Heather Carter sat down with the Bill McIntosh Show to discuss her book Soul Selfie and the dismal moral state of our social media obsessed society. The book deals with her reflections that were deeply affected by her affliction with cancer and her realization about what’s really important namely NOT politics but bigger issues about our own redemption through focusing on what’s truly meaningful-Faith in God, devotion to family and helping build bridges to others who have no inclination to set foot in a Christian church. If this important work of sowing seeds is not done by us then by whom? If not now, then when? Finally if not here then where?
Honesty is sorely lacking today and that problem is seen front and center with the phony “Facebook scandal” conveniently brought to us by former employee Frances Haughen who, behind the smokescreen concern for suicidal thoughts among teens who are agitated by all the negativity that fuels that social media megasite, also tells America the really big message from the Left, with sniffles nearly audible across the land, that Facebook not only drives teens to suicide but Americans in general to insurrection!
This latter calamity is due to its supposedly egregious and ever so hasty shut down of its phony election integrity and misinformation task force of loathsome censors who suppressed enormous pro Trump groups like Trump Train 2020 (just to cite one) with its million plus followers that was deleted by woke fascists in the blink of an eye and millions of patriotic Americans just trying to communicate their reasoning about the dire threats posed by the Left.
Thus, as the breathless and indignant Haughen maintained, America was nearly toppled by a frat style riot at the Capitol by flag waving storm troopers reacting to dog whistle phrases like “peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard” which was (in the left’s eternal difficulty understanding plain English) supposedly secret code language that really must have meant: “beat up cops, hang Democrats after you give them a beating and name Three Percenters as electors for Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, Nevada, Georgia and a few other states to proclaim me, Donald Trump, as the winner!” The gist message at the heart of the Frances Haugen 60 Minutes sham revelations? Why the establishment needs to continue to censor conservatives before elections!
Oddly just as Facebook was shut down on October 4th there was another insider talking to the media and that video expose interview of Shawn Speagle was on Patrick Bet David’s Valuetainment channel. That was a real and shocking expose with no political agenda visible whatsoever. It was an indictment on Facebook and devastating. Have any doubt? Watch it below.
Of course Frances Haughen was about as legitimate a whistleblower as AOC was a victim when she cried that: “I hear the GOP thinks women dancing are scandalous. Wait till they find out Congresswomen dance too!” Republicans supposedly exploded in fury to her cutesy college dance on a roof video when she was newly elected and in her first weeks in Washington DC.
What may have really shut down Facebook was a much forgotten but totally damning interview by Patrick Bet David of Valuetainment of former Facebook contract sensitive content moderator Shawn Speagle who truly exposed facebook over the utterly appalling video content uploaded by FB users dealing with pedophilia, bestiality, sexual abuse, violence and extreme animal cruelty. Even worse is that Facebook higher ups know about it all and often dither about contacting law enforcement and/or simply tolerate the posts out of concerns over cultural diversity instead of taking them down immediately.
There is however a larger issue behind it all, namely that the world in general and America with it is racing downhill to hell on skateboards. Admittedly this message seems impertinent when such outrages that Shawn Speagle described begs the question as to why Facebook execs are not in prison. Please bear with the writer. We are in the midst of a tsunami of immoral filth that requires all hands on deck to deal with our corrupt society person by person and build bridges to people unmoored and unchurched and to bring them to their senses.
Author Heather Carter discusses this in the interview and urges us to look inward and to reach out to others as she did. Millions are in need of Christian concern-many are leftists who may take time to see the light but one must make the effort. While this may seem unsatisfying, what will Christ say to us if we’ve spent hundreds of hours attacking the left without trying to reach out to them as people who need our best virtues of kindness and nobility on display to assist them in coming to the truth. Eventually beams of light can break through the darkness in their lives.
The story of the late ex communists Whitaker Chambers (who later exposed Communists in the US government) or Bella Dodd who did aggressive work helping Stalin to infiltrate communists into seminaries should encourage our diligent efforts. These communists eventually became disenchanted and thanks to Christians, came to their senses and revealed the truth about the evil plans and tactics of the left. Nevertheless, remember that the enemy with horns is just as happy to win damnation for souls through parental neglect, selfishness or left wing political activism and their policy victories. Much work remains to be done at home, at work and online.
Heather Carter’s website is https://heathercarterwrites.com/
See the REAL Facebook expose here. Do NOT let children hear it nor others at your work place-it is beyond shocking. https://youtu.be/GlTWIAFyjd4