A story I was told in a meeting yesterday morning sparked my interest. A conservative journalist detailed how she was stopped and searched by airport officials while traveling this week. Then, her bags were “lost” and magically transported to… wait for it… Washington DC. This particular journalist is controversial but she’s not out there calling for civil war or anything. She speaks the truth about vaccines and the stolen 2020 election, very much like I do.
Hearing this story concerned me enough that I pull out a rarely used source in DC. I won’t go into details about this source other than to say she’s part of the intelligence community and has been extremely reliable the few times I’ve called on her. She never goes on record for obvious reasons and I wouldn’t say she’s necessarily a Trump-supporter, but she’s against the Deep State (while technically being part of it) and very much against corruption in The Swamp. From what I can tell, she’s an anti-authoritarian Democrat, of which there seems to be very few left in America.
I put out the message for her to call me when she’s able. While I waited, I ran the story by another source. This one is lower level within the FAA, an old friend of my dad’s who owed him/us a favor. He asked if my journalist friend was in DC on January 6th. I wasn’t sure. He said if she was there then she might be flagged by the FBI, but if she wasn’t there she might be on the new list.
“What new list?” I asked.
He said scuttlebutt amongst TSA friends of his claimed there’s a new flag that does not come from the FBI. Nobody knows who’s running it, but apparently it had to do with vaccines.
“What?” I asked, flabbergasted. “Why would they keep a list of people who got the vaccines?”
“No, not GOT the vaccines,” he replied. “It’s anti-vaxxers. It’s also folks who still think Biden stole the election.”
The FAA source couldn’t tell me more because he didn’t know anything other than the rumors. I searched DuckDuckGo. There were the standard propaganda pieces from mainstream media and a story about the Spanish government sending anti-vaxxer names to the EU, but nothing about a domestic list.
I moved on to other tasks and interviews before calling it a day without word back from my “Deep State” source. She finally called back this morning.
A Little Background
Prior to 2020, I wouldn’t be what you would call a “conspiracy theorist.” I wasn’t a fan of people like Alex Jones, though my sentiment towards him and his team have changed dramatically since the pandemic came along. It’s not that I didn’t believe in conspiracy theories. I had dug into 9/11 and the moon landings like many conspiracy-curious folks, but I’ve always kept my focus on news I could confirm. Speculative stories are entertaining but they weren’t my cup of tea.
Then, the pandemic struck. Lockdowns that didn’t make sense from a scientific perspective but that matched perfectly with “The Great Reset” plans got me thinking further. I started reading less on traditional “conservative” news outlets and more on InfoWars, Natural News, The Gateway Pundit, and other sites that delve into the conspiratorial.
The election pushed me way over the edge. I read the affidavits, watched the videos, and looked into the numbers. It was stolen, 100%. Anyone who can look at the facts and come away thinking that it wasn’t stolen is an idiot or a liar. Or both.
The funny part is the journalist who sparked this investigation had interviewed me last year. I rarely regret answers I give during interviews, but in retrospect I muffed one of the one’s she asked and it still haunts me. She asked what should be done with Anthony Fauci. I said firing him so close to the election would be bad optics for President Trump. Oh, how I now wish Fauci had been fired long ago.
The point is, I have never in my career partaken in spreading conspiracy theories, not because I thought they were definitively false but because I couldn’t confirm they were true. This particular story can now be confirmed by the call I took this morning.
The Call
When my “Deep State” source called me at 4:40 am Pacific time, not remembering I was no longer in DC where we met, I was actually awake already. That’s a good thing because I needed to be fully awake to hear the answer I was about to be delivered.
“Is there a list of people who are being watched for opposing the vaccines or calling for election audits?” I asked, point blank. I didn’t expect a real reply. As much as I like and trust this source, she’s never been one who yields answers easily. I remember asking her whether Pete Buttigieg dropped out because of pressure or perhaps even a quid pro quo agreement with the Biden camp. She sidestepped the question a few times before finally telling me, “One of them got a deal, the other got pressured. Gotta go.” She hung up. I didn’t know who the “other” was until the next day when Amy Klobuchar dropped out.
That’s why I was shocked with the answer to my new question. After being told to “stand by” while listening to her typing on her computer, she gave the ominous reply, “Yep, you’re on it.”
I wasn’t asking if I was on the list, but being told I was on it was enough to confirm the list exists. It isn’t often that I’m stunned by anything government does, but this one had me sitting silently for at least five seconds, which is difficult for me.
“Keep your head down,” she said. “I’m looking at your address, phone numbers, and all your social profiles. Stay frosty.” She hung up.
There is absolutely nothing good that can be done with such a list. I’ve ran the scenarios in my head, not wanting to call anyone else. I don’t succumb to paranoia easily, but this news had me shaken. Should I lay low? Change the subject? Pretend like I’m no longer against the Covid vaccine? Stop posting stories about voter fraud?
No. Of course I shouldn’t back down. The Constitution is still in effect and, more importantly, God is still in charge. Besides, they won’t believe me if I suddenly changed my tune. I’ve been adamant about both controversial topics. If I were to back down now over a silly Deep State list, I might as well list my pronouns on my social media pages and subscribe to Disney+.
Government is supposed to defend us against our enemies, so what do we do when government IS the enemy. The answer is obvious. As Americans, we have a responsibility to defend one power higher than government, the Constitution, just as we have the responsibility to spread word of the highest power from the Bible. The truth is the truth regardless of what government or mainstream media or Big Tech or “woke” corporations or academia or the Deep State or the World Economic Forum say. Our responsibility is to spread it to those we can reach.
Like my friend said, “Stay frosty.” These are strange times and it seems very powerful forces are stacked against us. But that doesn’t mean we run and hide. We stay aware and spread the truth. That’s the high road we must take.
YouTube, Spotify, and other Big Tech platforms are taking Freedom First Network down
It’s no secret we speak our minds and bring on guests who do the same. That’s one of the biggest reasons we put together the Freedom First Network in the first place. There are far too many news outlets, including so-called “conservative” media companies, who are so beholden to Big Tech that they temper their perspectives at best and outright coverup the truth at worst. Many, as you all know, will blatantly lie in order to maintain the narrative that supports the radical agenda taking over much of the United States.
We have had our YouTube channel taken down. Many of our shows have been suppressed or removed by Facebook and Twitter. Spotify banned one of our shows completely from their platform. Google hates us. We’ve even been censored by some of the smaller players like Medium, Transistor, and Captivate. But we stand behind our reporting and perspectives and we refuse to bow down to Big Tech tyranny for the sake of pageviews or video plays.
This isn’t the easiest road to travel, especially for a media company that is so new. We launched Freedom First Network in 2020 to fight against the very censorship that we’re seeing so widespread today. We have found great homes for our content on freer speech platforms like Rumble and we’re putting our best efforts forward into building our presence on Locals. Nevertheless, we cannot do it alone. We need help.
One of the things cofounders Jeff Dornik and JD Rucker agreed to from the start was to never be the pawns of companies that do not embrace our worldview. Finding advertisers and affiliates is easy; we receive requests by companies wanting to be pushed on our shows every day. But it’s important to us that we’re promoting companies, services, and products that are beneficial to maintaining a Freedom First stance in America. As a result, we do not take on sponsors easily. We would rather rely on our own products like Freedom First Coffee and the support of our wonderful viewers, listeners, and readers.
Those who want to support us and help keep the fight for America’s future moving forward can do so by donating through our Locals page. There, you can donate monthly or one-time. Some have told us to use Patreon or GoFundMe, but both of those platforms have demonstrated a hatred for free speech. Locals does not. They embrace it. We encourage everyone to join us on Locals, but donations are greatly appreciated as well. We do not have day jobs. Our fight for freedom is a full-time gig.
Please feel free to reach out to us through our contact form. It goes directly to our founders, so if you’re interested in getting involved, investing, sponsoring, or even bringing a show to our network, let us know. May God Bless the United States of America!