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“Sometimes people don’t want to hear the truth because they don’t want their illusions destroyed.” -Friedrich Nietzsche
The left has overplayed their hand once again, they realize what it is that is the only thing that really truly unifies them, the only thing that is keeping them from eating their own. That is their hatred for Donald Trump, they can’t possibly think of what a life without him would look like or how it is that they would even function as a unified party, therefore they must keep that hatred alive. This is one of the only reason’s they pushed forward with the impeachment charges.
They are so absolutely afraid of what it is that Donald Trump stood for in regards to the freedom of the individual that the only solution they had was to eliminate him from the playing field completely. Not only would this silence him, and the great many things that he accomplished through his policy, such as the economic growth, long term peace in the Middle East, and moving the embassy for Israel to Jerusalem.
The Left can not come to terms that gas prices were low, and their paychecks were bigger, that unemployment was at an all time low, because if they came to terms with the truth about the era of Trump, their illusion of the world would be destroyed, and the unity of the Democratic Party along with it. Not only did this impeachment sham keep them from doing anything potentially damaging, it made Trump once again look untouchable, walking away with another acquittal, a two time champ.
Jeff Dornik joins us for our news wrap up episode of the week discussing this impeachment sham as well as some tough words spoken by Nikki Haley in regards to Trumps criticism in regards to how Pence handled the certification of the election on January 6th. Did she end up going to far or was what she was saying justified in some sort of way, we handle this issue with a few different perspectives.
President Biden eases up on China in the power industry, pushing through electronic transformers that are manufactured in China to be shipped to the United States. One of our nations most threatening enemies is now having a direct impact on our electric grid posing a massive threat to the United States. Could this lead to an EMP attack, or something far worse or more nefarious and why is this being so hushed over may of the different news outlets?
Finally Gina Carano is fired from Disney Plus in her role in “The Mandalorian” for some tweets she made referencing the dehumanization of people with different political ideologies. Coming close to seeing an end to her career through the Lefts weapon of Cancel Culture, the right fights back as Ben Shapiro with The Daily Wire hires on Gina to produce and star in their new upcoming feature film. Is this the start of conservatives cancelling cancel culture? What can we do within our own communities? In the words of Gina Carano, “They can’t cancel us if we don’t let them.”
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