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The Democrats are lying to the American people left and right. This isn’t even debatable anymore. It’s simply a fact. 2020 was the year that truly exposed this fact, and then now this year it is on steroids.
2020 started out with the impeachment hoax, where the Democrats lied to the American people that Donald Trump broke laws worthy of kicking him out of office. While this was focused on a phone call with Ukraine, this was a continuation of the Russia hoax, which was yet another lie. Ever since President Trump took office the Dems have had it out for him, trying to find any way possible to get rid of him… including through lying, cheating and stealing!
Then came the COVID-19 “pandemic,” which clearly featured lie after lie. The coronavirus numbers from the very beginning were inflated, primarily to make President Trump look bad, but also to justify shutting down the economy and implement mail-in voting. The death rates have been wildly inflated, as well, as evidenced by the drop of 400,000 flu cases down to 165 total. Clearly, the testing being used is misdiagnosing the flu as COVID-19 cases.
After COVID-19 came, then we had the Black Lives Matter riots, which were based upon the lie that police are murdering unarmed black men in the streets. According to the data, however, only between 8 and 13 unarmed black men were shot and killed by police. And then, in most of the cases that caused uproars and riots during the summer of 2020, the narrative rarely panned out in favor of the BLM narrative. Lies compounded by lies.
Then came the 2020 Election, where the American people have been gaslit into thinking that this was the most secure election the history of elections. We’ve continually heard that there’s ZERO evidence of voter fraud, although that cannot be further from the truth. There is plenty of it, much of it irrefutable. But that doesn’t stop the Democrats from lying.
There are so many more lies that have been told over the past year, and Buzz Patterson and I discuss some of them during this episode of Freedom One-On-One. However, you get the point. The Democrats and the Establishment Elites are nothing more than corrupt liars that believe that the ends justify the means. Their end was eliminating Donald Trump. Thus, since they succeeded in making that happen, their lies are justified in their mind.
We cannot allow this to go unchecked. We most expose their lies and their corruption for all to see. We cannot just let this pass by as Republicans usually do. Now is the time to rise up and expose the lies and corruption of the Democrats once-and-for-all, allowing everyone to see what they truly are.
To watch the full episode of Freedom One-On-One, please click here.