California, New York, and other leftist states are each seeing their own variations of a mass exodus. The authoritarian rule that has always been present since the modern Democrat Party made their intentions more public is driving people out. Many are conservatives or moderates who are simply seeking freer pastures, but there is also an exodus of leftists who simply cannot abide by what they helped to create through their votes.
The logical course of action for these people would be to start embracing conservative tenets after experiencing first-hand what progressives policies do. But that isn’t what states like Texas, Florida, and Arizona are seeing. Instead, they’re watching leftists fleeing their left-leaning states only to come to right-leaning states and trying to make them more leftist.
It makes no sense, of course, but logic seems to be missing. Perhaps they want to have their cake and eat it, too. Maybe they’re just gluttons for punishment. But the most likely scenario is they believe they can strike a balance between the freedom loving ideologies of their adoptive states and the radical philosophies of the places they’re fleeing. They want the financial freedom but they want more “woke” policies in place as well. They love that they can be more open with their firearms but want restrictions leveled against others. Like I said, it doesn’t make any sense.
That’s what Bobby Lopez is experiencing in his home state of Texas right now. But it isn’t just a political shift that he’s seeing. Both cultural and religious progressivism are creeping in, as he detailed in an interview he did earlier today.
he Two Mikes spoke with Mr. Lopez about the inroads being made into the government of Texas, the Texas Democrat and Republican parties, and the Mega Christian churches by the depraved sexual theories of Democratic activists.
What is common to hear about pro-depravity policies aimed at children in Los Angeles, Chicago, and New York is, according to Mr. Lopez, gradually becoming common in Texas. In working against this reality, Mr. Lopez has found that Christian churches of all kinds—but particularly the Mega-Churches—are quietly acquiescing in the growth of state-approved depravity education programs so they do not endanger their tax free status.
Mr. Lopez also discussed how the great influx of Californians, New Yorkers, and people from other blue states into Texas is quickly eroding the traditional conservative and Christian values of the state.