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When I first learned that Dr. Anthony Fauci had reversed his stance from March when he was against the public wearing face masks to his current stance from mid-June that everyone should be wearing face masks at all times, I didn’t pay much attention. I hadn’t heard the original statement and I didn’t care about his current statement. Then, someone sent me the original and I realized just how slimy this guy really is.
It wasn’t a case of saying that masks weren’t really necessary back then but now, with new information, they appear to be. That’s how I pictured his contradiction. But the actual words he used in denouncing the public’s use of face masks made me realize he’s a giant con-artist. He wasn’t just recommending against them. He was trying to ridicule anyone who thought to wear them anyway. Here’s his statement. I added emphasis to the egregious insults.
“When you’re in the middle of an outbreak, wearing a mask might make people feel a little bit better, and it might even block a droplet, but it’s not providing the perfect protection that people think that it is,” Fauci said in March. “And often there are unintended consequences—people keep fiddling with the mask and they keep touching their face.”
Yes, morons (which is everyone who isn’t him in Dr. Fauci’s eyes), you shouldn’t wear a face mask because you are too incompetent to handle this intricate PPE. It’s for professionals only. At least that’s the pitch Fauci used to dissuade us. But here’s the thing. What if he wasn’t concerned about logistics issues like supply levels? What if he was giving medical advice as, well, a doctor? Could he have prevented the massive spread and over 100,000 dead if he had just stopped being a bureaucrat and acted like a scientist back then?
In reality, the masks likely wouldn’t have helped much, as I noted in the latest episode of Non-Compliant America. They don’t help much now. People have generally been wearing masks in public for months and now there’s a “surge” in cases. That surge is coming from more testing, of course, but facts aren’t stopping the authoritarians such as Fauci from forcing more lockdowns and demanding everyone wear masks in public at all times. It’s all a big contradiction. It’s all a big con.
We cannot trust Fauci. Not one bit. He makes decisions based on what’s best for him, whether professionally or financially. This guy needs to be out of the White House and back to his real talent of making money off patents.
Broken Reality by Kevin MacLeod