Anthony Fauci is a mass-murderer. He needs to be be fired, arrested and prosecuted for crimes against humanity. This is the case that Senate Candidate Jackson Lahmeyer made during this episode of The Jeff Dornik Show.
We’ve all seen the flip-flopping of the guy who claims that he’s the arbiter of science, yet it’s clear that he’s making it all up on the fly. Many of us in the anti-vaxx crowd often times cite the many injuries and deaths that have occurred as a result of the vaccines. However, that’s barely the tip of the iceberg.
I would make the argument that not only is Fauci directly responsible for the “vaccine” deaths because of his continual insistence that they are perfectly safe and the refusal to warn Americans of the dangers of these rushed-to-market injections, but he’s also directly responsible for the covid “pandemic” we are facing as a nation, that has taken millions of lives around the world.
Think about it, Rand Paul has proven for anyone to see that Tony Fauci was funding gain-of-function research at the very lab where the virus came out of. Additionally, he’s continually attempted to divert everyone’s attention away from the actual source, praying that people buy into the lie that this virus was nothing more than naturally developed.
Because of his refusal to acknowledge the actual source of the virus, more than likely to protect himself, millions of people have died because the world leaders and the medical community have not been able to properly understand the nature of this beast.
Clearly there are multiple serious claims of corruption and lying by the supposed “doctor” that have directly resulted in the deaths of not only American citizens, but people worldwide. The question is: Why does Anthony Fauci still have a job?
As Jackson Lahmeyer so articulately stated, Fauci should be fired immediately. He should also be arrested and prosecuted for his many crimes against humanity that he’s committed throughout this supposed covid “pandemic”.
In closing, I asked Jackson what we can do to fix the current covid and vax mandates that are coming down the pipeline, he had a very interesting answer. While he’s been leading the charge in signing tens of thousands of religious exemptions as a pastor of his local church, the way to fix the tyranny we face here in America actually has nothing directly to do with covid.
Jackson’s solution to the tyranny we are facing from the Biden Administration is actually Election Integrity. When you think about it, that actually makes sense. You see, we would never be facing “vaccine” mandates had the 2020 Election not been stolen from Donald Trump. The only reason the Democrats feel empowered to act with such unconstitutional authoritarianism is because they know they can cheat to win elections and get away with it.
This is exactly why Jackson Lahmeyer decided to jump into the ring and run for Senate, challenging Republican Senator James Lankford. Leading up to January 6th, Lankford claimed that he could not vote to certify the Arizona electors. Yet, when push came to shove, he actually went back on his word and did so.
The result of the fraudulent certification of the 2020 Election that tragic day has had widespread ramifications, including the out-of-control Fauci who literally does not believe we have inalienable rights give to us by God which cannot be taken away by the government.
Guys, we’ve got a country to save. It starts with us taking personal responsibility on the local level, getting into positions of leadership in our communities. After that, we need to support America First candidates like Jackson Lahmeyer. I was extremely impressed with him during this interview. I am sure that you’ll be, as well.
For information on Jackson and to get involved in his campaign by visiting
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