
Author of Biological Weapons Act Says COVID-19 Shots are Weapons of Mass Destruction

According to a new report on Vigilant News, the dam continues to break when it comes to the truth about the COVID-19 vaccines: Dr. Francis Boyle, the Harvard educated law professor that drafted the 1989 Biological Weapons and Antiterrorism Act, which passed both houses of Congress unanimously, provided an affidavit stating that Covid 19 injections and mRNA nanoparticle...

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The Madness Continues: Chinese Scientists Create Mutant Ebola Virus

Apparently, the lessons of the COVID-19 pandemic haven’t been learned. Dangerous biolab experiments continue – humanity be damned. According to the Daily Mail,  Chinese scientists have engineered a virus with parts of Ebola in a lab that killed a group of hamsters. A team of researchers at Hebei Medical University used a contagious disease of livestock and added a protein found...

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Is the Bird Flu a Psyop or the Real Deal?

Like clockwork, as we head into another election season, the medical establishment and the mainstream media are sounding the alarm on another potential pandemic:  the bird flu. Just days after word that bird flu had spread to cows, word broke that two individuals in Texas had been infected. According to the Daily Mail, this development has officials in...

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Get Ready to Reclaim Your Health as the FDA’s Ivermectin Siege Fails… Act FAST!

Starting 2021, the FDA mounted a misinformation campaign on ivermectin – an inexpensive, Nobel Prize-winning medication that showed promising signs in the early treatment of COVID-19. While the death toll from this campaign is difficult to calculate, the impact was far-reaching. The campaign was used as fuel to terminate employment of doctors who understood the science behind ivermectin,...

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Conspiring Against Food — Particularly Beef — Ahead of Whatever Catastrophic Events They Have Planned for America

It's long past time for more Americans to stop treating the "conspiracy theory" label as a pejorative. There are clearly extremely powerful governments, technocrats, and globalist organizations conspiring against us and at this point all we have are theories about what's to come. Thankfully, more Americans are waking up to this reality. They're also realizing that not all...

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“It’s a Fire Sale”: Prepper All-Naturals Launches Campaign for the Most American Reason Ever

The news has been filled with reports that illegal aliens are receiving taxpayer-funded housing, food, and cash disbursements. Even corporate media is talking about it as citizens cry foul. Americans are struggling and many who are in dire need are not receiving nearly as much assistance as those who have stolen our sovereignty. Veterans in particular have been...

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