If you were to listen to the mainstream media, which I do not recommend, you would think that the COVID-19 vaccine is a miracle drug that has zero side effects and protects you from getting and spreading the coronavirus. Social media is filled with everyone posting their “vaccine selfie” as they get their shot, virtue signaling to the world that they are doing their part to save humanity.
Big Tech and Social Media have also done their part in pushing the pro-vax narrative, making sure that their algorithms and recommended stories promote and encourage people to get their vaccines, all while suppressing, deleting and even deplatforming content that raises any type of concern, no matter how legitimate they might be. In this new world of 2021, disinformation is considered anything that goes against the globalist narrative.
Given the fact that we live in a free nation with a Constitutional Right that gives us the freedom of speech, you would think that Americans would be free to share their views freely, without restriction. Unfortunately, if that’s what you thought, you would be wrong. In today’s version of “America,” your speech is not protected and the powers-that-be do not recognize the authority of the Constitution of the United States of America.
However, an interesting aspect this conversation is what is being censored. There are numerous doctors that I have personally spoken to that have been censored, suppressed or completely kicked off of social media for raising concerns about the face mask mandates, lockdowns and the COVID-19 vaccines. Think about this for a second… a 20-something tech nerd sitting in front of a computer in Silicon Valley is overriding the medical expertise of doctors with decades of study and experience, simply because they disagree with them. That is a scary world to live in!
For me personally, the biggest concern that I have with the COVID-19 vaccine is that it is not FDA approve and has not gone through proper testing. One of my biggest criticisms of Donald Trump’s presidency was making the vaccines available on an emergency use basis, which gave way for hundreds of millions of Americans to be injected with an experimental drug. Due to the wording being used (FDA approved for emergency use), Americans think that what is being injected into their bodies is perfectly safe. The sad reality is that we do not know whether it is or not, due to the fact that it has not gone through the proper testing to know the long-term effects.
Many people have been posting that they got their vaccine three weeks ago and have not had any side effects. That’s great and all, but my concern is what will happen in five years. Will there be future birth defects, rare disease contracted or will your body simply attack itself, as have been suggested by multiple medical doctors doing research on the science of these vaccines.
Now, everything is speculative today… simply because these vaccines have not been properly tested. Even the FDA has on their website that there are no FDA-approved vaccines to prevent or treat COVID-19. If you get the “vaccine,” which technically isn’t even a vaccine, you sign that you wave your right to sue if there are any side effects. Essentially, the manufacturers have ZERO accountability for the effectiveness or safety of what you are injecting into your body.
After all of this consideration, however, I’m left with this thought: Should Big Tech and Social Media companies be held responsible if any of the concerns by COVID-19 vaccine critics turn out to be true? Think about it: they’ve suppressed this information and kept the American people from seeing it. Instead of allowing everyone to see both sides of the argument and make up their own minds, they’ve forced one particular narrative down our throats, taking away our ability to make decisions that we believe are best for us and our families.
I would argue that they should be held liable for any negative effects from these vaccines. They’ve brainwashed and misled people into thinking that there are no potential dangers for getting these injections. They view us as nothing more than dumb and blind sheep that cannot think for ourselves. By taking that approach, they are responsible if anything does go wrong.
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