Day one of the Biden administration has come and gone. The following day, many gun-control activists started wondering where the promised gun control executive order was. Another day passed. A week. A month. Other than minor tweaks to policy, the Biden administration has not touched gun control.
The same can be said about the Democrat-controlled House and Senate. Neither legislative body has lifted a finger against guns in a meaningful way. This, too, has gun-control activists scratching their head. In fact, these activists have started going public with their complaints towards the White House and Capitol Hill. For once, we actually agree with them. Sort of. We don’t want any more gun control laws added to the books or restrictions added to the code, but we do wish Democrats would hurry up and try. Today, we have the upper hand as the appetite for gun control is narrow. Democrats know this.
As sickening as it sounds, they’re biding their time. They’re waiting for the next mass shooting event to take place. They know the facts don’t back their perspectives on firearms so they need the emotional push following a mass shooting in order to drive their narrative and push their agenda. And that should concern us because it’s the most effective strategy. It’s not the right strategy from the perspective of honor or fair play; an idea worth codifying should stand on its own whether there’s an emotional event surrounding it or not.
According to Cam Edwards at Bearing Arms:
The clock is ticking, in other words, and gun control groups as well as politicians like Blumenthal say they’re getting little to no guidance from the Biden administration.
While the White House focuses its efforts on the pandemic, lawmakers working on gun control have been left waiting for signals. Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) said he plans to reintroduce his universal background check bill in the coming month, though he wants to see a plan from the Biden administration first.
“I don’t think anybody’s going to move forward on strategy without hearing from the White House,” said Murphy, who plans to speak to Rice this week.
Murphy himself has said he supports Biden using his executive authority to tackle gun control. But if Democrats are going to pursue legislation, “our best chance to pass a background checks proposal is this year. I don’t want to have to wait for a mass shooting.”
I hate to say it, but I think that’s exactly what Biden is waiting for; a tragedy playing out on our television screens and social media that he hopes will have the effect of galvanizing voters, even temporarily, to back his gun control agenda in the name of public safety.
There’s one more possible reason why Biden has been slow to act on his legislative gun control agenda; he knows it’s a political loser. Biden witnessed the political aftermath of his 1994 gun ban, and I’m sure he still has a few memories of his Democratic colleagues going down to defeat in the 94 midterms still rattling around his cobweb-filled brain. Imagine the political devastation that would come from using a 51-50 vote to enact a far broader ban on the American public, all while gun sales are at record highs, concealed carry applications are soaring, and millions of Americans are embracing their Second Amendment rights for the first time in their lives.
In the latest episode of NOQ Report, JD and Tammy discussed this issue, but they spent even more time talking about the Texas situation and how nuclear power is the right solution instead of unpredictable wind or solar. They noted that a lot of blame is being put onto the fact that Texas is an isolated grid, but that’s not the reason for the cataclysmic collapse that left millions without power for days.
And in an odd twist, the married duo described their “UFO experience.” Seriously. It was quite fun.
Anyone rejoicing that Democrats haven’t made a move on gun control yet isn’t seeing the big picture. They’re waiting for the proper moment when emotion can drive their agenda. They’re waiting for a mass shooting. It’s hideous.