Due to the tyrannical decisions by governors and elected officials across this country, millions of people are out of work and relying upon unemployment. One of the concerns that we are witnessing is that small businesses are closing due to the COVID-19 lockdowns. The end result will be that everyone is reliant either upon Big Government or Big Business, which will allow the elites to have complete control over our daily lives.
As Conservatives who believe in individual liberty and personal responsibility, the COVID-19 lockdowns are a perfect storm to spend time building a business or a new income stream to ensure that we are self-reliant. For some it could be writing a book, while for others it could be starting an online business. Or, as in the case of Janelle Carlson, it could be in investment real estate.
During this episode of Freedom Discourse, Real Estate Investor Janelle Carlson explains how she got started with buying her first home to then turn around and rent out. By creating these passive income sources, she’s been able to become completely self-supported, as opposed to the majority of Americans that are dependent upon a large corporation for their job security.
An interesting piece of information was when Janelle shared why she doesn’t invest in properties in California, but in other states. By strategically choosing the locations of properties, she’s able to keep her costs down while profiting the same, if not more, than she would if she were in California. It’s definitely important to be strategic and understand the markets, using your finances in a smart way to capitalize on the income streams available to you.
During these difficult times, understand that we’ve been given the gift of time. Yes, there’s not as much expendable money. However, you can learn a new skill, start a business or figure out how to invest in your future. Whatever it is that you decide to do, make sure that you are taking a step in the right direction to provide stability of income during these uncertain times.