
Matt Couch, Mindy Robinson & Eric Matheny: Fix the broken election system or else America is done

Today we saw the vindication of all of us conservative “conspiracy theorists” with the release of the Dr Fauci emails. Since the beginning of COVID-19, we’ve been discredited, cancelled, deplatformed and censored simply for pointing out the actual science and data behind the coronavirus “pandemic.” These emails by Dr Fauci prove that we were right all along and...

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California Health Department admits mRNA COVID-19 injections cause serious heart conditions

I don’t have to harp on the fact that Big Tech, the Mainstream Media and the Globalist elites have been doing everything that they possibly can to get every single American vaccinated with the COVID-19 “vaccine.” They’ve lied, covered up the truth, censored dissenting voices and even deplatformed those of us willing to take a stand and discuss...

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House Intel Report: ‘Overwhelming’ Evidence COVID Leaked From Wuhan Lab

There is "overwhelming circumstantial evidence" backing the theory that the COVID-19 pandemic began in a lab in China, a report released Wednesday by House Intelligence Committee Republicans has concluded. Article by Art Moore from WND. Led by ranking member Rep. Devin Nunes, R-Calif., the report assesses the Wuhan Institute of Virology was secretly working with the Chinese military,...

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More Scientists Agree That Covid Came From Wuhan Lab

Researchers from a slew of top universities have signed onto an open letter agreeing that it is entirely possible that the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “escaped” from a Chinese lab. Article by Ethan Huff from Natural News. While the government’s official story is that it came from bats, experts from numerous Ivy League and other top schools say it could have...

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Senator: China playing Biden, Kerry for fools

China is playing Joe Biden and his administration for fools, pretending it's a developing country while stealing technology, using forced labor and manipulating markets to its advantage, warns a Republican senator. Article by Art Moore from WND. U.S. officials such as climate envoy John Kerry act as if the communist regime is willing to cooperate, but Beijing's ultimate...

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