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Today is the day that the Electoral College casts their vote for President of the United States of America. The Mainstream Media, Big Tech and the Democrat Party are pushing the narrative that this is the end of President Donald Trump’s fight to get a second term in the White House. In reality, this could not be further from the truth. The fight has only just begun!
The claim that this election has been decided and that there’s no evidence of voter fraud is nothing more than propaganda coming out of the Fake News Mainstream Media. We, as Conservatives and Americans, must continue to fight to expose the widespread Voter Fraud that is clear for anyone to see simply by looking at the evidence. The problem is that some Conservatives are beginning to lose heart and drop out from the fight. Now is not the time to wave the white flag!
Even within the Evangelical Christian movement, we are seeing our leaders condemn Donald Trump and his supporters for pressing on in this fight. Beth Moore came out with a Twitter thread condemning “Trumpism”, saying that there is nothing “more astonishingly seductive & dangerous to the saints of God than Trumpism. This Christian nationalism is not of God. Move back from it.” The Evangelical movement used to be a conservative base, but that has changed over Trump’s first term in office, especially in light of the fact that the Southern Baptist Convention, of which Moore is a part of, has been taking money from globalists like Paul Singer and George Soros.
Pastor Greg Locke had the perfect response on Twitter to this ungodly statement by Beth Moore: “Ma’am, you’ve honest to God lost your mind. This trashy rhetoric is why America is in the place that she is. You say ‘move away’. I rebuke you in the name of Christ. You are NO friend to babies, Israel, religious Liberty or the nuclear family. SIT DOWN.”
If we want to see America come back to One Nation Under God, we must not give up. If we want to see our great nation promote the American Dream again, we cannot wave the white flag. If we want to Make America Great Again, we MUST continue to press forward, exposing this election for what it truly was: A Rigged Election.
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