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In Washington, there are nearly three dozen candidates for governor. This isn’t just a testament to the plethora of Washingtonians who believe they can be good leaders. It’s also an indication of zero confidence in the current governor and former presidential candidate, Democrat Jay Inslee. Even before the coronavirus, he was showing signs of losing support from both Washingtonians and Democrats across the country, never breaking into pack and essentially polling at zero before finally dropping out to go back to the job he apparently scorns. Once he showed his true authoritarian colors during the coronavirus panic, his support plummeted.
One candidate stands out as having the gumption—and a plan—to give Inslee his wish of no longer being Governor of Washington. Political activist Tim Eyman has been a controversial figure in Washington for over two decades, promoting tax initiatives to reduce government’s footprint over the people. He has been successful at filing several lawsuits against the government and has forced their hands to move in favor of the people multiple times. Now, he wants to be Governor.
In this very first episode of our new podcast, Freedom Discourse, host JD Rucker interviewed Eyman, giving him the opportunity to make his case to the people of Washington. The candidate’s answers were straightforward, a breath of fresh air in an arena that is loaded with lifetime politicians who often sidestep questions. He was blunt with his criticism of Inslee and open about sharing his plan to succeed in next month’s primary. If he does, he’ll be able to take a shot at Inslee in November.
Eyman is no stranger to controversy and often speaks his mind when most politicians would simply keep quiet. He recently called out Seattle Councilwoman Kshama Sawant for her socialist behavior. He even went down to the Capitol Hill Occupied Protest (CHOP) and listened to the people there despite being berated incessantly. It’s this type of courage and honesty the people of Washington crave.
In a sea of candidates in Washington’s gubernatorial race, Tim Eyman stands out as having the sincerity and conservative common sense to lead the government back to the realm of sanity. After decades of being a blue state, it’s time to try something better.