Today, The Two Mikes again, and enthusiastically, welcomed Lieutenant General Tom McInerney back to our show. As always, the General had plenty of news for us to talk about. One particularly intriguing take was when the conversation turned to Critical Race Theory in the military.
“Look, I can tell you after 35 years in the Air Force, I know not the color of a person’s skin unless they want me to,” he said. “I never saw racial issues in my 35 years. I’m sure they must have happened, but I can assure you that I never saw it personally.”
Gen. McInerney explained that the Biden administration is lying about racism in the military and the need to apply “Critical Race Theory” as a way to combat something that isn’t really a problem. The military has been a beacon of inclusiveness for some time, and as the General noted, it’s only getting better.
“Certainly we’ve grown over those 26 years I’ve been out,” he said. “They’ve gotten better. And so this is all made up.”
The real question comes down to why the Biden administration is so bent on making our military “woke.” As the General explained, it call comes down to the Cultural Marxism that drives this administration, and it didn’t start with Joe Biden.
“This is right out of the Nazi and the Communist playbook and unfortunately our former President Obama has been leading it and been conceiving it over the last four years that they were out,” he said. “And they’ve come at us with a vengeance.”
He also described his personal education about the Wuhan Flu and the vaccines meant to combat it. The bottom line, the General said, was that his discussions with several doctors, who are old and trusted friends, convinced him that the Wuhan Flu was a biological-weapons attack on America by China and its allies in the federal government’s health-and-medical bureaucracy, and that the vaccines being used are causing more deaths and permanent injuries than any other such medicine in recent memory.
Nearly 4,000 Americans have been killed by the so-called vaccines, for example, which, if memory is accurate, is more than have been killed in the 20-year-long Afghan war. The General said he was urging people not to take the vaccine, and The Two Mikes put their two cents in arguing that the evidence is accumulating that the U.S. government and Big Pharma are waging war on China’s behalf, against its own citizens, and are now planning to go after our children and infants with their too-often lethal inoculations.
The three of us agreed, on another subject, that for the first time in quite while, the good guys appear to be getting a legal leg-up in the Arizona and the other election audits now going on, and the Democrats appear to be in a bit of a panic and are hiring every stinking lawyer they can find to challenge the audits. The rigged election — like the Wuhan Flu and its vaccines — is another part of the war being waged on the citizenry by Biden and the Democratic Party that hates them and their republic with a passion.
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YouTube, Spotify, and other Big Tech platforms are taking Freedom First Network down
It’s no secret we speak our minds and bring on guests who do the same. That’s one of the biggest reasons we put together the Freedom First Network in the first place. There are far too many news outlets, including so-called “conservative” media companies, who are so beholden to Big Tech that they temper their perspectives at best and outright coverup the truth at worst. Many, as you all know, will blatantly lie in order to maintain the narrative that supports the radical agenda taking over much of the United States.
We have had our YouTube channel taken down. Many of our shows have been suppressed or removed by Facebook and Twitter. Spotify banned one of our shows completely from their platform. Google hates us. We’ve even been censored by some of the smaller players like Medium, Transistor, and Captivate. But we stand behind our reporting and perspectives and we refuse to bow down to Big Tech tyranny for the sake of pageviews or video plays.
This isn’t the easiest road to travel, especially for a media company that is so new. We launched Freedom First Network in 2020 to fight against the very censorship that we’re seeing so widespread today. We have found great homes for our content on freer speech platforms like Rumble and we’re putting our best efforts forward into building our presence on Locals. Nevertheless, we cannot do it alone. We need help.
One of the things cofounders Jeff Dornik and JD Rucker agreed to from the start was to never be the pawns of companies that do not embrace our worldview. Finding advertisers and affiliates is easy; we receive requests by companies wanting to be pushed on our shows every day. But it’s important to us that we’re promoting companies, services, and products that are beneficial to maintaining a Freedom First stance in America. As a result, we do not take on sponsors easily. We would rather rely on our own products like Freedom First Coffee and the support of our wonderful viewers, listeners, and readers.
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