Clearly these days we are starting to see which nonprofits are good and which are bad, and which are taking advantage of the system.
The continuation of the Health Freedom Defense Fund v. US Freedom Flyers case has been met with a new lead counsel named Ana Garner.
In the interests of justice, Ms. Garner filed a brief in support of an expedited motion for change of venue from Idaho Federal Court to the North Carolina Western District.
Claiming several points to justify the change of venue in the “interest of justice”, Ana stopped by tonight to explain what they are, what evidence she has and why it matters.
From the filing:
The three areas of “interest of justice” argument are:
– Plaintiff has deliberately compromised the attorney general’s office about this case
– Plaintiff’s board members and attorney are politically and socially connected in Idaho
– Personal jurisdiction issue raised by plaintiff would be remedied by transfer Rockefeller medicine took over in the early 1900 with the Flexnor Report.
Finding ways to increase profitability over patient care has obstensively destroyed our health.
We are in a cycle of sick care. Rick and Rob Rene, brothers who own explain the history and a simple Godly solution to help with chronic pain.
Joe Biden and the Globalist Elites are tanking our economy as they seek to usher in The Great Reset. They’re using inflation to destroy the American dollar and introduce the CBDC. Now is the time to look into investing in gold and precious metals. Reach out to Our Gold Guy to see if buying gold is right for you.