The Delta Variant of Covid-19 is a lie. No, I’m not suggesting it doesn’t exist. It’s real, and it’s just as dangerous as the previous variants of Covid-19. That means unless you’re elderly or have major preexisting conditions that make you extremely vulnerable to pulmonary infections of any sort, the Delta Variant has a 99.97% recovery rate. Depending on the study du jour, some will say it’s more transmissible but less deadly than the other variants.
Why, then, is it be propped up as another existential threat to humanity that requires totalitarianism and other radical measures to fight? Our readers likely already know the answer or can extrapolate it from the headline. This is all about the fear necessary to compel the masses to self-suppress their rights, accept whatever “guidance” is given to them by government, and pressure their friends, family, and even strangers to get injected.
Who is behind it all? We’ll give them the generic classification of “Globalists” since the endgame seems to point to either domination or population control. Either way, it’s the global elite who stand to benefit. It’s the global elite who are pulling the strings and calling the shots.
The narratives surrounding the Delta Variant are so widespread they’re often contradictory. Today, two separate studies were released. One showed single doses of the Pfizer and AstraZeneca vaccines are worthless against the Delta Variant while another says the same vaccines are wonder drugs that make the Delta Variant cringe at the prospects of having to face them. Which is it? Again, narrative is everything and as odd as it sounds, both “studies” play to the agenda of the globalists depending on which they need to cite at any given point. According to Daily Caller:
Two recently-released studies examine the efficacy of single coronavirus vaccine doses against the delta variant showed vastly disparate outcomes.
The first, a Canadian pre-print study posted on medRxiv earlier this month, concluded that a single dose of the Pfizer, Moderna and AstraZeneca vaccines provide “good to excellent protection” against the delta variant of coronavirus. But a single dose of the Pfizer and AstraZeneca vaccines was shown to have relatively low efficacy combating the variant, according to a U.K. study published this week in The New England Journal of Medicine.
“Effectiveness was notably lower after the first vaccine dose among persons with the delta variant,” the U.K. study stated.
The study found that a single dose of the Pfizer vaccine was 36% effective against the variant while a single dose of AstraZeneca’s jab was 30% effective. The efficacy climbed to 88% and 67% respectively following a second dose of the two vaccines, according to the study.
Either way, the messages are delivered. The conscious message is that the injections may or may not work but they’re better than not having them at all. The subconscious message is that the Delta Variant must be important and dangerous since there are multiple studies trying to figure it out. Both messages are necessary for the globalist push to vaccinate everyone.
Is the Delta Variant truly much more dangerous than previous ones? The numbers do not back it as cases are going up but deaths are not. This indicates what we stipulated earlier, that the new variant is more transmissible but less deadly. But as the old saying goes, if you torture the numbers long enough you can make them say anything. According to an article from Global Research, mainstream media is torturing the numbers in one of the most egregious scare propaganda campaigns we’ve seen throughout the Covid-19 ordeal, and that’s saying a lot.
By using media’s hazy math, it’s easy to see why so many believe the Delta Variant is essentially unstoppable without getting the jabs. Global Research reported:
Here is how you do the Big Lie — CNBC and the 99.5% of deaths in the unvaccinated
First CNBC set up the story. It provided facts that actually don’t mean very much. but sound frightening. It said the virus is 1,000 times more transmissible than the original. In fact, precisely this strategy was used in the early days of Covid.
The variant is highly contagious, largely because people infected with the delta strain can carry up to 1,000 times more virus in their nasal passages than those infected with the original strain, according to new data.
At the onset of the pandemic, in March 2020, SARS-2 was alleged to be 1,000 times more transmissible than SARS-1. And today, the hot story is that the Delta variant is 1,000 times more transmissible than the original strain of SARS-2. Which would make it 1 million times more transmissible than SARS-1.
But what does that really mean? In the real world, more transmissibility is generally associated with lowered virulence. And that is precisely the case when you compare SARS-1 and SARS-2, and the Delta versus the original Covid strain. Each has considerably less virulence than the earlier coronavirus.
It means the Delta variant might be as transmissible as the flu. And it happens to be the least virulent of the seven variants being evaluated in the UK. Now that you have gotten everyone’s attention, you throw in some quotes from the CDC Director, who happily obliges with more meaningless drivel.
“The delta variant is more aggressive and much more transmissible than previously circulating strains,” CDC Director Dr. Rochelle Walensky told reporters at a briefing Thursday. “It is one of the most infectious respiratory viruses we know of, and that I have seen in my 20-year career.”
Aggressive sounds pretty bad, but what does it mean? In fact, it has no medical meaning. The claim of high transmissibility is repeated, while nothing else is being said. How transmissible is flu? CDC states that between 3% and 20% of Americans get the flu each winter, within a brief 3 months. Delta is presumably in the same ballpark.
The stage has been prepared. The CDC Director has opined on the latest horribleness. The audience is nervous and paying full attention. What comes next appears to be from a reliable source. But in fact, it came out of left field. There is no source. No attribution whatsoever.
CNBC stated:
“In hospitals around the country, 97% of people admitted with Covid symptoms are unvaccinated, and 99.5% of all Covid deaths are also among the unvaccinated.”
The numbers cannot be verified by the press, or by me, or by anyone who does not have an official list of the vaccinated. Most people were vaccinated in mass clinics. The vaccinations are not in their medical records. There are no insurance claims for the vaccine, which was free. While the states and CDC do have those lists, somewhere, CDC has previously claimed it could not match the list of the vaccinated to reported post-vaccination deaths to corroborate and evaluate them.
In the UK, with similar vaccination rates as the US, it was reported that the majority of hospitalizations are occurring in the VACCINATED. This according to Sir Patrick Vallance, the UK’s chief science advisor, who is also known as a member of the Fauci Covid origin cover-up cabal.
According to Reuters, Vallance now says he misspoke.
Vallance earlier said at a news conference with Prime Minister Boris Johnson that 60% of people being admitted to hospital with COVID-19 have had two doses of vaccine.
“Correcting a statistic I gave at the press conference,” Vallance said on Twitter. “About 60% of hospitalisations from COVID are not from double vaccinated people, rather 60% of hospitalisations from COVID are currently from unvaccinated people.”
When the public has no means of verification, the media (as well as government officials) can say anything they please. How does 99.5% sound? There’s nothing stopping you. So why not go for broke? And if there is pushback, just change the numbers tomorrow.
In case you missed the important part, I’ll state it another way. It is not possible based on the way the data is being parsed between hospitals, the CDC, and everyone else for them to determine what percentage of Covid-19 deaths are of unvaccinated people. It is literally impossible because the safeguards in place prohibit the appropriate data from being cross-referenced. That’s one of the dirty little secrets mainstream media, Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy, and Anthony Fauci are not telling you. The statistic of “99.5% of Covid deaths are of the unvaccinated” is not only an estimate based on anecdotal data, but it’s also one fabricated for the sake of narrative.
How are they able to do this? Because Covid-19 “vaccinations” are conspicuously left off of medical records. Why? So that there’s no way to cross-reference. It’s being sold as a “privacy issue” but in reality it’s done to allow doctors to honestly claim on death certificates that there was no indication of Covid-19 vaccinations available. That does NOT mean that those who die from Covid-19 are not vaccinated. It simply means that for the sake of record-keeping, doctors cannot say definitively that the deceased had been vaccinated.
Yes, this all traces back to the roadmap they made in years past for “The Great Reset”
If that sounds conveniently duplicitous with the globalists’ narrative and agenda in mind, you’re on the right track. This was intentional, well-planned, and it’s getting uglier with every phase of this debacle.
The Last Phase Before the Mandates
Yes, mandates are coming. Some are already here. We just saw a coach with a National Football League team fired today because he won’t get the jabs. We know that students across the country are being told they must get vaccinated in order to attend classes. Employers are demanding proof of vaccination for new hires. And while there are states trying to outlaw all of this, the onslaught coming from both DC and the judiciary is going to be too much for the states to handle.
To see what our mandated future looks like, we turn to Europe. According to our content partners at The Epoch Times, it’s all being done in the name of the Delta Variant:
A growing number of European countries are pushing the use of COVID-19 status certificates or vaccine passports, saying it’s to control the spread of the Delta variant of the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus.
Italy on Thursday followed in the footsteps of France, announcing that proof of vaccination or immunity would shortly be mandatory for an array of activities, including indoor dining and entering places such as gyms, pools, museums, and cinemas.
Greece made a vaccination certificate mandatory for anyone to be allowed into indoor restaurants and bars last week, while dozens of Portuguese municipalities introduced weekend curbs for inside dining in early July.
“The Delta variant is even more of a threat than the other variants,” Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi told reporters, defending his decision to make the so-called Green Pass obligatory to participate in much of public life.
Draghi said the Green Pass is a “necessary condition” of not shutting down the economy again. Regional governors in Italy said there was a marked pick-up in bookings after Draghi spoke late on Thursday.
“I think the prime minister has achieved what he wanted to achieve,” said Giovanni Toti, head of the northwestern Liguria region.
In the week after French President Emmanuel Macron’s July 12 announcement of the bolstered health pass, a record 3.7 million French citizens signed up for vaccination, according to the Doctolib health website.
Other European countries are also slowly tightening the screws, to a greater or lesser extent.
Hungary on Friday made vaccinations mandatory for healthcare workers, while Malta this month became the first country in the European Union to ban any visitor over the age of 12 from entering unless fully vaccinated.
After initially ruling out health passports for domestic use, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said on Monday that English nightclubs and other venues with large crowds would require proof of full vaccination from the end of September, and negative tests will no longer be accepted.
Official figures suggest the CCP vaccines have weakened the link between infections and hospitalizations and deaths, and medicines regulators in the UK and around the world have maintained that the benefit of the CCP virus vaccines outweigh the risks it may bring, but the coercive move has raised concerns that it would undermine trust in the vaccination program.
Germany, which has one of the lowest death rates per capita on the continent, has rejected compulsory vaccinations, saying this would undermine public trust in the inoculation campaign.
Instead, it seeking to persuade the skeptics and undecided by making it as easy as possible to get a jab, for instance by offering appointment-free shots in vaccination centers and sending mobile teams to rural areas.
Moscow this week had to drop its ban on people entering cafes, restaurants, and bars without a health pass after owners complained it was killing business.
Meanwhile, anger over the new COVID rules in France has sparked nationwide protests, with 100,000 people taking to the streets last weekend, accusing the government of overreach.
“I’m not here because I’m against the vaccine. I’m here to defend our freedoms. We cannot be forced to get vaccinated,” Mohamed Boukifa, a 40-year-old baker, told Reuters at a mid-week demonstration in Paris.
It’s not just Europe, though. Australia has begun their crackdown, and it’s downright ugly. According to Dave Rubin at The Blaze, “There is some seriously evil, Orwellian language right there. Do not ‘engage in conversations’? Why would the government not want people to engage in conversations? … That is scary, scary stuff.”
It’s also getting bad in Israel again:
Yes, the mandates are manifesting in the United States already and will continue to do so unless we stop them. It’s not going to be easy and many of us have been fighting this for months. But we must continue. We must persevere. If mandates ever manifest in unconstitutional ways — and true mandates from government could only happen outside of the Constitution — then it will be too late. The taste of authoritarian power is impossible to wash from the mouths of those who wield it. Nothing will take down government mandates regarding vaccines unless the nation is torn to shreds. And that may be the point.
But there is definitely hope. Yes, we have the Constitution despite the attacks. We have some lawmakers who still believe in our rights. And we have the power of the people to stand up against these draconian mandates. But it requires action. It requires that we all leave our comfort zones and make choices geared towards stopping these mandates from coming to pass.
It isn’t just government. If I had not already sworn off watching the NFL for their “wokeness,” I would immediately stop watching them now over their mandates. I refuse to do business with any company that requires its employees to get vaccinated. I send emails, make phone calls, and share information daily with lawmakers. I wish circumstances allowed me to do more. Thankfully, some of you can do more, and I support whatever legal and non-violent actions you take to stop this disaster from becoming our reality.
The Saddest Truth About the Delta Variant
It’s funny how science has become so clouded since the pandemic began. Before, it was universally accepted that “variants” of viruses sprung up as a result of vaccinations just as variants of bacterial infections sprung up from antibiotics. Both viruses and bacteria mutate to overcome the challenges before them. In the case of Covid-19, that narrative has changed.
Today, “scientists” are trying to tell us that the Delta Variant and other variants are springing up because of the unvaccinated. This is a bald-faced lie and any “scientist” or “doctor” who makes this claim knows they’re lying. As Ethan Huff at Natural News reported:
Despite what the fake news media is telling you, most Americans have not gotten injected for the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19). And those who have, it appears, are the ones getting sick with and driving the spread of the “delta variant.”
There is zero proof to suggest that non-injected people are the ones now functioning as “viral factories” as the government claims. To the contrary, the injected have been marked with toxic chemicals that are mutating into new forms of illness that are sending people to the hospital with “covid.”
An article recently published in Quanta Magazine warns that just like how taking antibiotics breeds antibiotic-resistant “superbugs,” taking these so-called vaccines contributes to the breeding of new variants that send some people to the hospital – or worse.
The piece discusses the history of the anti-Marek’s disease vaccine for chickens, which was first introduced back in 1970. It has had to be reinvented some three different times now because the virus continues to mutate to evade the vaccine.
The reason for this, of course, is that vaccines produce fake immunity, at best – fake meaning the type of immunity that wanes over time. Real immunity, which is produced by the immune system, lasts a lifetime.
A 2015 study published in the journal PLoS Biology also looked at the anti-Marek’s disease vaccine for chickens, revealing that unvaccinated chickens are the least likely to shed more virulent strains of the virus into the wild. Vaccinated chickens, on the other hand, are basically walking disease carriers.
“The findings suggest that the Marek’s vaccine encourages more dangerous viruses to proliferate,” the Quanta Magazine article explains. “This increased virulence might then give the viruses the means to overcome birds’ vaccine-primed immune responses and sicken vaccinated flocks.”
Viruses mutate all the time, and vaccines make things worse
How does this all relate to Fauci Flu shots? The answer is simple: The jabs are causing the Chinese Virus to morph into ever-new variants, which then turn into more new variants.
Vaccinated people are walking disease factories, in other words. Their damaged immune systems are now prone to spreading more illness, typically to other vaccinated people whose disease defenses have also been degraded.
While the mainstream media wants you to believe the opposite, the fact remains that injected people are the worst off when it comes to the risks involved with variant spread.
Even partially vaccinated people “might serve as sort of a breeding ground for the virus to acquire new mutations,” warns Paul Bieniasz, a Howard Hughes investigator at The Rockefeller University.
This, of course, runs contrary to media and government claims that unvaccinated people are somehow responsible for the vaccine-induced spread of new Wuhan Flu variants.
Richard Harris, NPR‘s science correspondent, warns of much the same. He says there is intense “evolutionary pressure” at play that renders vaccines unable to “completely block infection.”
“Many vaccines, apparently, including the covid vaccines, do not completely prevent a virus from multiplying inside someone even though these vaccines do prevent serious illness,” he alleges, toting the government line about the jabs supposedly minimizing the risk of serious illness.
One thing the fearmongering media is not telling people is the fact that each new variant of the Chinese Virus is becoming increasingly less dangerous, even if some of them are allegedly more contagious.
The risks to an unvaccinated person are almost nil regardless, while those who took the vaccines are now coming down with new infections that are sending many of them back to the hospital for treatment.
The biggest of the “Big Lies” they’re telling us right now about Covid-19 has to do with the Delta Variant. It’s a tool being used by the globalist elites and their puppets to drive fear and advance their agenda.