It’s proving to be challenging to convince people Joe Biden’s new venture into pushing “Vaccine Passports” is a really, really bad idea. It’s a little like convincing them that universal background checks do not work; if they aren’t aware of the facts or statistics, they are more likely to think these ineffective speedbumps to firearm ownership are good ideas.
The same holds true for vaccine passports. To those who do not take the time to think about them or who are used to being obedient servants to government, getting and showing proof of vaccine participation may seem like a good thing. After all, most of them have or will get vaccinated, so why shouldn’t they get the “benefits” associated with succumbing to the fearmongers?
In reality, accepting a vaccine passport as a method of entry into, well, anything is a really bad idea that should be opposed by all, even those who have been vaccinated. I discussed this a bit more thoroughly on the latest episode of NOQ Report, but it’s easy to break it down in writing. First, the details. According to Trending Politics:
The Biden administration is set to launch a COVID passport that would track Americans that took the vaccine, despite warnings by civil rights advocates.
“The Biden administration and private companies are working to develop a standard way of handling credentials — often referred to as ‘vaccine passports’ — that would allow Americans to prove they have been vaccinated against the novel coronavirus as businesses try to reopen,” the Washington Post reported on Sunday.
“The effort has gained momentum amid President Biden’s pledge that the nation will start to regain normalcy this summer and with a growing number of companies — from cruise lines to sports teams — saying they will require proof of vaccination before opening their doors again,” the report continued.
“The administration’s initiative has been driven largely by arms of the Department of Health and Human Services, including an office devoted to health information technology, said five officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss the effort,” the report added.
“Our role is to help ensure that any solutions in this area should be simple, free, open source, accessible to people both digitally and on paper, and designed from the start to protect people’s privacy,” the administration’s coronavirus coordinator Zients said at a March 12 briefing. The Biden White House refused to go on the record about the COVID passports.
The cognitive dissonance in the administration’s reasoning is stunning. By their reckoning, regaining “normalcy” can only be accomplished by doing something so abnormal, so unAmerican, that it seems closer to the efforts by Nazi Germany to separate out Jews than a proposed action by the United States government. They noted they were going to make it as easy as possible to make this happen, and that alone should scare you.
Lest we forget, government tends to make things difficult. In many places, the basic act of holding a yard sale requires applications and licensing as well as acceptance of compliance guidelines. When government says they’re going to let things happen without hassle, that should tell us something about their motives.
To be clear, I’m not sure what their motives really are. It’s not about normalcy. It is about pushing the vaccine, but is there more to it than that?
Whatever their nefarious plans are, we need to do what we can to stop them. We often hear that we should reach out to our representatives. This is one of those times, but it cannot be a simple email, Tweet, or even a single phone call. We need to get aggressive with our opposition to this draconian proposal. Otherwise, they’re going to ram their path forward and by the time it is implemented, it may be too late to stop it. Even the judiciary may have a hard time reversing it if it ever gets that far which is why we need to act immediately.
Part of my roadmap for non-compliance, which is specifically designed for situations like this, is to work hard on the first four steps so we never have to realize the fifth step. The first step is to announce our opposition. This is often here people stop; a Tweet targeting a Congressman or a comment on a blog post is as far as many go. We cannot.
The next two steps are protests and legal action. Protests are becoming more challenging following the January 6th Capitol Riots… at least that’s what our government wants us to believe. But the Constitution has not been suspended and our rights to assemble and protest our government are still intact. As for legal action, it’s important to get started immediately. We cannot wait to sue the government after their mandates are already in place. The opening research and preparations must be done now.
The fourth step is to participate in civil disobedience. This has never been as important in America since the civil rights era. We must not comply, and we must reward businesses who choose to not comply as well.
All of this must be done immediately if we’re to stop the fifth step—direct conflicts which could lead to civil war—from becoming the final option. This is not something we want which is why the first four steps are paramount.
If we do not act immediately and alert our representatives, law enforcement leaders, business owners, and local communities that we will not stand for dystopian vaccine passports, they will be forced upon us. Fight now so we don’t have to fight in futility later.
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