Today, The Two Mikes spoke with Ms. Maura Moynihan, the daughter of the late U.S. Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan and renowned journalist and a leading South Asia commentator in her own right. Our conversation was a long and interesting one and will be published into two installments.
Ms. Moynihan provided an especially interesting explanation of the regional importance of Tibet, which — unlike the impression given in the media — was a huge geographical area when the Chinese annexed it, and in which the 5 main rivers of South Asia rise.
The Chinese made twelve provinces out of Tibet’s territory and have oppressed the native Tibetans ever since. President Obama ordered U.S. public support for the Tibetans to be cut to the bone during his terms and that is one of the reasons Tibet is now seldom heard of in the U.S, media. Appeasing Communist China, apparently, did not start with the Biden Administration.
We also discussed what Senator Moynihan described and condemned decades nearly fifty years ago as his own party’s plans to destroy “Negro family life” via its welfare program. That destruction, of course, is now reality and yet much of the Black population votes Democratic, while the party continues to exploit and then ignore them between presidential elections.
We also discussed the collapse of the nation’s university system — especially the Ivy League — into a odorous morass that now teaches arrogance, theory, ideology, and hubris rather than substance.
Ms. Moynihan was a wonderful and wonderfully informed and opinionated guest and we look forward to her return in the not too distant future.
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