From the beginning, in the Garden of Eden, Satan has misled the people of God by successfully both manipulating the “Word” of God and redefining the “Word” of God.
Keep in mind; in the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve had perfection in a sinless environment. They walked with God. They were at peace with every living thing and they were free from disease and death. And yet Satan was able to mislead Eve by having her think and then believe that God was holding something back from she and Adam. And Adam, having more concern for what his wife wanted, than he had for what God had instructed, disobeyed God and thus sin was ushered in—as was punishment, suffering, fear and death—all for the bite of an apple.
Fast forward to the zeitgeist of deceit in which we live today and we find the strategy that worked for the serpent in the Garden of Eden has transmogrified into what today is called “Social Justice.” In truth this heretical heterodoxy has been used by evil men to supplant the “Word and Great Commission God,” i.e., Christ, into falsity that is beyond the theistic paganism practiced in ancient Pergamon.
Social justice is the Erebusic practice of division based upon the belief that someone is denying a person(s) something they believe themselves entitled to based upon the inculcation of belief that said person(s) are objectionable because of their skin color, gender (or lack thereof if we are to believe the discourse of today), sexual preference/ identity, ad nauseam.
Those things referenced in the preceding paragraph have been subdivided into a choreography of complaint and demand predicated upon the belief that conservatism, which I argue has become a pejorative for born–again Evangelical Christians, are anti–justice and thus the need for social justice crusaders advocating reform.
This has metastasized exponentially because biblically illiterate Christians who unwittingly follow false and/or inept clergy fail to realize that there is a degree of truth in every lie. Thus the reason the old “my dog ate my homework” lie has never worked but the “I forgot my book, I left my book in my dad’s car or my cluster headache was the reason I was late for work or my sugar spiked and caused a diabetic reaction” does have the greater chance of success.
Ergo, such is the way our culture, the church, Christians, the very “Word” of God and our political environment has been deceived with great stealth into believing lies. That said, it is my intractable position that any person, treatise or theory that cannot be supported by scripture is not just false, but is a leaven that will lead an entire globality into chaos and destruction.
Such is the moment in which we find ourselves today. That is what makes this book: Social Injustice: Exposing the False Gospel of the Social Justice Movement of such critical importance.
The idea of social justice being a dictate of God is a fallacious construct advanced by cultural–Marxists whose true purpose is to destroy the absolutes of God by subverting and destroying the “Word” of God by misleading the people of God who are supposed to know better.
The most efficient tool that can be used to cast down a society and a nation is misguided people who follow the machinations of evil satanic men.Social Injustice: Exposing the False Gospel of the Social Justice Movement is not only a master piece of truth “for such a time as this;” it is a call to arms.
We cannot fight that which we do not recognize and/or understand. This unimpeachable work provides the reader first with the understanding that cultural–Marxism is not some nebulous existential theory that “conservatives” miscast so they can combat equality and equal rights. It is a demonic reality, the mercantile of which has been used to bring the church and thus America to the edge of the abyss.
The authors of this book present a clear and cogent biblical pathway of truth that is a must read for every person. It is not just another exercise intended to benefit the author(s). This book was conceived, arranged and written for the singular purpose of benefiting you the reader. And in my opinion, it accomplishes that on steroids.
I should also note that this book is not a respecter of persons. The authors with love and with grace boldly point out those who have contributed to the infiltration of cultural–Marxism, because they have either shied away from the fight or backtracked from the fight when they should have stood steadfast and immovable.
I contend that this book is as powerful and important for Christendom including the saved and unsaved alike, as any of the works of the great Christian authors of today.
Social Injustice: Exposing the False Gospel of the Social Justice Movement may not have the revival effect that followed Martin Luther’s posting his 95 theses on the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg; but it is my absolute belief that if the people reading it and having their eyes opened to the evil of cultural–Marxism—will repent and turn back to God, take back their churches and commit to advancing the “Word” of God in the power of the Holy Spirit—they can and will make a massive difference in the time remaining before the Lord returns.
This article is the introduction written by the great Mychal Massie (whose X account is suspended… so much for free speech, right Elon Musk?) to the first book I published called Social Injustice: Exposing the False Gospel of the Social Justice Movement. The group of authors exposed the heretical teachings of the social justice movement. Contributing authors included Brannon Howse, Dr Andy Woods, Pastor Ken Peters, Dr Mike Spaulding and more. Click here to order.