Tennessee has been the target of several transvestite protests and violent attacks due to the opposition of bills that end the behavior to be pushed upon children. Quite frankly, this is occurring in traditionally conservative states abroad. Tennessee has eyes upon it because there has been an uptick in violent criminal activity from this group committing mass murder with guns.
Immediately you must realize that this is occurring because the transvestites are the weapon. The group is the most mentally ill of all due to their confusion and/or fetish with gender. We know this because they have the highest suicide rates of the self-attributed alphabet spectrum.
Their group has never been harmfully marginalized. In our live and let live world they were allowed to participate in these behaviors without threat. Yet, with their elevation to acceptance through social justice they have been given a false sense of normality. Therefore, with the culture rot, they parade themselves in the streets and force their ideology and religion upon children.
The situation became out-of-hand enough for people to push back. Rightly so. The behavior should not be validated, accepted, and normalized.
However, because of the normalization of aberrant behavior through the moral collapse of society they can change any term to meet their own perceived definitions. That term is genocide.
Their belief, through brainwashing since youth, is that opposition and elimination of an unacceptable behavior is the same as eradicating a people group through murder. Therefore, the group is activated to violence in the false sense that they are being killed rather than corrected.
The elitists, Marxists, leftists, globalists, technocrats, and other anti-American groups know this. That’s why they do this and activate them to collapse the American landscape so they can rebuild in their image.
We must remain vigilant and keep fighting back despite the shock troop violence. Do not relent. Stand strong because the moral collapse will entangle with the other agitations and collapses.