I hear various theories all the time. The left is just “misinformed.” They’re “brainwashed.” They have a “psychological block” that prevents them from seeing the truth. While all of these have bits of evidence that could support them from a biased perspective, we’ve all known leftists who are fully informed, not brainwashed any more than the rest of us, and with seemingly valid reasons for their ideology.
Before we get into why it seems America’s left is often immune to facts and logic, let’s get a couple of things cleared up. We are addressing the ideological left because they seem to have the highest propensity for ignoring blatant facts and bulletproof logic that runs contrary to many of their basic worldviews, but let’s be honest. There are plenty of people on the ideological right who have the same characteristics. I just had a social media chat with a conservative acquaintance who is certain Israeli agents run Hamas and are launching the rockets at themselves so Benjamin Netanyahu has justification for taking over Gaza. There was no convincing him otherwise.
The other thing to get out of the way is the spoiler alert. Just so nobody complains that I had them read something without denoting that it has a supernatural conclusion, let me state up front that I believe the strong delusion currently shielding most on the radical left (and some on the right) from the truth is not of this world. I believe there are Powers and Principalities, a la Ephesians 6:12, at work with a spirit of derangement preventing people from comprehending reality. I believe this because we’ve all seen otherwise lucid and intelligent people deny unambiguous facts and ironclad logic in order to keep their unhinged worldview intact.
With that said, let’s look at three examples of facts and logic that cannot seem to penetrate the mental shields placed around America’s left.
Defund Police
This is a horrible idea prima facie. There is absolutely zero evidence that reducing or even eliminating police budgets will make the streets safer. With less than two dozen police killings of unarmed Black people per year, defunding police will increase the number of crime victims exponentially compared to the lives that are “saved” by taking cops off the streets.
Today, law enforcement officers are considered by millions of Americans to be their enemies. And it’s not just criminals who feel this way. There are people who truly believe they will be safer if all police officers were eliminated. Facts deny this. Logic definitely denies this. But the “Defund Police” movement continues to grow.
Let’s be crystal clear about this. Hamas is a terrorist group that provoked attacks by Israel on Gaza through the launching of thousands of rockets aimed at Israeli civilians. They started this current conflict. But you won’t convince the millions of Pro-Palestinian American activists of this. In their eyes, Israel is the aggressor.
One does not have to agree with how Israel has handled the situation to realize that they clearly did not start the conflict. Yet Israel gets lambasted by world media and radical leftists for killing civilians when the reality is right there in front of us all. Nearly every civilian in Gaza who is killed can be directly attributed to the Hamas practice of using human shields. There’s a reason they launch their rockets from heavily populated areas and civilian centers, including schools, hospitals, and private buildings. It’s all part of their playbook. Israel uses their weapons to protect their people while Hamas uses its people to protect their weapons.
This may be the most blatant delusion we’ve seen in years. The radical left is currently fighting racism with… racism. For example, Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot recently declared she will only do interviews with “persons of color.” Imagine if a White mayor said he would only do interviews with White journalists. Would that be racist? Of course! But too few on the left see a problem with Lightfoot’s policy. It is 100% racist by definition, yet the delusion makes it seem acceptable to leftists.
Another example is opposition to the Georgia election integrity law. Media, celebrities, politicians, and “woke” corporations have claimed it’s racist. They claim this because they believe that since the law requires identification in certain voting instances and has forms that must be filled out for absentee ballots, that it’s harmful to Black voters. One does not need a Masters in Socio-Economics to realize that what they’re claiming is that Black people are less capable of getting ID or filling out forms than White people. Again, the left somehow misses the obvious reality that they’re being racist in their attempts to allegedly fight racism.
Strong Delusions
As I noted before, I cannot accept that tens of millions of Americans are too stupid or brainwashed to see through these blatant lies without a supernatural force compelling them. You don’t have to believe me. You can attribute it to the progressive education system in America indoctrinating people into blind leftism. You could say the constant barrage of leftist talking points on mainstream media has taken away critical thinking. You could even argue that endorphins prompted by social media affirmations that follow leftist virtue signaling has changed the wiring in their brains. All of these things are correct to some extent, but the lies that are believed without question by millions of leftists are so obvious, I’m sticking with my “spirit of delusion” theory as the underlying cause.
Even if you don’t believe me, we’re still in the same boat. What do we do about it? If facts and logic aren’t working, does that mean we have to give up? Should we all move to compounds in deep red states while we still can? For some, the answer to that last question may be “yes.” For me, I’m going to keep fighting.
First and foremost, we must arm ourselves with the truth. As I’ve said previously, social media is no longer the place to find the truth, if ever it was. I am reliant on conservative news aggregators and I strongly encourage readers to bookmark their favorites. Here are mine:
Second, we need to tell the truth to all who will listen. This is more than just Tweeting out articles or leaving comments. We have to talk to people. It’s time to start “red-pilling” as many as we can. If I’m right and there’s a strong delusion spreading across the nation, then getting to people with the truth so they can protect themselves is important. If I’m wrong and it’s all just the evolution of politics as usual, then the need to spread the truth is even greater.
Lastly, and this is for my faithful readers, we must pray without ceasing. It’s becoming a lost art in America, especially with many churches still limited in reach through Covid restrictions and the decline in church attendance that has been increasing for years. Praying for our nation as Daniel did for his can have the most dramatic impact on our current situation.
It may seem futile, but we must not give up this fight. This is our nation and there are no viable alternatives. Stand up to the radical left with courage, faith, and truth. They want us to give up, to believe it’s all futile. When we believe it’s over, it will be.
YouTube, Spotify, and other Big Tech platforms are taking Freedom First Network down
It’s no secret we speak our minds and bring on guests who do the same. That’s one of the biggest reasons we put together the Freedom First Network in the first place. There are far too many news outlets, including so-called “conservative” media companies, who are so beholden to Big Tech that they temper their perspectives at best and outright coverup the truth at worst. Many, as you all know, will blatantly lie in order to maintain the narrative that supports the radical agenda taking over much of the United States.
We have had our YouTube channel taken down. Many of our shows have been suppressed or removed by Facebook and Twitter. Spotify banned one of our shows completely from their platform. Google hates us. We’ve even been censored by some of the smaller players like Medium, Transistor, and Captivate. But we stand behind our reporting and perspectives and we refuse to bow down to Big Tech tyranny for the sake of pageviews or video plays.
This isn’t the easiest road to travel, especially for a media company that is so new. We launched Freedom First Network in 2020 to fight against the very censorship that we’re seeing so widespread today. We have found great homes for our content on freer speech platforms like Rumble and we’re putting our best efforts forward into building our presence on Locals. Nevertheless, we cannot do it alone. We need help.
One of the things cofounders Jeff Dornik and JD Rucker agreed to from the start was to never be the pawns of companies that do not embrace our worldview. Finding advertisers and affiliates is easy; we receive requests by companies wanting to be pushed on our shows every day. But it’s important to us that we’re promoting companies, services, and products that are beneficial to maintaining a Freedom First stance in America. As a result, we do not take on sponsors easily. We would rather rely on our own products like Freedom First Coffee and the support of our wonderful viewers, listeners, and readers.
Those who want to support us and help keep the fight for America’s future moving forward can do so by donating through our Locals page. There, you can donate monthly or one-time. Some have told us to use Patreon or GoFundMe, but both of those platforms have demonstrated a hatred for free speech. Locals does not. They embrace it. We encourage everyone to join us on Locals, but donations are greatly appreciated as well. We do not have day jobs. Our fight for freedom is a full-time gig.
Please feel free to reach out to us through our contact form. It goes directly to our founders, so if you’re interested in getting involved, investing, sponsoring, or even bringing a show to our network, let us know. May God Bless the United States of America!