2. A partial eclipse will also be visible in parts of the world.

At the time of this eclipse, the sun will already be down in Israel and the festival of Rosh Hashanah will have commenced.

Amazingly, the first solar eclipse that occurred in 2024 happened on the first day of the first month on the Biblical calendar, and the second solar eclipse that will occur in 2024 will happen on the first day of the seventh month on the Biblical calendar.

These two solar eclipses will be exactly six months apart on the Biblical calendar, and they both fall on very important dates.

The fall festivals begin on the first day of the seventh month, and throughout the fall festivals the “Comet of the Century” will be making history in the skies above our heads.

Meanwhile, here on Earth everyone is bracing for what comes next in the Middle East.

I do not believe that it is a coincidence that all-out war, the “Comet of the Century”, a “ring of fire” solar eclipse and the fall festivals are all happening at the same time.

As I detail in my brand new book entitled “Why”, God has been directing the course of human history for thousands of years, and He continues to do so today.

What we are witnessing right now should be a major league wake up call for all of us, but for the moment most of the population still appears to be in a very deep state of sleep.

Michael’s new book entitled “Why” is available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon.com, and you can subscribe to his Substack newsletter at michaeltsnyder.substack.com.

https://freedomfirstnetwork.com/is-it-just-a-coincidence-that-the-comet-of-the-century-is-flying-through-the-sky-as-the-biggest-middle-east-war-suddenly-explodes/feed/ 0 226746
Chinese Electric Vehicles Could Be “Weaponized” by Beijing, Report Warns https://freedomfirstnetwork.com/chinese-electric-vehicles-could-be-weaponized-by-beijing-report-warns/ https://freedomfirstnetwork.com/chinese-electric-vehicles-could-be-weaponized-by-beijing-report-warns/#respond Wed, 02 Oct 2024 13:26:02 +0000 https://freedomfirstnetwork.com/chinese-electric-vehicles-could-be-weaponized-by-beijing-report-warns/ (Natural News)—Ministers in the United Kingdom are being advised to consider banning Chinese electric vehicle manufacturers from securing government contracts over national security and data privacy concerns.

Suppliers suspected of having ties to China’s military-industrial complex pose a key risk due to the potential for built-in wireless components in EVs to be “weaponized,” which could even be used to gridlock British streets, according to the report by the China Strategic Risks Institute (CSRI) and the Coalition on Secure Technology.

The so-called Cellular IoT Modules (CIMs) are wireless components embedded in all-electric vehicles and act as a gateway for data to flow in either direction. (Related: Can China remotely control and detonate electric vehicles?)

The report said it was concerned that data generated by Chinese-manufactured EVs operated in the U.K. could end up in the hands of the Chinese state and could be used for surveillance purposes.

This adds to concerns that the British government’s open-door policy to EVs from China threatens to undercut domestic manufacturing. The U.K.’s domestic car industry is responsible for 198,000 manufacturing jobs, representing 2.5 percent of the country’s entire GDP.

CSRI warned that China’s heavy involvement and subsidization of its EV manufacturing sector, allowing the country to produce an excess of five to 10 million EVs per year, along with the British government’s failure to impose restrictions on Chinese EV imports raises the possibility of China posing a threat to British national security and to the country’s car manufacturing industry.

The study comes amid a rapid influx of Chinese automakers into the U.K. market, with the CSRI claiming that Chinese-made EVs have increased their U.K. market share from just two percent in 2019 to 33.4 percent in the first half of 2023.

British government rapidly procuring EVs for the public sector

The U.K. government is rapidly procuring EVs for the public sector. It confirmed last year that some EV units used by the Ministry of Defense had been supplied by MG, a motoring brand owned by Chinese state-owned automobile manufacturing giant SAIC Motor.

Chinese EV giant BYD has also made significant inroads in the British public sector, with at least 1,800 electric buses delivered to local authorities across the country in the past few years.

CSRI warned that London’s refusal to impose restrictions on Chinese EVs, unlike its neighbors in the European Union, could result in Britain becoming a “dumping ground and a potential backdoor into the European market” for Beijing.

The report further warned that Chinese-made CIMs used in EVs could be used to send data back the Beijing about British users. The paper noted that the totalitarian government mandates that all firms within the country provide data access to the state, which was one of the motivating factors for the U.K.’s previous decision to phase out components manufactured by Chinese tech giant Huawei from its 5G networks by 2027.

The CSRI suggested that the U.K. mandate foreign suppliers of EVs to agree to not transmit data overseas under any circumstances, introduce a legal requirement to share their source code with the British government, and allow for regular inspections of data storage centers globally to ensure that sensitive data is not being sent covertly to other servers.

Watch this video warning that new cars, including EVs, could be remote-controlled by governments.

This video is from PureTrauma357 on Brighteon.com.

More related stories:

https://freedomfirstnetwork.com/chinese-electric-vehicles-could-be-weaponized-by-beijing-report-warns/feed/ 0 226740
Scholars Have Been Warning of a Great End Times War in the Middle East for Decades — Now It Is Here https://freedomfirstnetwork.com/scholars-have-been-warning-of-a-great-end-times-war-in-the-middle-east-for-decades-now-it-is-here/ https://freedomfirstnetwork.com/scholars-have-been-warning-of-a-great-end-times-war-in-the-middle-east-for-decades-now-it-is-here/#respond Wed, 02 Oct 2024 03:21:59 +0000 https://freedomfirstnetwork.com/scholars-have-been-warning-of-a-great-end-times-war-in-the-middle-east-for-decades-now-it-is-here/ (The Economic Collapse Blog)—For as long as any of us have been alive, those that study the Bible have been warning us that there would be an apocalyptic war in the Middle East in the end times.  Personally, I have specifically warned about this war in many of my books.

Now a great end times war is playing out in the Middle East right in front of our eyes, but a lot of people out there still don’t seem to get it.  This isn’t just another war in the Middle East.  What we are witnessing is the final showdown between Israel and Iran.

On Tuesday, Iran shocked the entire world when it fired large numbers of missiles into Israel.  The following comes from CNN

Missiles have been launched from Iran toward Israel and sirens are sounding across the country, according to a statement from Israel’s military.

CNN teams on the ground in multiple locations across Israel have observed dozens of missiles flying above them. Some have been intercepted by Israel’s air defenses, although it is not clear how many.

There are conflicting reports about the exact number of missiles that were fired at Israel.

But everyone seems to agree that “hundreds” of missiles were in the air, and videos posted on social media appear to show many of them making impact.

Iran is claiming that 80 percent of their missiles made it through, and the IDF is admitting that at least some of the missiles were not intercepted

Iran’s state TV claimed that 80 percent of their missiles launched at Israel hit their target. It’s unclear exactly what the targets were.

Israeli army spokesman Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari said the country’s air defense system was fully operational, detecting and intercepting threats.

‘However, the defense is not hermetic,’ he noted.

Just prior to Iran’s attack, the White House warned that there would be “severe consequences” if Iran launched missiles at Israel…

White House and Defense Department had warned earlier that Iran was preparing to launch ballistic missiles at Israel.

“We are actively supporting defensive preparations to defend Israel against this attack. A direct military attack from Iran against Israel will carry severe consequences for Iran,” a senior White House official told NBC News.

So what will those “severe consequences” look like?

Is the Biden administration about to fire missiles at Iran?

The Israelis are also promising to respond “in the place and the time we determine”, but we don’t know any specifics at this stage.

If the Israelis strike back at Iran, and I am entirely convinced that they will, the Iranians are warning that they will launch a “crushing attack”

“Should the Zionist regime respond to Iran’s operation, it will face crushing attack,” said the IRGC, Iran’s paramilitary organization.

This is not going to end well, but most of you already knew that.

Just before Iranian missiles were launched on Tuesday, there was a horrifying terror attack in Jaffa that resulted in the deaths of eight people

Eight people were killed and at least seven wounded, as well as a dog, in a shooting terror attack in Jaffa, in central Israel, on Tuesday evening, Magen David Adom reported.

At least four people were reported critically wounded. Magen David Adom announced that the incident involved multiple causalities.

The shooting occurred near a light rail station in the central Israeli city. Two terrorists who were observed exiting the train were shot dead by security forces.

We should expect to see a lot more terror attacks in the days ahead.

Now that IDF forces have entered southern Lebanon, there is no turning back.  Israeli Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari is characterizing the incursions into southern Lebanon as “localized raids”, but everyone realizes that this is just the beginning.

So far, it is unclear how much success Israeli troops are having in southern Lebanon.

There were reports that Israeli forces successfully entered a number of villages in southern Lebanon, but Al Jazeera insists that the IDF is encountering “fierce resistance” from Hezbollah militants…

Ali Rizk, a security and political affairs analyst based in Beirut, says Israeli troops attempted to “overwhelm” Hezbollah fighters in southern Lebanon late last night but were repelled and forced to withdraw.

“What the Israeli side might be doing is a propaganda war when they speak about successfully entering Lebanese territory.  So this might be part of an Israeli psychological war, which wouldn’t be the first time they resort to such tactics,” Rizk told Al Jazeera.

“We’ll have to see how the ground invasion unfolds. But – according to a source with ties to Hezbollah –  the Israelis did meet fierce resistance in the late hours of last night. It does appear this is not going to be an easy battle for Israel, even if Hezbollah has lost its leader and senior military commanders. That still leaves Hezbollah to be a formidable foe to inflict heavy costs on the Israelis in their ground invasion.”

Right now we are in the early hours of fighting, and so we may not get a fully accurate picture of what is transpiring on the ground for a while.

But without a doubt this is going to be far different from what we witnessed in Gaza.

Hezbollah is far more powerful than Hamas was, and Hezbollah has much more powerful allies.

Following the overnight raids into southern Lebanon, Israeli officials “called on residents in more than 20 areas in southern Lebanon to evacuate their homes”

Following the overnight raids, IDF officials this morning called on residents in more than 20 areas in southern Lebanon to evacuate their homes, signalling more ground operations were imminent.

‘The IDF (Israeli military) does not want to harm you, and for your own safety you must evacuate your homes immediately.

‘Anyone who is near Hezbollah members, installations and combat equipment is putting his life in danger,’ army spokesman Avichay Adraee said on X.

This seems to indicate that Israeli forces will soon be attempting to move into those areas.

Of course Hezbollah sees this as an “invasion”, and Hezbollah officials have warned over and over again that an “invasion” of southern Lebanon will mean all-out war.

And now that hundreds of missiles have been fired into Israel, it appears that the Iranians and the Israelis are on the verge of all-out war too.

We have been warned that this was coming for decades, and now it is here.

A great end times war in the Middle East has begun, and it isn’t going to be pretty.

Michael’s new book entitled “Why” is available in paperback and for the Kindle on Amazon.com, and you can subscribe to his Substack newsletter at michaeltsnyder.substack.com.

https://freedomfirstnetwork.com/scholars-have-been-warning-of-a-great-end-times-war-in-the-middle-east-for-decades-now-it-is-here/feed/ 0 226731