
Dr Lee Merritt: You are 260 times more likely to die from COVID-19 if you’re vaccinated under the age of 39

The Mainstream Media and Big Tech are colluding to keep you from hearing the truth about COVID-19 and the corresponding “vaccines.” Anything that even remotely questions the mainstream narrative that the vaccines are completely safe with zero side effects and are completely effective is deemed as disinformation and justification to silence you by any means necessary. The reality...

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China detaining, torturing Christians until they denounce their faith: Report

A new report demonstrates what anecdotal stories have been telling us for years. The Chinese Communist Party is actively cracking down on Christians, detaining them and attempting to force them to denounce their faith in exchange for freedom. This is happening in secret facilities away from everyone, including state-run media. This is an important distinction from other, more...

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International conflict journalist Michael Yon says Antifa, BLM are ‘clearly cults’

You won't hear too many people talk about "conflict journalists." We've heard terms "war correspondents" and "embedded journalists," but a "conflict journalist" is different. They aren't just riding around in Humvees like most war correspondents. They're not just going to hotspots around the world mingling with criminal and often terrorist organizations. They're doing it all, and Michael Yon...

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Former Biden stenographer reveals trail of corruption that gave us Blinken and Sullivan

Secretary of State Tony Blinken and National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan have proven themselves to be total disasters since assuming their White House posts. Their first foray into prominent diplomacy with China was abysmal, stirring many in the nation and around the world to wonder what Joe Biden's strategy really is with the Chinese Communist Party. Their first...

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Evidence points to Covid-19 leaking from experiments on an ANTIDOTE for their bioweapon

Despite mainstream media's attempts to hide the truth, information has been trickling out for weeks that the most likely scenario regarding the origins of Covid-19 paints the Chinese Communist Party in an extremely negative light. In short, they were (are) developing an illegal bioweapon and the leak that led to the current pandemic was the result of their...

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