The 1st Amendment protects the press from being subjugated and coerced by government. This is among the first items our founding fathers deemed necessary to protect for a reason as it is one of the pillars of a citizen-governed republic. When the press is able to freely question the motives and actions of government, the people have access to the information they need in order to make informed decisions.
But what if the “free press” chooses to disregard their own freedoms? What if they make themselves beholden to a particular agenda through which they are prompted to support government “recommended” narratives? At that point, the “free press” falls just shy of being a state-run propaganda machine, and that scenario is actually worse than if they simply went all the way and handed over editorial control to government. At least in a state-run scenario the people know that they’re being fed lies. What we’re facing today in America is far worse as the “free press” pretends to operate as independent from government while being unambiguously controlled through government “recommendations.”
Millions of Americans are therefore left believing they have a free press, not realizing they’re are being lied to on a daily basis.
A truly free press must make the choice to find, discern, and spread the truth regardless of agenda or narrative. That’s not to say they must be completely unbiased as many Americans desire because that’s simply not possible. Asking humans to set aside their personal beliefs in any endeavor is challenging, but when it’s part of the day-to-day activities within a job, it’s impossible to suppress one’s biases completely.
Sadly, we’re seeing a press that is choosing to allow their biases to determine the “truths” they disseminate. This makes for a weak and untrustworthy media presence, forcing Americans on the political left to subvert their own discernment in favor of confirmation bias within their echo chamber while making Americans on the political right disregard anything not uttered by their favorite talking heads. Both scenarios have inherent dangers, but we’re going to focus on the former in this article. Someday I’ll explain why it’s bad for conservatives to get their news solely from fellow conservatives, but that problem is infinitesimal compared to the deceptions being propagated by leftist mainstream media.
Our founders knew we needed an honest and independent press to challenge the government narrative. Corruption is a natural and unavoidable side-effect within any large leadership apparatus, so accountability must come from outside. The free press was supposed to be one of the primary tools used to thwart corruption, expose lies, and force change. What we’re seeing today is nothing of the sort.
Covid-19 “vaccine” risks are one of the best examples today of truths that are being actively suppressed by the “free press.” Without an agenda driving the narrative, the facts about these “vaccines” demand an independent press to ask questions and investigate thoroughly. It’s apparent prima facie that these “vaccines” pose far greater dangers than what Big Pharma and government bodies are confessing to, but mainstream media refuses to look into it.
They actively and aggressively look away from obvious warning signs. The only reports posted by mainstream media about the damning VAERS data, of which there is plenty, are attempts to debunk risks and minimize public attention. Instead of demanding answers from the CDC and others about the hundreds of thousands of reported adverse reactions, mainstream media is conspicuously avoiding the topic altogether.
It was absolutely shocking to see Newsweek post an article about a 13-year-old boy dying in his sleep shortly after receiving the injections. Granted, they were two weeks late on the story but the fact that they posted it at all was surprising, and that’s alarming in and of itself. Why should we be surprised when a mainstream media outlet posts a story about a suspicious death? How can a “free press” so willingly avoid a story simply because it does not match the narrative they’ve been instructed to push?
The Arizona election audits are another great example of a story that should be thoroughly investigated by a truly free press. Regardless of whether their bias favors Democrats, there are multiple huge stories associated with this single audit. Then, there are the mountains of credible accusations and inexplicable statistical anomalies that are being vigorously suppressed in newsrooms across the country. That’s not new. They’ve been suppressing such stories since before the 2020 election and they haven’t let up one bit. This is by choice, and it’s more than just bias driving it. That’s what should concern every American the most regardless of one’s political ideology.
The trend is apparent. Mainstream media is controlled. It may not be a state-run industry but it’s far worse because they’re choosing to quash the truth. What we’ve seen (and conspicuously not seen) with coverage of Russiagate, impeachments, Hunter Biden, Antifa, January 6th riots, elections, and vaccines tells us we’re not facing an incompetent, biased mainstream media industrial complex as many have proposed. We’re facing a coordinated disinformation propagation machine that is intentionally misleading the people for nefarious reasons. If the powers-that-be are the architects of a post-truth Neo-Marxist society, then America’s mainstream media are the workers laying the foundation of this future society brick by dishonest brick.
One of the reasons I constantly ask for financial support is because we are trying to build something that can counter the false narratives. Today, we operate 10 sites and work with several others to build a truth-based media network. Between all of the sites we are reaching millions, but it’s a drop in the bucket compared the massive reach of mainstream media and Big Tech. We must continue to expand and get the truth out to the masses.
It’s up to We the People to find the truth that mainstream media so violently opposes. We have at our fingertips access to some of the information. We have in our pockets the ability to record the truth. But then we have to face the Big Tech problem. If mainstream media is shaping the false narrative, then Big Tech is censoring evidence that challenges it. This is one of the reasons that we have chosen not to maintain a strong social media presence. We get suspended and banned regularly; even my personal “verified” Twitter account is useless. That’s okay. We will keep finding and building new ways to get the truth out.
You can help. The contact form on this site goes directly to me. If you’d like to participate in any way, reach out. We take tips and are always looking for volunteers to help write up stories. Who knows? Someday we may actually be able to pay writers. Until that day comes, I rely on the thirst for truth that drives those who contribute to our sites.
American mainstream media shuns the freedom of press that protects them when they willfully propagate the narratives handed down to them by government. They are worse than state-run. They are willing slaves to the evil agenda.
Image by jorgophotography from Pixabay