Science and Tech

Taylor McCray: Once You Can’t Voice Opinions Contrary to the Norm, You’re No Longer Free

We are facing unprecedented times in our nation’s history. Never before have we seen this blatant of an attack against our Constitutional Rights than what has transpired since COVID-19 began in 2020. Our First Amendment Rights of free speech, worship God without restriction and peaceably assembling have been systematically stripped away hardly a peep from our supposed elected...

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The Left’s COVID-19 gaslighting is making us rethink everything… what if it’s all a facade?

“Trust the experts.” That’s the theme of the last two years. In almost every single headlines on the mainstream media’s reports or a social media fact-check article, we hear “the experts say there is no data to support this claim” or “the experts say…” Who are these experts and do all of them agree? There is an extreme...

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Former CDC Director Warns That ‘Science’ Has Turned to Thuggery and Threats While Evidence and Facts Are Ignored

Robert Redfield, a former head of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), warns that the field of science, so-called, has become little more than mass deception fueled by thuggery and threats. Article by Ethan Huff from Natural News. Anything real that might come out of it is quickly squelched, especially when a government narrative is threatened. Such...

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