America's Last Chance

Four Ways Biden is Destroying America

In this latest edition of America's Last Chance, Jeff Crouere delves into the damage the Biden administration is doing to the country. His four part expose discusses the dangerous "green" agenda, the weaponization of the federal government  against conservatives, the border debacles and the unconstitutional COVID mandates.  Part 1 focuses on how the "green agenda" being pushed by...

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Republicans Must Win Midterm Elections to Save America… America’s Last Chance is Now!

In this episode, Crouere outlines the many problems that President Joe Biden and the Democrats have caused. The nation is experiencing the highest gas prices in our history, the worst inflation rate since 1981 and a supply chain problem that has caused empty store shelves. One of the worst problems involves baby formula, which can be found in...

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Our Country Cannot Survive Another Three Years of Biden in the White House

The Freedom First Network is sponsored by the explosive new book by Robert F Kennedy Jr. The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health. Help the Freedom First Network by ordering this book today from this tracking link at In this episode, Crouere outlines the various problems that...

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The Socialist Left Is Powerful, But Our Republic Is Worth Preserving

Jeff Crouere, New Orleans son, a veteran Louisiana radio & TV broadcaster, former LA GOP Party Executive Director, book author, columnist, political activist and Fox News contributor is launching his show America's Last Chance on the Freedom First Network.  Crouere, doubtlessly broke the record for our network on number of Rumbles that occurred during a NOQ Report interview with JD Rucker that...

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