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In the aftermath of the 2020 Election, we are seeing the Democrats attempt to fundamentally change America from being the nation of freedom, liberty and opportunity to authoritarianism, tyranny and socialism. We’ve especially seen this extremely authoritarianism being implemented by the liked of Gavin Newsom, Andrew Cuomo and Alleged President Joe Biden.
Unfortunately, many Americans are begging for this Socialistic Big Government… and not only that, but they are begging for more! It’s fascinating that so many American citizens have become so accustomed to freedom and take it for granted so much that they are willing to throw it all away and trade it for socialism.
We’ve seen this before, and a perfect example of this kind of spiritual blindness came with the nation of Israel. Just as our Founding Fathers left England for freedom, God brought Israel out of slavery in Egypt to live as a free people. After a few generations of living completely free without a king, they began to see that all of the other nations had a king, so they wanted one, too.
The prophet Samuel warned Israel about the dangers of trading their freedom for living under the rule of a king, but the people didn’t listen and God established Saul as King of Israel. This led to centuries of tyranny and abuse from the leadership of Israel, with the government taking control of people’s lives and implementing laws that benefited the rulers of the land.
In the same way, we are seeing a very similar circumstance within our own country. Conservatives have been warning about the dangers of socialism for years, yet Bernie Sanders, AOC and the rest of the Democrat Party have been pushing Socialism onto us for years, and people are gobbling it up, despite the evidence pointing to the fact that it will destroy lives and take away our freedoms.
The concern is that so many people can’t see past their immediate wants, that they are willing to trade their freedom for temporary comfort. They resent their freedom so much that they literally want a government that restricts them from living freely. It’s almost like they have a spiritual blindness so that they cannot see what is right in front of them.
As Conservatives, we have the truth on our side. It is incumbent upon us to faithfully proclaim the truth at every possible opportunity. We are going to have to open eyes to what is really going on and the evils of what the Democrats are attempting to do right now. America is worth fighting for. It is worth saving. Now, let’s make it happen!