The fact that the media, Silicon Valley, academia, celebrities and members of your own family are converging almost on cue seems nothing less than demonic and their favorite weapon is often CANCELLATION, or in a word, Cancel Culture that seeks to buffalo people, companies, institutions and groups to apologize, change course, renounce long held values, statuary, traditions and stated beliefs in the interests of placating a thoughtless horde created and grown through social media, big tech and our schools. Who is their biggest friend? Big government. Who stands in the way of big government and the cancel culture movement that lines up behind them and cherishes totalitarian government solutions to perceived injustices? Joe Dallas explains:
“A robust healthy church, a robust healthy Christian population, is big government’s worst nightmare, Big government wants to create dependency, it wants to create compliance. Christianity encourages individualism,it encourages enterprise, it encourages independence….so inevitably if we are living out lives with our primary and sole allegiance to God and then to our family, and then as good citizens. also to the government so long as we dont have to choose between God and man, why if we are living that out at some point there’s going to be a clash inevitably between the church and the government. ”
The fighters of the Cancel Culture mob work at both a high level and at the grass roots. What do they seek to achieve? To convince one and all including Christians to join their bandwagon. “The church is being targeted for conversion because the advocates of expanded government know that one of the biggest road blocks to their complete control, is the population of faith”
Besides Hollywood, media and big tech, the worst culprits have to be educators who are dead set on indoctrinating children attending over priced colleges and universities who get brainwashed and then wage war at home, confronting Christian values and American culture in arguments against their own parents and family members when they return on vacation or during holidays. Joe Dallas explains the unfolding challenge to Christians:
”The modern Christian is facing two very difficult fronts , one is with the culture at large when the culture is trying to persuade us that we need to change our position on abortion. human sexuality, the definition of marriage, the definition of sex, the definition of racism and so forth, we’re feeling the tension of the culture …in our own homes our sons or daughters come home from the university and say “Mom, Dad I’ve learned that you’re a racist because you’re White…I want to transition from a male to a female and I am demanding that you celebrate my transition…those are he conversations that hit the hardest…thats why I wrote that book Christians in a Cancel Culture, it’s written to equip people to have the personal dialogue”
Joe’s book is like a manual, a who, what and how for responding in these discussions with family and others concerning sexual issues, the gay lifestyle, transgenderism, the systemic racism canard and prolife topics that he has dealt with in his over 30 years of counseling people, especially the young, with issues pertaining to living their Christian faith and pushing back against hedonistic values and lifestyles. Joe Dallas and his wife run a Tustin, California counseling ministry called Genesis Counseling and are near ground zero in the state that pushes America ever leftward.
”We’re not looking for a fight we really aren’t. Christians, by and large are responding when we are pressured to give an answer for what we believe or when we are being pressured into compliance with something we can’t go along with”. Joe Dallas’s book, Christians in a Cancel Culture. The WHO, WHAT, and HOW of Responding to Those Who Want to Silence You can be obtained on pre-order here at this link