It’s clear for any sane observer to see that Dr Anthony Fauci is covering up the truth regarding COVID-19. He’s been all over the place, never providing any actual science or data to support his wild and ever-changing claims regarding this “pandemic.”
Congress and the Mainstream Media, for the most part, has not fulfilled its job in oversight in regards to COVID-19. They’ve looked up to Dr Fauci as the prophet sent to us from God Himself to provide the truth about this new virus that’s taken over the world. They’ve made him out to be a saint, instead of the likely corrupt criminal government official that he truly is.
One of the few exceptions has been Senator Rand Paul, who has proven himself to be on the right side of history regarding the insanity surrounding COVID-19. As someone with a background in the medical field, he’s been able to read the science and medical journals and challenge Dr Fauci’s narrative throughout this entire charade. While it’s been entertaining to watch, it’s also vitally important to the future of our country.
Senator Paul has exposed the fact that Dr Fauci funded gain of function research at the Wuhan Lab. This led to dangerous developments in new viruses, where they took diseases from animals, performed experiments on them and often times even used aborted fetal cells to create a virus that can crossover to infect humans. This is extremely dangerous because it is a genetically created virus that the human body won’t know how to combat.
Dr Fauci has denied that this occurred, although the facts are indisputable. As you can see in his exchange with Senator Paul, he tried to deflect by attempting to circumvent the real issues. He feigns being offended at the very notion that he could be responsible for the deaths of people around the world because of his involvement in the Wuhan Lab. He throws every type of deflective argumentation that he can in order to change the subject or pretend like he’s not responsible.
When push comes to shove, however, it’s obvious that he was deeply involved in the development of COVID-19 by illegally using government money to find these controversial (at best) experiments in the Wuhan Lab, which is run by the Chinese Communist Party, and enemy of the United States of America.
With reports now that over 45,000 people have died from the COVID-19 injections just in the last few months, this falls directly onto the shoulders of Dr Fauci. It’s obvious that he’s repeatedly lying and misleading the American people. The question is, why would he do that? Why would he lie to us instead of trying to save as many people as possible?
Think about it… he’s not worried about lying to Congress. Historically, very few people have been prosecuted for lying to Congress… think Hillary Clinton and James Comey. He’s not worried about being prosecuted for lying. He’s worried about being prosecuted for his involvement and coverup of the development of COVID-19. He’s facing much more serious ramifications for his involvement developing COVID-19 instead of simply lying to Congress.