Two Mikes spoke this afternoon with the American singer, a pro-Trump, Christian conservative, and the author of the best selling book, Kick-Ass Conservative, Ms. Joy Villa.
Ms. Villa is on a lengthy visit to South Africa and has been hard at work with a number of charity organizations there. Ms. Villa does not claim to be an expert on South Africa, but she was good enough to offer her observations of conditions in that troubled but still hopeful country.
With the Western media covering virtually nothing about South Africa, Ms. Villa provides an interesting “one-person’s view” of the country that was once the economic powerhouse of the entire African continent.
This can be a lesson for us here in America, as we witness the Democrats literally destroying the very fabric of our society. What made America so great from an economic standpoint was the Freedom and Liberty within our economic system.
America was once the manufacturing leader of the world, with the most innovation and propelling the world economy to great heights. Now, the Democrats and Establishment Republicans have taken us down a path with a feeble and weakened United States economy that is one wrong move from irreversible damage.
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