Todd Erzen from The Steve Deace Show is no fan of Dr. Anthony Fauci. He went so far as to co-author a book about him titled, Faucian Bargain: The Most Powerful and Dangerous Bureaucrat in American History. In it, he details the rampant hypocrisy surrounding the man, his policies, and the motivations driving him to continuously lie.
As the end of the day, Fauci is a narcissist. Both Erzen and I were split between whether he’s just a narcissist or an evil man at the same time, but at the very least we know he’s perpetuating the fear that has engulfed much of America surround the Covid-19 pandemic. But it isn’t just him. There is a clear cultish following that has surrounded him, pushing people to lash out, often physically, against those who dare to besmirch their perfect savior.
And therein lies the bigger problem. It isn’t just that Fauci is giving bad advice and has been from the beginning (other than when he initially said face masks wouldn’t do much good and could actually do harm). It’s worse that the cult of personality surrounding his legend has prompted a scourge of bad behavior from people. We see examples of it on social media every day where otherwise lucid people become face mask tyrants based almost solely on the word of a healthcare tyrant.
This more than anything else is destroying the fabric of America. It is tearing people apart and keeping us separated, not just physically but also ideologically. I have an aunt who won’t allow our family anywhere near them because we aren’t terrified of the disease as they are. They won’t even come around us if we wear face masks because we’re tainted by our ideology. It’s as if Covid-19 knows who isn’t scared of it and flocks to us like bears to honey, ready to engulf us and anyone foolish enough to be around as at the time.
Erzen proclaimed that he has not taken any of the Covid-19 vaccines and will not take one except at gunpoint. This sentiment is common amongst those of us who are aware of the fallacies surrounding the virus and the push to vaccinate the whole world. One does not have to be a conspiracy theorist or anti-vaxxer to have major concerns over experimental drugs that have not been FDA approved and that seem to cause dramatic side effects, including death, in many otherwise healthy people.
For a disease with a recovery rate of 99.91% for those under the age of 40, why take a bigger risk with gene-manipulating vaccines?
Here’s the brief description of the book, Faucian Bargain: The Most Powerful and Dangerous Bureaucrat in American History:
Can liberty survive in the hands of one all-powerful, unchallenged, and unelected bureaucrat? It wasn’t too long ago that the average American didn’t know who Anthony Fauci was. Now, after the coronavirus has spread nationwide, he’s arguably the most powerful bureaucrat in American history. But is it dangerous for a free society to concentrate so much power in the hands of an unelected official? Who or what holds Fauci accountable?
Lest we forget, Fauci is just a man with all the weaknesses inherent in that status. It shouldn’t have to be said, but the way too many Americans have embraced his doctrine as infallible forces the reminder to be delivered. There are motivations detailed in the book that would open the eyes to many readers, even those who worship Fauci. Are they aware of his connections to the Wuhan Institute of Virology? Did they know he’s been pushing for a pandemic since long before Covid-19 hit the radar? What’s up with his connections to the Cuomo family? Why was he a close family friend and confidant of Andrew Cuomo’s before, but suddenly he barely knows the guy? These are questions even fans of Fauci need to ask themselves, and the book has the answers.
Reviews of the book from prominent conservatives have been excellent:
“In his famous Farewell Address, President Eisenhower warned about allowing public policy to become captive to a scientific elite without regard to the principles of our constitutional system and the goals of a free society. Eisenhower was prescient. During the COVID crisis, states like New York that embraced unadulterated Faucism saw poor results across the board, while states that pursued an Eisenhower-style approach like Florida protected freedom and performed better in education, economy and health outcomes. Executives are elected to lead and make tough decisions, and such leadership cannot be outsourced to health bureaucrats like Fauci.” —Florida Governor Ron DeSantis
“In this important book the authors do the job our uninquisitive media has failed to do throughout this ordeal. Confirming with cited and sourced details the enemy of both liberty and logic the lockdowns have proven to be. Which also proves too much power in the hands of an unelected bureaucrat, regardless of his intentions, can no longer be our new normal.” —U.S. Senator Rand Paul (R-KY)
“Steve Deace is a true patriot whose zeal for liberty is undeniable. Every day, Steve walks the walk when it comes to fighting for Americans’ fundamental rights. This book is written with a keen understanding of the pain and devastation we’ve all seen throughout this pandemic. Throughout, Steve’s passion for protecting Americans’ freedoms is ever-present.” —U.S. Senator Ted Cruz (TX)
“This is an important book, to both get answers to how we got here and to help us never succumb to something like this ever again. Permitting unelected bureaucrats to hold this much power indefinitely doesn’t end well.” —Mark Levin, New York Times best-selling author and talk show host
“In their typical fashion, Steve Deace and Todd Erzen spare no expense in pursuit of truth. We’ve been told a lot of things during this pandemic, and a lot of them contradict each other. This book uses documented data and sources to cut through the clutter, most of it Fauci’s, and bring us to a place of reason and science.” —Glenn Beck, New York Times bestselling author and Radio Hall of Fame broadcaster
Todd Erzen and Steve Deace have put together an incredible read at the right time. America needs to know the truth about a man who is not held to account for his narcissistic actions… yet. Will America wake up to the Faucian Bargain soon?
Watch this show on Locals or listen to it on Apple Podcasts.
YouTube, Spotify, and other Big Tech platforms are taking Freedom First Network down
It’s no secret we speak our minds and bring on guests who do the same. That’s one of the biggest reasons we put together the Freedom First Network in the first place. There are far too many news outlets, including so-called “conservative” media companies, who are so beholden to Big Tech that they temper their perspectives at best and outright coverup the truth at worst. Many, as you all know, will blatantly lie in order to maintain the narrative that supports the radical agenda taking over much of the United States.
We have had our YouTube channel taken down. Many of our shows have been suppressed or removed by Facebook and Twitter. Spotify banned one of our shows completely from their platform. Google hates us. We’ve even been censored by some of the smaller players like Medium, Transistor, and Captivate. But we stand behind our reporting and perspectives and we refuse to bow down to Big Tech tyranny for the sake of pageviews or video plays.
This isn’t the easiest road to travel, especially for a media company that is so new. We launched Freedom First Network in 2020 to fight against the very censorship that we’re seeing so widespread today. We have found great homes for our content on freer speech platforms like Rumble and we’re putting our best efforts forward into building our presence on Locals. Nevertheless, we cannot do it alone. We need help.
One of the things cofounders Jeff Dornik and JD Rucker agreed to from the start was to never be the pawns of companies that do not embrace our worldview. Finding advertisers and affiliates is easy; we receive requests by companies wanting to be pushed on our shows every day. But it’s important to us that we’re promoting companies, services, and products that are beneficial to maintaining a Freedom First stance in America. As a result, we do not take on sponsors easily. We would rather rely on our own products like Freedom First Coffee and the support of our wonderful viewers, listeners, and readers.
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