Today, The Two Mikes spoke to Dr. Lawrence Sellin, an expert On China and its CCP regime about Covid.
Dr. Sellin recently retired from a career in international business and medical research, which was preceded by a 29-year career in the U.S. Army, including tours in Afghanistan and Iraq.
The Two Mikes mostly listened as Dr. Sellin related the following from what a person he described as a trusted source in China.
By early 2019 a complete sample of Covid 19 was produced — with financial help from Dr. Fauci’s organization — by the Peoples’ Liberation Army (PLA) and the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
The Covid was tested on some of the participants in the Military World Games from October 18–27, 2019; a U.S. military team participated in the Games.
In response to the suggestion that the disease be tried out at the games, a PLA officer agreed saying, “Let the white pigs have some.”
The apparent test at the Games not only allowed the Chinese to witness immediate response to the contagion, but guaranteed that the soldiers would carry it back to their home countries, where consequences would be observable.
The reporting source noted that Covid is a low lethality but easily communicable disease.
This seems to suggest that senior leaders of Western governments and health organizations knew of the the introduction of Covid, and that, because of its low lethality potential, they took actions — lockdowns, facemasks, ventilators, forbidding effective treatment with HydroxyChloroquine and Ivermectin, pushing seniors into Elder Care facilities to die, endless lies and double-talk from the likes of Fauci and Birx, and, finally, killer experimental drugs deceitfully called vaccines.
Dr. Sellin’s article can be read at:
Dr. Sellin’s previous conversation with the Two Mikes is located at: