You won’t hear too many people talk about “conflict journalists.” We’ve heard terms “war correspondents” and “embedded journalists,” but a “conflict journalist” is different. They aren’t just riding around in Humvees like most war correspondents. They’re not just going to hotspots around the world mingling with criminal and often terrorist organizations. They’re doing it all, and Michael Yon is one of the few who rightfully exemplifies this designation.
His current assignment has him down in Panama City learning what he can about the various migrant groups heading towards the Unites States southern border. We hope to have him on to talk about that soon on the NOQ Report, but today’s episode focused on his experiences on January 6th in Washington DC when he watched Antifa and other “agent provocateurs” driving protesters to storm the Capitol Building.
He has seen this type of activity before. In fact, he said what happened on January 6th was relatively mild compared to what he’s seen in areas around the world, most recently on Hong Kong. He said what happened in DC was mild even when compared to what has been happening in American cities like Portland and Seattle. It wouldn’t have even been nearly as newsworthy if it didn’t happen in our nation’s capital in a way that drove a leftist agenda.
I asked him who he thought was behind the various provocations of riots and anarchic activity in the United States and around the world. His answer was lengthy and very telling.
“Actually I’d like to answer this in 2 different parts,” he said. “One is that there’s context all over the world where this is happening in many countries, right. It’s happening in Japan. I’ve written 3 books there in Japanese and English and the Japanese publisher wants another. They’re doing the same thing and in Japan, splitting apart, trying to for instance split off Okinawa.”
Yon is a former Green Beret. Anative of Winter Haven, Fl. he has been writing from Iraq and Afghanistan since December 2004. No other writer has spent as much time with combat troops in these two wars. His dispatches from the frontlines have earned him the reputation as the premier independent combat writer of his generation. His work has been featured on “Good Morning America,” The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, CNN, ABC, FOX, as well as hundreds of other major media outlets all around the world.
“I spent more than half of my life in other countries outside of the United States,” he continued. “Not half of my adult life but more than literally half my life in so many countries, right, and I see this now.”
He detailed how what we saw in Washington DC on January 6th is something that has been trending across the world for a while. The tactics used are so similar, one should have a hard time believing they’re not being coordinated. The question is, who’s running the overarching movement?
“So, who runs all this stuff?” he asked, repeating my inquiry. “Again, multi player game here. There’s nobody at the top of the pyramid. This is a very flat pyramid, right? I mean it goes up in a pyramid shape and then it’s got a big flat area up there with CCP of course, Russians, you’ve got Soros of course, you’ve got, you know, Democrats or whoever that want this or that, people who’re just in it for financial reasons, people that want, you know, to get money because of the color of their skin from other people because of the color of their skin.”
It all seems very similar to past ideological uprisings, including the attempt to spread Marxism at multiple times over the past 170 years. Is there a tie that binds the various radical leftist movements through modern history? Yon believes there is.
“Communism is clearly a cult,” he said. “You know there’re two things in the world that you can never go wrong with—studying mathematics and studying cults. Because cults everywhere, right, and communism is a cult. Antifa is clearly a cult. BLM is clearly a cult.”
We cannot stop the spread of extremism in America if we do not understand the motivating factors. Once we accept that Antifa, BLM, and other radical movements are cults, we can proceed to handle them appropriately.
Watch the show on Rumble or Locals, or listen to it on Apple Podcasts.