With Mike Lindell’s Cyber Symposium breaking down how the machines were used to hack the 2020 Election, Election Fraud is on the minds of millions of conservatives across the country. At the same time, I think that we often times forget that those outside of our own little bubble have no idea what’s actually going on or don’t think that there’s validity to the claims.
This is the danger of the Mainstream Media and Big Tech’s control over the information that we receive. This has led to even Republicans downplaying the fact that the 2020 Election was stolen. A perfect example of this is the California Recall Election.
As we all know, Gavin Newsom is being recalled for being a horrific governor. He’s locked down the state and destroyed people’s lives by closing their businesses and taking away their jobs, all while he hangs out with his Medical Lobbyist buddies at the French Laundry. He’s stripped us of our Constitutional Rights without a second thought, and is shocked that anyone would have anything bad to say about that. He deserves to be recalled, for sure… if not prosecuted for his behavior.
However, the question is whether we can actually recall Newsom. JD Rucker and I broke a story over the weekend about how California now has a Print-At-Home Ballot that can be downloaded on your computer, printed and sent in. This was supposed to be only for those with disabilities, out of the country or those impacted by COVID-19. Now it’s simply available to everybody.
It’s important to understand that the way that the 2020 Election was stolen was a multi-layered strategy. It wasn’t just hacking the machines. It wasn’t just stuffing ballots. It wasn’t just printing fraudulent ballots. It wasn’t just changing the rules. It was just the algorithms. It was everything combined.
So when it comes to California’s Print-At-Home Ballots, the concerns is that it is making the election immune to a forensic audit. The reason we caught them cheating in Arizona was because all the ballots were supposed to be printed on official ballot paper, yet hundreds of thousands of ballots were printed on standard printer paper. They got caught because anybody with eyes to see could tell that it was not official ballot paper.
These Print-At-Home Ballots will make it impossible to decipher between legitimate and fraudulent ballots in a forensic audit. That’s the danger here. And Republicans need to wake up and see that this is yet another power grab by the Democrats to hold onto power indefinitely.
Yet, besides Larry Elder posting about it a single time, no one seems to care that this is going on. In fact, the narrative coming out of the Republican Party is to not worry about Election Fraud, we can deal with that after the election. The main focus needs to be to get people out and vote. I disagree with that strategy.
We can actually do two things at once. We can get out the vote AND expose election fraud at the same time. I don’t want to see a repeat of the 2020 Election where the GOP could have prevented a lot of the fraud but refused to confront it until it was too late after the election.
And for those that claim that Lin Wood suppressed the vote in Georgia, you are shifting the blame onto the wrong person. The reason Republicans lost the Senate run-off in Georgia was not because of Lin Wood, but because the Republicans refused to fix the election system in that state.
So, when it comes to California, we need the candidates to raise awareness about this Print-At-Home voting and the potentials for serious voter fraud that is virtually impossible to catch. We can do that while turning out the vote.
In fact, as an individual citizen, you actually have the power to expose voter fraud simply by voting. You see, the reason why we were able to catch them stealing the 2020 Election across the country is because Donald Trump won by such a landslide margin that they had to overextend themselves in order to over-compensate for just how large of a lead he had. This is where they got caught.
We can do the same thing in California. Make the actual results of the election so overwhelming in recalling Gavin Newsom that if they are going to cheat, they have to over-extend themselves to the point of getting exposed. That only works, however, if the Republicans grow a spine, get in the game and commit to exposing voter fraud.
We can do two things at once. Make sure you vote, but also expose the fraud. We’ll never win unless we do both. We’ll lose if we only focus on the fraud. We’ll also lose if we only focus on turning out the vote. It’s going to take both to win.