As a writer and podcaster, I rarely get jealous over other people’s commentary. It’s not ego. I just like what I have to say, otherwise I wouldn’t say it. But the words below by Neil Oliver are exactly what we need to hear today. I definitely couldn’t have said it better.
Here’s the transcript followed by the video. Afterwards, I will attempt to add my own commentary, though it will be like that time I delivered a speech after Trevor Loudon. Both his accent and his words were more interesting than mine.
Neil Oliver on Freedom
For me, it’s all and only about freedom. For me without freedom, there is no point in anything. So take away all the numbers, all the statistics, all the models and predictions, all the promises and threats; all the steel hand in velvet glove coercion. Take all of that away. To me, it all boils down to something simple.
I declare that I am a free man.
I was born 54 years ago into part of the world, just a relatively small part of the world, where I was taught that my freedom had been won for me by men and women who had fought and died to make it so. I was born just 22 years after World War II, into a world still full of those men and women who had fought for my freedom and lived to tell the tale.
And what a tale it was. It had started with the sudden appearance of a force bent on tyranny. Of course, the sudden appearance was an optical illusion. In truth, that force had been on the rise and making plans for years before it was ready to pull the trigger. It’s worth remembering that that force believed it was poised to make the world a better place– a glorious place.
When that force started moving it seemed nothing could or would stop it. And in the beginning of the fight to prevent the victory of that tyranny, it was a minority — a minority outgunned and shouted down by fellow citizens — who feared that deals might be struck with tyranny, that stood up and shouted no. English writer Mervyn Peake said, “To live at all is miracle enough.”
It’s a good line and I’ve quoted it for years, but now I see merely to live at all is not enough, not nearly. A caged bird is alive but without the freedom to fly in the limitless sky, it is denied everything that makes a bird in the first place. To be alive is not enough. What matters is to live in freedom. A bird is such a fragile creature. It’s really all and only about movement. Take away a bird’s movement and it’s a handful of feathers and air.
Freedom is not negotiable. You’re either free or you’re not.
Freedom is not even safe. Those who’ve been imprisoned are often terrified of freedom. All those choices, all of our personal responsibility. This is why ex-cons often reoffend, so they can go back behind bars where it feels safer, out of harm’s way.
I have three children. They’re growing up fast. Teenagers all. Often, I think I would like to keep them close by me forever, where I can stop them from doing stupid things, dangerous things. If I kept them in the house no stranger would hurt them, but that would be no life. Not for them and not even for me. I would be their jailer and they would be my caged birds.
As it happens, this past year-and-a-half has let me see what happens to children kept safe in the house. It is not good, it is not good at all. And so if I didn’t know it before, I know now that I have to let them go into a world that is full of all manner of things, danger included.
Here’s the thing, if your freedom means that I might catch COVID from you, then so be it. If my freedom means you might catch COVID from me then so be it. That’s honestly how I see it. For the sake of freedom, yours and mine together, I will cheerfully risk catching COVID.
That is a chance. One among many that I am prepared to take and happily. Life is not safe, freedom is not safe. For the sake of freedom, yours and mine together, both freedoms being of equal value, I will cheerfully risk much else besides.
It is the summertime now, the time to remember the Battle of Britain. The part of the story that moves me most of all has Churchill in Oxbridge in the operations room of #11 Group, tasked with defending London and the Southeast. The sky above them is thick with fighter planes and bombers. Churchill asks Air Vice Marshall Keith Park about the reserves, how many planes and pilots he has as backup, ready to take the place of those already committed. “Every aircraft and man we have is in the air now,” said Park. “There is no reserve.”
Those Spitfires and Hurricanes were piloted by men and also by boys not long out of school. They risked everything for freedom. Mine and yours. A last measure of devotion.
I can’t be sure, but I don’t think they fought and died so that the government might seize that freedom like a deck of cards, dealing them out one by one to those deemed deserving. I think they fought for unconditional freedom for every man, woman, and child. That’s what I think.
I’ve been reading about people calling other people who have not chosen to take the vaccine, “Plague Rats.” I’ve read about people calling for those Plague Rats to be rounded up and locked away out of sight.
There’s another Battle of Britain being fought now. It is being fought by a minority, outgunned and shouted down, by those who would accept freedom handed to them by MPs on condition they do as they are told. That’s not freedom, that is tyranny. And I for one will not live under that yoke.
As I have done all my life, I salute the few. I hope to see you on the other side.
Further Commentary
There are many ways to react to the words of Neil Oliver. Hopefully, most were inspired to stand up and do what’s best for themselves and their families regardless of what oppressive governments demand. That would be ideal.
For me, I’m angry. Oliver’s video reminded me of how hypocritical and dastardly the powers-that-be have become. Perhaps they were always like this and the pandemic was simply a predicate for them to come out into the open. That seems likely. Either way, this is where we are today and it’s not a good place.
It really does come down to the children. Yes, adults are harmed in a multitude of ways by lockdowns, vaccine mandates, economic turmoil, and isolation. But take those things and others and multiply their detrimental effects by 10. That’s what the powers-that-be are doing to our children. They’re keeping them locked away, making them think their mere presence is a danger to others while forcing them to grow up thinking that anyone they see, friend or stranger, can deliver to them a “deadly” disease that could kill them and their family.
And the vaccine is supposedly the solution. This, as many of you already know, is a bald-faced lie.
If you want to argue for the elderly and otherwise vulnerable to get vaccinated, fine. I disagree but at least there’s some logic and science behind those arguments. There is ZERO logic and nothing but anti-science backing the notion that kids need face masks and social distancing, let alone vaccines.
Forcing vaccines and other protocols onto children makes absolutely no sense. This is why I know with a certainty the agenda being initiated before us has nothing to do with healthcare. Just as the Green New Deal was never really about stopping climate change but about using climate change hysteria to drive economic upheaval, so too is the Pandemic Panic Theater being used to initiate massive changes worldwide that have nothing to do with keeping us healthy.
Getting children vaccinated against Covid-19 is negligence at best and could be categorized as child abuse. Their risks from Covid are far lower than the risks they face contracting influenza. The risks from the vaccines are barely documented since there have been no long-term tests possible for these vaccines, yet the limited documentation shows they are tremendously dangerous.
There is much more to say but I don’t want too much distance between Oliver’s eloquent words and the story below by Ivan Pentchoukov from our partners at The Epoch Times. Share both widely as parents need to be informed that educators, doctors, media, and politicians are lying to them when they say Covid-19 is dangerous to their children but the vaccines are not.
CDC: 397 Children Suffered Heart Inflammation After COVID-19 Vaccine
Nearly 400 children between the ages of 12 and 17 were diagnosed with heart inflammation after receiving the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine, according to a study published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on July 30.
The condition, also known as myocarditis, occurred mostly in young boys, the study found. Heart inflammation wasn’t identified as an adverse reaction during the safety trials for the vaccine.
The CDC conducted the study by reviewing reports of adverse reactions to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) between Dec. 14, 2020, and July 16, 2021.
Of the 8.9 million children who received the vaccine as of July 16, VAERS received a total of 9,246 reports of adverse reactions, 90.7 percent of which were made up of “nonserious adverse events.” The 397 reports of heart inflammation made up 4.3 percent of the total.
The CDC’s Advisory Committee conducted a risk-benefit assessment based on the adverse reaction reports and continues to recommend the Pfizer vaccine to children aged 12 and older.
COVID-19 is the disease caused by the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus, commonly known as the novel coronavirus.
Fourteen children died after receiving the Pfizer vaccine, according to the study. The cause of death still isn’t available for six of the cases. Of the eight other children, two died of intracranial hemorrhage, two died of pulmonary embolism, two committed suicide, one died of heart failure, and one died of a rare blood condition.
None of the death reports were determined to have been caused by heart inflammation.
“Impressions regarding cause of death did not indicate a pattern suggestive of a causal relationship with vaccination; however, cause of death for some decedents is pending receipt of additional information,” Anne Hause, the CDC’s corresponding author, wrote.
Hause noted that the study is subject to several limitations, including the fact that “VAERS is a passive surveillance system and is subject to underreporting and reporting biases.” Though the system is passive overall, doctors are required to report all serious events following vaccinations. The study also wasn’t designed to capture all cases of heart inflammation and only counted the reports which used the term “myocarditis.”
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued an emergency use authorization for the Pfizer vaccine for children 16 years and older on Dec. 11, 2020. The FDA expanded the authorization to children 12 and over on May 10, 2021.
After reports of heart inflammation began to arrive in June, the CDC’s advisory committee concluded that the risks of high inflammation didn’t outweigh the benefits of the vaccine and decided to continue recommending it to children aged 12 and older.
Representatives for Pfizer and BioNTech didn’t respond to a request for comment by press time.