News and Opinions

Teachers’ union rep nearly PASSES OUT from wearing a mask while demanding everyone wear more masks

A recent meeting of the Idaho Falls District 91 School Board of Trustees made headlines after trustee Elizabeth Cogliati, a pro-mask zealot, nearly passed out while speaking due to oxygen deprivation from wearing her mask. Article by Ethan Huff from Natural News. While shouting about how she believes mandatory mask-wearing will protect public school children from spreading the Wuhan coronavirus...

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GDP hides the damage from the Covid-19 lockdowns

Do not believe government pronouncements that the economy is rebounding from very minimal damage caused by unprecedented covid-19-inspired closures of businesses. Government will use its favorite statistic of the health of the economy to justify its actions—gross domestic product (GDP). Article by Patrick Barron from Mises. GDP is supposed to represent the total of spending on final goods...

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RFK, Jr. to Rutgers President: Covid vaccine mandate violates federal law

Rutgers University last week announced it will require all students enrolled for the 2021 fall semester to be vaccinated for COVID-19. Article from Children's Health Defense. The announcement prompted Children’s Health Defense (CHD) Chairman Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. to remind university officials that federal law prohibits mandating products approved under the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s Emergency Use Authorization (EUA). In a letter to Rutgers President Jonathan...

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Texas hits record low COVID cases, 3 weeks after lifting all pandemic restrictions

On March 2, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott announced he was lifting all government restrictions aimed at limiting the spread of COVID-19. Article by Jon Miltimore from FEE. “I just announced Texas is OPEN 100%, Abbott tweeted. “EVERYTHING. I also ended the statewide mask mandate.” Abbott’s decision caused a stir among politicians and public health experts, though numerous...

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Political economy vs. federal fairy tales

"Build Back Better” is the motto for President Biden’s ambitious plans to remake much of the American economy and society. On Wednesday in Pittsburgh, Biden will reveal his plans for trillions of dollars of new spending for infrastructure and other projects. His devotees in the national media will whoop up his proposals as the greatest thing since the New...

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Another vicious crime against an Asian caught on video in NYC subway and still no white supremacy in sight

Following the shooting murder of eight women, six of whom were of Asian descent, in Atlanta earlier this month, the narrative coming from the left and mainstream media has been that white supremacy is the primary cause of anti-Asian hate crimes across the country. The suspect in the Atlanta attacks is a white male and anti-Asian crimes have...

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