Everyone should weep for Texas state legislator Donna Howard. After flying on a private jet with her fellow Democrats to Washington DC so they could prevent election integrity laws from passing, she has been forced into pure hardship. She has to wash her clothes in the sink and dry them in the bathroom. This, of course, tears into her room service and Netflix time that she’s getting with $221 per diem while she’s skipping out on work.
“You bet we’re recognizing & honoring our country’s heritage. As most Texans, tho, this is what we’re doing tonight—using whatever is accessible, uwashing our clothes in the sink. #txlege,” she Tweeted.
You bet we’re recognizing & honoring our country’s heritage. As most Texans, tho, this is what we’re doing tonight—using whatever is accessible, uwashing our clothes in the sink. #txlege https://t.co/HC8uDSnWk5 pic.twitter.com/DoaatSCqmj
— Donna Howard (@DonnaHowardTX) July 16, 2021
Reactions from Twitter were predictable. Any time anyone posts pictures of their underwear in public, there are certain reactions that are simply spontaneous. But other responses were worth noting…
- Brandon Morse: “Remind me. Did you fly to DC on a private jet or float on a raft to a third-world country without running water?”
- Cari Kelemen: “You had to wash your clothes in a hotel sink? ‘We shall overcome, We shall overcome…'”
- Bethany S. Mandel: “We have washing machines here. You flew here on a chartered private plane. You can figure it out I’m sure.”
- Bella D’Plorable: “Hotel doesn’t have a laundry room? As we say in the south, bless your heart.”
- Legosurrectionist: “I just spent an entire YEAR washing ALL of my clothes in the bathtub because I totalled my car, didn’t have the money to replace it and am out here without a safety net of friends or family. But sure lady. So stunning and brave.”
- Amanda Prestigiacomo: “Lots here. I’ll start w sitting lawmakers should not be snapping pics of their undergarments for all of social media. Pull it together, woman.”
- Matt Whitlock: “This is a super strange tweet — but as you know, you wouldn’t have to do this if you were at home in Texas doing your job. Instead of being here to do tourist things and gaslight about election bills not actually accomplishing anything.”
The bill Howard and her fellow Democrats are fleeing is one that would bring more election integrity to Texas. There have been so many cases of massive, widespread voter fraud across the state in recent years that a change is absolutely necessary.
The Democrats are claiming that they are fighting for the right for everyone to vote, but this is a disingenuous argument considering the bill they’re opposing does not suppress anyone’s vote. In fact, their argument is that persons of color are less capable of getting identification than their “white saviors” trying to protect them from their own ignorance. It’s sad.
To say Texas Democrats have jumped the shark would be an understatement. They’re doing whatever they can to distract from the fact that they are racists who believe minorities are less capable of understanding or complying with basic laws.