Despite CPAC and many of the Republican leaders giving lip-service to President Donald Trump, it’s clear that the GOP is doing everything they can to rid themselves of the MAGA movement and anyone still pushing an America First agenda. Case in point: Marjorie Taylor Greene.
MTG recently tweeted out that “Vaccinated employees get a vaccination logo just like the Nazi’s forced Jewish people to wear a gold star. Vaccine passports & mask mandates create discrimination against untaxed people who trust their immune systems to a virus that is 99% survivable.”
After she posted that, all hell broke loose… but not from the usual suspects on the left. The attacks, instead, came from supposed conservatives. Representative Dan Crenshaw responded with: “Remember when we all criticized AOC for comparing detention centers to concentration camps? Because it was so stupid and insulting to Holocaust survivors? You’re doing the same thing. Just stop. Members of Congress should think before they speak.”
Yes, you are correct, Dan: Members of Congress should think before they speak. And that applies to you, as well.
The reason why AOC’s comments comparing the detention centers to Nazi Germany’s concentration camps is so obvious, it’s insane that I have to explain it. The Nazi’s rounded up Jews simply because they were Jewish and sending them to concentration camps where they were starved, abused and were forced into intense manual labor. If they didn’t die from the conditions, they were sent off to gas chambers where they were murdered in massive numbers.
Contrast that with the detention centers for illegal immigrants, which house those that are breaking the law by entering our country illegally and provides medical care, food and water while they wait to go through the process of whether they can be allowed into our country or not.
Representative Crenshaw’s tweet was extremely dishonest and in claiming that MTG’s tweet was anything resembling the utter stupidity and dishonest of AOC. MTG is factually correct: In Nazi Germanyy, they forced the Jews to mark themselves with the Star of David. These were designed to segregate the Jews from the rest of society. Yes, this was definitely a part of a larger plan to ultimately wipe the Jewish people off the face of the earth. However, it’s the same strategy being used by the Left today in regards to the COVID-19 vaccines.
Think about it: The Democrat platform is one of pure evil. It’s anti-God. Anti-morality. Anti-Life. They devalue the individual. It’s morally bankrupt. From a Christian perspective, it’s clear that Satan is behind the Marxist Democrat Party. You know what other group he was behind? That’s right; Nazi Germany.
Satan uses the same strategies over and over again. This is why we are seeing the Democrats borrowing this manipulative tactic from Nazi Germany for the purposes of trying to shame those concerned with getting the COVID-19 “vaccine” into taking it.
The fact that Republicans like Dan Crenshaw, who should definitely understand this simply concept, are choosing to attack Greene simply shows their absolute hatred for this woman who is simply defending our freedom and liberty. Instead of working on our behalf, they are looking out for what’s best for them: In this case, it’s discrediting Marjorie Taylor Greene.
Even Ben Shapiro jumped into the mix, claiming, “This is demented nonsense. It is nothing like the Holocaust, and any comparison thereto is both insulting and insane.” Remember, MTG didn’t compare this to the Holocaust. She compared it to the Gold Star that the Jews were forced to wear in Nazi Germany. There’s a difference, and Ben Shapiro knows this.
Are we going to continue to tolerate this kind of dishonest behavior from these RINOs who are more concerned with taking the party back to business-as-usual? Or are we going to finally say, “enough is enough” and stop supporting these supposed conservatives?
Start supporting candidates and conservative commentators that are actually fighting to preserve YOUR freedom and liberty. We cannot tolerate these kinds of attacks against people like Donald Trump and Marjorie Taylor Greene who have been taking arrows during battle on our behalf. Make a conscience decision about who you support. It’s so important and vital to the future of our country.
YouTube, Spotify, and other Big Tech platforms are taking Freedom First Network down
It’s no secret we speak our minds and bring on guests who do the same. That’s one of the biggest reasons we put together the Freedom First Network in the first place. There are far too many news outlets, including so-called “conservative” media companies, who are so beholden to Big Tech that they temper their perspectives at best and outright coverup the truth at worst. Many, as you all know, will blatantly lie in order to maintain the narrative that supports the radical agenda taking over much of the United States.
We have had our YouTube channel taken down. Many of our shows have been suppressed or removed by Facebook and Twitter. Spotify banned one of our shows completely from their platform. Google hates us. We’ve even been censored by some of the smaller players like Medium, Transistor, and Captivate. But we stand behind our reporting and perspectives and we refuse to bow down to Big Tech tyranny for the sake of pageviews or video plays.
This isn’t the easiest road to travel, especially for a media company that is so new. We launched Freedom First Network in 2020 to fight against the very censorship that we’re seeing so widespread today. We have found great homes for our content on freer speech platforms like Rumble and we’re putting our best efforts forward into building our presence on Locals. Nevertheless, we cannot do it alone. We need help.
One of the things cofounders Jeff Dornik and JD Rucker agreed to from the start was to never be the pawns of companies that do not embrace our worldview. Finding advertisers and affiliates is easy; we receive requests by companies wanting to be pushed on our shows every day. But it’s important to us that we’re promoting companies, services, and products that are beneficial to maintaining a Freedom First stance in America. As a result, we do not take on sponsors easily. We would rather rely on our own products like Freedom First Coffee and the support of our wonderful viewers, listeners, and readers.
Those who want to support us and help keep the fight for America’s future moving forward can do so by donating through our Locals page. There, you can donate monthly or one-time. Some have told us to use Patreon or GoFundMe, but both of those platforms have demonstrated a hatred for free speech. Locals does not. They embrace it. We encourage everyone to join us on Locals, but donations are greatly appreciated as well. We do not have day jobs. Our fight for freedom is a full-time gig.
Please feel free to reach out to us through our contact form. It goes directly to our founders, so if you’re interested in getting involved, investing, sponsoring, or even bringing a show to our network, let us know. May God Bless the United States of America!