Anni Cyrus is an Iranian-American human rights activist, founder of Live up to Freedom, producer of The Glazov Gang and National Director of American Truth Project. Recently Anni sat down with The Bill McIntosh Show to discuss the reality of the threat facing America in 2022-an alliance between two factions hell bent on systemic, top to bottom change in America-the Left and Islam. This is also known as the Red Green Axis. Red stands for communists and green is the color signifying Islamists.
Her biographical profile makes her particularly well suited for her mission. Anni was sold for $50 as a child bride in the Islamic Republic of Iran. Shortly prior to that at 12 she was sentenced to 75 lashes for riding in the front seat of a taxi in Iran. Escaping from her childhood in de facto sex slavery as a child bride, she escaped to Turkey and eventually found her way to freedom in America. Now an American citizen, she is a leading spokeswoman against the evils of Islam.
The mass wave of asymmetric threats both cultural and kinetic attacks against American society leaves millions of freedom loving, patriotic Americans bewildered. Anni Cyrus has important coaching to offer the nation and stated:
“The enemy isnt the left. The enemy is the alliance between the left and Islam. We go after the left all day but when it comes to Muslims we’re all like “Oh we gotta co-exist, I cannot be racist I cannot be [an] islamophobe, I’m a good Christian, I have to look away. That is where the problems are.”
She then clarifies that she isn’t targeting Muslims:
“I got no problem with Muslims. My problem is Islam. Islam is a ticking bomb sitting there for any Muslim at any point to use. Take away the tool box and we will be fine.”
Regarding approaches for patriots to use she offers her own example:
“Here’s how I fight what I fight every day. Every day I make sure to tell at least ten people every day what Islam is. Every day I tell people to open the Koran and read chapter 9. The moment you read chapter 9 you realize they aren’t here to assimilate nor they are here to become your friends.”
Chapter 9, verse 29 states: “Fight those who do not believe in God, nor in the Last Day, nor forbid what God and His Messenger have forbidden, nor abide by the religion of truth—from among those who received the Scripture—until they pay the due tax, willingly or unwillingly.”
She also cites Chapter 5 verse 51 of Koran as one more reason to be wary of Islam:
“Oh you have believed (the Muslims) do not take Christians and Jews as your allies as they are each other’s allies.”
Anni Cyrus continues:
“And then there’s my favorite, Chapter 47 verse 35: “Do not, oh Muslims, call for peace when you are superior in numbers, go forth and Allah is with you”. Stop electing Muslims in our government!”
Anni Cyrus is founder of Live Up to Freedom and is producer of the Glazov Gang. Her websites are: and