It’s unfortunate that I got too busy to post this yesterday while it was still fresh on the mind. I did my live show at Red State Talk Radio and normally I get the podcast up within a few hours. But yesterday was a whirlwind of interviews and discussions, so I didn’t get to write up this article or post the podcast until Thursday.
For a recap, former acting-DNI Ric Grenell went on the warpath yesterday by posting blatantly false information about America First candidate for U.S. Senate in Pennsylvania Kathy Barnette. I came to the conclusion after looking at his and other attacks from people I generally like and admire that they’re coming to the defense of Donald Trump and his endorsement of Dr. Mehmet Oz.
Losing in the primary would be a poor loss for the television doctor, but it would be devastating for Trump. The press will eat him alive, hammering for days or even weeks how Trump has lost power in the Republican Party and Dr. Oz losing would be their proof. It’s not true, at least the part about Trump losing power. He backed the wrong candidate, a Democrat pretending to be a Republican who is backed by the GOP Establishment and the globalist elites.
Everyone makes mistakes.
Grenell and others have come to his rescue, throwing out blatant lies in an effort to smear her at the last moment. Until a couple of weeks ago, she wasn’t even a factor in the race. Fellow globalist RINO David McCormick and Dr. Oz were spending a lot of money attacking each other and Barnette snuck in the back door to surge to a three-way tie. The RINOs and Trump allies joined forces to try to take her down at the last minute. Sean Hannity, a Dr. Oz supporter who some believe is the reason Trump backed the candidate in the first place, went scorched earth on her during his show Wednesday night.
As I said in the article yesterday, I do still like Grenell and others who are on the wrong side of this issue. It’s disheartening but not entirely unexpected when we look at the big picture. Whether it was ill-advised or not to back Dr. Oz, that’s the card that Trump selected and many of his allies are backing his play. The way they look at it, one more RINO in the Senate is a worthy price to pay if it will solidify Trump’s status as the undisputed leader of the Republican Party. If Dr. Oz loses in the primary, Trump will get roasted by both the GOP Establishment and the press.
I don’t want that to happen, but I refuse to back Trump’s bad choices. I did not support Mitt Romney just because Trump said so. I did not believe Rex Tillerson, H.R. McMaster, John Bolton, Omarosa, Anthony Scaramucci, Reince Priebus, Jeff Session, or Mike Pence were good for the country just because Trump said so. As an America First movement, we cannot blindly follow what Trump or anyone else says just because they say it. We must stand for what’s best for the country, and that’s Kathy Barnette.
On the next episode, I will be debunking why the latest rumor that Barnette cannot win the general election is unambiguously false. You can catch it at Red State at 2pm Eastern or wait for the replay on The Midnight Sentinel.