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The Democrats have positioned themselves as the party of compassion and helping those less fortunate. They’ll seek out anyone that can claim that they are a victim, take their side of the argument and posture as the defenders of the abused. In reality, nothing could be further from the truth.
One glaring example of this is the fight over illegal immigration and Donald Trump’s border wall. The Left claims that The Wall is racist because it targets minorities attempting to come to America from places like Mexica, Central America and South America. Clearly, they’ll claim, Donald Trump is a racist and hates Latino people. I mean, why doesn’t he build a wall at the Canadian border, which is made up of primarily white people? How about the fact that Canadians aren’t sneaking across the border?
While the mainstream media narrative is that Donald Trump is a racist, and anyone who believes in the wall is not being compassionate to these poor illegal immigrants who are simply trying to come to America to make a better life for themselves, this narrative could not be further from the truth. In fact, the most compassionate thing that we can do for these illegal aliens are to shut down the border once-and-for-all.
Yes, shutting down the border will frustrated a lot of these people fleeing their home countries for a better life in America. However, it is actually what is best for them. Sometimes what is best for someone is not doing what they want. It’s looking past the immediate desires to what the right thing to do is. In this case, the best thing to do is completely shut down illegal immigration immediately. This is the most compassionate thing that we can do for these immigrants.
By strongly defending the border and making it impossible for illegals to cross the border, we would actually be taking the power away from the cartels and coyotes that are using, abusing and profiting off the backs of these people coming to the US. Keeping the border open will continue to keep the power and control in the hands of the cartels.
Want to shutdown the drugs being smuggled into our country across the border? Shut down the border. Want to protect women from getting raped by the cartels and coyotes as they attempt to enter our country? Shut down the border. Want to take a big chunk out of sex trafficking? Shut down the border. Want to take away financial resources from these criminal enterprises? Shut down the border.
The Democrats try to make it seem like they are keeping the border open so that refugees and asylum seekers can enter our country. However, by doing so, they are simply allowing multi-billion dollar criminal enterprises and gangs to run rampant without any pushback. Women will continue to be sexually abused. People will be left to die in the middle of the desert. They’ll be fleeced for all of their money. All because the Democrats refuse to cut the cartels off at the knees. It’s almost as if they are working on behalf of these criminal enterprises.