Today, The Two Mikes again interviewed Dr. Lawrence Sellin about a troubling and very proactive article he just published. Dr. Sellin wrote about a possible situation in which the Arizona and other state audits prove, beyond doubt, Trump easily beat Biden in the November, 2020 election and the Democrats refuse to concede and turn over power.
Dr. Sellin argues that The United States have not had a precedent of such a turnover, but that the Constitution provides for such a situation by vesting power over election to the governments of the states. If the audits prove Biden lost, the audited states can simply recall their participants in the Electoral College and instruct them to vote for Trump.
This process is constitutional, quick, and definitive, but will the Democrats concede defeat or will they try to hang onto to power or use their allies in the military, the FBI, etc., against those seeking the Biden government’s removal. If they take either of those tacks, what do loyal Americans do? Are there enough loyal military personnel, U.S. Marshals, and National Guard units to quickly remove the Democrats? Who knows?
What seems clear is that the status quo must not stand. All of Trump’s voters and increasing numbers of Biden supporters recognize that the Democrats and their allies hate Americans — see the citizens being murdered by the vaccines, the un-vaxxed being attacked and discriminated against by the Democrats’ media and medical mafias, and those who are left stranded in Afghanistan — and these people will likely act against the Biden administration and its allies if the available constitutional remedy is not employed.
The bottom line is that if the results of the audits prove Biden did not win last November, Americans cannot permit the country to fall into a long period of confusion, court proceedings, and domestic violence. The matter must be settled quickly and definitively by removing the Democrats. A prolonged period of confusion will surely cause Biden’s Chinese owners to try to retake Taiwan, or, perhaps, even the United States itself.
Dr. Sellin’s excellent article can be found at:
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