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For months, President Trump has called out the potential for voter fraud through ubiquitous mail-in balloting. It’s clear that there will be tremendous challenges with mail-in balloting as the standard absentee ballots requested by some could be replaced by a full-blown mail-in balloting free-for-all. Nevertheless, both mainstream media and Democrats have tried to debunk legitimate concerns from the right in general and the President in particular.
But the President was able to not only get nearly everyone in the media talking about mail-in voter fraud, but also get his Tweets censored. How? He called on voters to mail in their ballots, then to check to see if their votes were counted by going to the polling places in person. Twitter placed warnings on two of the three Tweets in his thread.
The censored Tweets read as follows:
Based on the massive number of Unsolicited & Solicited Ballots that will be sent to potential Voters for the upcoming 2020 Election, & in order for you to MAKE SURE YOUR VOTE COUNTS & IS COUNTED, SIGN & MAIL IN your Ballot as EARLY as possible. On Election Day, or Early Voting,..
…..go to your Polling Place to see whether or not your Mail In Vote has been Tabulated (Counted). If it has you will not be able to Vote & the Mail In System worked properly. If it has not been Counted, VOTE (which is a citizen’s right to do). If your Mail In Ballot arrives….
….after you Vote, which it should not, that Ballot will not be used or counted in that your vote has already been cast & tabulated. YOU ARE NOW ASSURED THAT YOUR PRECIOUS VOTE HAS BEEN COUNTED, it hasn’t been “lost, thrown out, or in any way destroyed”. GOD BLESS AMERICA!!!
Twitter, Facebook, Democrats, and mainstream media were up in arms over it, calling out how this possibility is… wait for it… vote fraud. So after months of saying voter fraud was essentially impossible with mail-in balloting, the President was able to make them acknowledge that it’s very possible. In fact, it’s almost certain to happen if the mail-in balloting push is not stopped.
Lest we forget, any legal American voter has the opportunity to request absentee ballots. The rules for them differ from state-to-state, but at the worst one would have to give a reason for the request. So there is no “voter suppression” in the right’s desire to keep mail-in balloting off the table. With ubiquitous mail-in balloting, everyone gets a ballot mailed to them. Some get more than one. Others who may have moved or even died get one. The risk for voter fraud is tremendous with the Democrats’ plan, which is the entire point.
This was absolutely epic. By playing with Democrats’ and mainstream media’s standard operating procedure of being opposite of whatever he proposes, President Trump got them to start talking about the risks of mail-in voter fraud. Brilliant.